Chapter 771 Kill her!

Bai Qi's pupils shrank, she immediately pulled out Xianyu, and took a step back.

Wen Yao raised his hand to cover his blood gushing heart, then turned around and looked at Bai Qi behind him.

She frowned slightly, her eyes were full of vigilance towards him, holding the jade stained with his blood, she stared at him without saying a word.

Seeing that he was safe, the surrounding demons quickly mobilized to surround Bai Qi, but Wen Yao raised his hand to stop him when he approached.

Wen Yao's outstretched hand suddenly inserted into his heart.

The crowd couldn't help exclaiming in fright.

What is this? !

How could he stab himself in the heart after being stabbed with a sword? !
Seeing this, Bai Qi couldn't help frowning.

What are you doing?
Seeing that Wen Yao seemed to be insane, he tore out the heart that had stopped beating and had an obvious sword mark on it expressionlessly.

This move was even more frightening.

The Demon Race on the side exclaimed, and quickly said: "Mozun! What's wrong with you?!"

Could it be that he was stunned by the sword of this celestial woman?
Wen Yao threw the heart aside casually, and showed a smile to Bai Qi: "If you had stabbed me with the sword a few days ago, I might have lost my soul."

After all, he had just been resurrected at that time, and his soul was just attached to this body.

And now...

"I have already merged with this body, and when I merged with him, this body no longer has any signs of life."

"So now I can't be killed by this sword alone."

"Because I don't need this heart anymore."

Depend on……

When Bai Qi heard this, her pretty lips pursed slightly.


She did not expect that Wen Yao could be perfectly integrated with this body.

She thought that as long as she pierced the heart with a sword and made the body lose its life, then Wen Yao, who was leaning over it, would be blown away.


Bai Qi's expression turned cold, and then she glanced at Wen Yao, put the recovered Xianyu into the scabbard, and said lightly: "Come on, fight or kill, whatever you want."

I'm so annoying.

She thought she could succeed with one blow.

I didn't expect this guy to do this.

How embarrassing it was for her!

In front of so many people, it's okay to do such a despicable sneak attack, but it didn't succeed!
What a shame!

Following her words, the crowd around instantly boiled.

Many demons even directly said in unison: "Kill her! Kill her!"

Whether it's Bai Qi or Qian Yu, these two have always been a nightmare that has swept the entire Demon Race.

Now that these two people are actually the same person, and even gave the demon king a sword in public, how can everyone in the demon clan bear it.

They can't stand it.

The Demon Lord could bear it.

He looked coldly at those demons who spoke in unison, and then said coldly: "Shut up."

The demon lord's icy voice sounded, and everyone dared not speak out, they could only keep quiet in unison, hoping that the demon venerable would execute the high god of the heaven on the spot.


Their ancient demon king didn't follow the routine at all.

I saw him walking towards Bai Qi slowly, then stretched out his hand, and gently pulled back the broken hair at the temples for Bai Qi behind her ears.

Bai Qi frowned, and just about to take a step back, he suddenly reached out and squeezed her wrist.

Once Bai Qi struggled, she couldn't break free.

For the first time, he dared to touch Bai Qi like this.

The attitude was extremely firm, and the strength in his hand became tighter and tighter.

Regardless of Bai Qi's struggle, he insisted on holding her wrist, walked forward step by step, and finally stopped in front of the stairs.

(End of this chapter)

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