Emperor Lingxiao

Chapter 852 - Master Lian

Chapter 852 - Master Lian

The sky was dim, gray, and the air was dull, covering the entire Blood City.

Xiao Liu's death caused panic among the people in the city. They were all afraid, worried that the city lord would take his anger out on them.

The strength of the city lord of Blood City is terrifying.

If it weren't for his strength, then, no matter what, he would not be able to build a city here.

To be able to guard a city on the battlefield of gods and demons requires extremely strong strength.

As for the castellan, he did it.

Since the construction of this city, Blood City has encountered countless battles.

Every time, it was the Luocheng Lord who took action to deal with all the enemies who invaded the blood city, and let the enemies return in defeat.

There is no doubt that he has successfully created a legend.

In the entire battlefield of gods and demons, Blood City is the only city that has not changed its owner.

From this, you can benefit from the strength of the Fallen City Lord.

Everything he did in his life, everything, was for Xiao Liu.

In his heart, there is nothing in the world that can compare to Xiao Liu's life.

Xiao Liu's death today undoubtedly stimulated Luocheng Lord.

Right now, there is only one thought in his mind, which is to find the murderer and avenge Xiao Liu.

along the way.

Wherever they passed, the people in the city gave way and emptied the streets.


From this, the sound of steady footsteps sounded and spread to the ears of everyone.

They moved their eyes to the street, looking at Luocheng Lord and the group.

Step by step, he walked to the door of a restaurant not far away.

This place has been sealed off, and in the restaurant, apart from the presence of the city guard, there are no strangers.

They surrounded and formed a circle, giving the impression that they were guarding something.

"City Lord, Xiao Liu's body is inside." A city guard came out and sadly told the City Lord.

This person's eyes were red, it looked like he had just cried, crying for Xiao Liu's death.

He is Xiao Liu's sworn brother, Hu Zi, and he is Xiao Liu's closest relative besides the Lord Luo.

"Hmm." The Lord Luo hummed in a low voice.

There are no extra words, he is very irritable now, his heart is violent, his eyes are cold and terrifying.

It feels like a ferocious beast, very terrifying.

Afterwards, he passed Huzi's side and walked straight into the restaurant.

Because of his appearance, the city guards who formed a circle dispersed at this moment.

"Meet the city lord." Everyone roared in unison.

Their mood is exactly the same as that of the Lord Luo, very violent, and their eyes are as ruthless, like a group of ferocious wild beasts released from their cages.

This is very scary. From their performance, we can know that Xiao Liu's position in everyone's heart is very important.

If it wasn't for protecting Xiao Liu's body, they would have searched the whole city for the culprit long ago.

It is impossible for the murderer to let go, they have sworn in their hearts that they will find the real murderer and avenge Xiao Liu.

As the crowd dispersed, Xiao Liu's body directly caught the eyes of Luocheng Lord.

Xiao Liu died very peacefully, with a serene face and a smile on his face. There were no wounds on his body at all.

"Xiao Liu." Luocheng Lord called with a low growl, his eyes red.

Then he walked up and stretched out his hand, intending to pick up Xiao Liu's body.

However, at this moment, a voice sounded, stopping his movements.

"Don't touch him, Lord of the Fallen City."

Who is speaking?Who dares to stop his movements?

Hearing the sound and looking back, I saw an old man with a fairy demeanor and a childlike face came into everyone's eyes.

He walked step by step, passed all the city guards, and came directly to the side of the city lord Luo.

"Master Lian, what's the matter?" Luocheng Master asked with a look of confusion.

That's right, the old man is exactly Master Lian who came here with Luocheng Lord, he is a well-known medical expert in the entire battlefield of gods and demons.

Everyone present knew his identity, so no one tried to stop him.

Otherwise, if someone else said such a thing, they would definitely attack and obliterate the other party.

"Lord Luocheng, you can't touch him. He has a very poisonous poison, which is the poison of thousands of corpses and flowers." Master Lian said in a deep voice.

The Thousand Corpses and Thousand Flowers Poison, as the name suggests, is a poison that is smelted into one by using the corpses of a thousand strong men and ten thousand kinds of poisonous flowers.

This kind of poison, even if the top king is even slightly infected, he will die and cannot avoid it.

Terrible, this poison can be called the top poison in the world.

However, this kind of poison is very rare and difficult to extract.

Ordinary people simply cannot get it.

"Thousands of corpses and thousands of flowers poison? This, how is it possible, isn't this kind of poison extinct?" Hearing this, the Luocheng Lord exclaimed.

Indeed, as he said, in the entire battlefield of gods and demons, this poison has disappeared, and no one can control it at all.

Appearing now, that is simply incomprehensible.

"No, Lord Luo, the poison of thousands of corpses and flowers has not disappeared on the battlefield of gods and demons. At least, I know two people who have this rare poison." At this time, Master Lian spoke and rejected the words of Lord Luo. .

As a master of medicine, he has a wide range of friends. It can be said that he has intersected with all kinds of people.

And he knows a lot of people who specialize in the development of highly poisonous substances.

Among these people, there are two who possess the poison of thousands of corpses and flowers.

"Who is it?" The Lord Luo asked eagerly.

Now that he got the person who controlled the poison, naturally, he would subconsciously think that it was one of those two who did it.

Master Lian shook his head involuntarily to the reaction of the fallen city master, and then said: "The two of them are not the poisoners, and someone else did the poisoning."

Although Master Lian had a good relationship with Lord Luo, he would not point fingers at the real culprit. He directly cleared the suspicion of the two poison users who possessed thousands of corpses and thousands of flowers of poison.

"Huh? Since it wasn't the two of them, who would poison Xiao Liu?" The Lord Luo came to his senses at this moment.

Embarrassment appeared on his face, and he already understood that he had wronged those two people.

"Huh, huh, huh~~~~"

At this moment, Master Lian, the holy hand of medicine, waved his palm, and streams of clear water flowed out of his hand.

The current of water rushed directly towards Xiao Liu's body.

The moment the water flow touched Xiao Liu's body, wisps of black air emerged from his body.

These black air currents are the poison of thousands of corpses and flowers.

It has to be said that Master Lian's methods are too clever.

With one simple move, all the poison in Xiao Liu's body has been pulled out.

"As expected of Master Lian, you can easily deal with such a highly poisonous poison." Seeing this, Luocheng Lord said with admiration.

Not only him, even Mr. Ye on the side showed admiration when he saw this scene.

"Master Lian really deserves to be called the master of medicine." Mr. Ye praised.

(End of this chapter)

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