Journey to the West: Swallowing Giant Panda

Chapter 233 Shangling Mountain

Chapter 233 Shangling Mountain

"Master Guanyin!!!"

In Lingshan, in the Daxiong Palace, a roar that suppressed the fire of anger completely lowered the air pressure in the entire Lingshan.

The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who are in the Daxiong Palace wish to hide themselves in the cracks of the ground, for fear of being discovered by others.Those outside of the Daxiong Palace did not dare to make any changes.

The atmosphere of Buddhism has always been peaceful, at least on the surface everyone is peaceful.

There are things that can anger the Buddha, but they are relatively rare in these thousands of years.In particular, the one who made the mistake was one of the Four Great Bodhisattvas of Buddhism. The last time this happened was when Jin Chanzi was relegated?
"My Buddha." Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva clasped his hands together, lowered his eyebrows and looked pleasing to the eyes.

"This seat asks you, do you pay attention to the matter of learning scriptures? Do you know how great the great cause of my Buddhism is? Do you know that the two saints have paid attention to it? How much painstaking effort did thousands of Buddhist disciples spend in my Buddhist sect? How could you be so derelict???"

Duobao Tathagata really couldn't stop the anger in his heart this time.

To put it bluntly, he didn't pay attention to what happened to the Buddhist school.But he must be concerned about learning from scriptures.This is not only related to the interests of Buddhism, but also actually about his own interests.

If there is really any mistake in the matter of learning the scriptures, he can let the two Buddhist sages swallow them alive.Not only that, but his own cultivation has reached an extreme. If he does not rely on luck and merit to advance, he may have reached the apex.

However, with such repeated orders and repetitions, the Buddhist school attached so much importance to it, that it was almost ruined by Avalokitesvara's dereliction of duty? ? ?

"The disciple is wrong!"

Guanyin is also helpless, why as long as I don't check for a while, there will always be accidents with the Journey to the West five-member group?

The mutton fat jade bottle is lost, so is it possible that she doesn't need to sacrifice a new one?
Up and down is less than a month's time in the South China Sea, she went to sacrifice a magic weapon, and learned the scriptures along the way to make such a big thing?Avalokitesvara said that she was also wronged.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva" stared at her with a dangerous look: "If you tell me today in this great hall that you are incompetent for this matter, then my Buddhist sect must find a Bodhisattva who is capable of doing this. Not a problem."

"Disciple." As soon as these words came out, Guanyin panicked.

Although since the panda intervened, the matter of learning from the scriptures has begun to become less smooth.But after all, she has been planning for hundreds of years, if she finds someone to replace her at this time.Could it be that I have worked so hard for hundreds of years to make the wedding dress, and finally let someone else take it?
Not only does he have no part in meritorious luck, but he has already done all the things that offended people in the early stage, and he almost quit by himself when he was waiting to pick peaches.

"The disciple assured me that this time must be the last time. If there is another negligence in the future, the disciple is willing to take the blame and quit."

"I hope you will remember what you said today. Since Xuanzang started his journey to the west, you have been in a lot of situations. I will not pursue the previous ones. After all, you are not the only one who made mistakes. But if this is still the case in the future, I hope you will Don't continue talking in this Great Hall of Great Heroes."

For the first time, Tathagata's kind and compassionate face was filled with endless anger.

Learning scriptures is of great importance, and it is related to the future of several saints and himself, and there must be no mistakes in the slightest.

"Apologize to my Buddha, the god of law enforcement is asking to see you outside the door!"

When Avalokitesvara was embarrassed and Tathagata's anger gradually subsided, King Kong on duty suddenly walked in and clasped his hands together and said.

"Huh? Law enforcement god?" Tathagata was stunned for a moment, but he didn't come and figure out why the panda came.With a wave of his hand: "Let him in."

When the panda staggered in, he saw Tathagata still had his usual complexion, but Guan Yin's complexion was not so pretty.

I smiled slightly in my heart, I think this should be the same as the previous boss reprimanding the employees, right?

"I have seen the Tathagata Buddha!" ​​Panda clasped his hands together, facing a quasi-sage and the leader of a huge sect, the panda had no reason not to show a respectful attitude.


First, he chuckled a few times, and Tathagata showed his merciful look: "The God of Law Enforcement is a rare visitor. For hundreds of years, you have been working so hard in the Three Realms. I don't know how you have time to come to my west today?"

Panda also smiled: "Your majesty entrusts me with the priesthood. Naturally, I dare not come to the west to disturb the Buddha's meditation. It's just because this matter is really important, so I took the liberty to come here. Please don't blame the Buddha."

"The god of law enforcement is not polite, but it doesn't matter."

"Does the Buddha know that not long ago the Dharma protectors Jialan and Bhikkhu King Kong, who were sent by the Buddhist school to take care of the five masters and disciples of Tang Sanzang, all fell?" After the panda said this, Tathagata still did not change, but he could clearly feel that he was standing The face of Avalokitesvara next to him became even more stinky.

"My seat is already aware of this matter. The matter happened too quickly, so this seat has sent someone to take care of Sanzang and his party again."

"What I'm going to talk about next is not this matter."

As he spoke, the panda stretched out his hand and spread his palm.

"Look, Buddha! Before, Dharma protector Jialan and others died for no reason, and I was alerted by Wukong, so I went to rescue them. I extracted this trace of magic power from a mountain goblin named Baigujing, and I hope the Buddha will have a look."

As he spoke, the panda passed this trace of spiritual power towards Buddha Tathagata.

In fact, there is no need to hand it up, just when this trace of breath first appeared, Tathagata's brows were already wrinkled.This breath and the breath of Buddhism are simply incompatible, even with a bit of inherent conflicting meaning.

With a flower-like gesture, he pinched this breath from the void, and the Tathagata took a look.His eyes seemed to have read all the heavens and worlds: "This is the breath of the devil."

In the heart of the panda, the word service is capitalized!

Sure enough, people are old and mature.These strong men who have lived long enough are simply beyond their ability to compare the secrets in the prehistoric world.People only need to look at it to be able to know clearly in their minds. After so much effort, they still can't be sure.

"I also mean the same thing. The demon has disappeared in this prehistoric world for millions of years. I don't know why it suddenly appeared this time. But it must have something to do with learning the scriptures. I hope the Buddha can treat it with caution."

Tathagata nodded: "Thank you, God of Law Enforcement!"

(End of this chapter)

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