Chapter 318 Good and Bad
Ji Wen walked over unhurriedly, and after politely nodding to the four judges, he stepped up and stood behind the seven people headed by Mr. Geng. He looked around in a daze.

The host also looked at Ji Wen in a daze, and finally thought of a possibility, looked at Ji Wen with a smile on his face and asked, "Manager Fathead Fish, do you not know what to use for the competition, so your action means that you have abstained from voting?" ?".

After the host's words fell to the ground, everyone's eyes were on Ji Wen, and the thoughts in their hearts were not much different from the host's.

"How is it possible? My copy has already been sent to the judges, so I'm standing here waiting for the judges' comments!" Ji Wen shook his head in disapproval, with a smile in his eyes like a child who has done something bad, With a triumphant smile.

Now not only the host and everyone, but even the two industry leaders among the four judges looked at Ji Wen curiously, only Qiao Yifei and Feng Hongyuan looked at each other and smiled, and took a sip from the teacups in front of them each.

Ji Wen didn't hold back. After feeling that everyone's appetite had been whetted, he looked directly at the judges' seat and said, "The tea and refreshments at hand of the judges are our health-preserving items for Fathead Fish. The reason why they appeared on the judges' table first is that It’s because tea water has strict requirements on water temperature and time, so after discussing with the organizer, I sent it directly to the judges’ bench for the judges to quench their thirst!”.

After Ji Wen finished speaking, the audience was in an uproar. There is such a plagiarism?After some discussions, the scene became quiet again. The host looked at Ji Wen in admiration, regained control of the competition and said, "Since the eight of you have prepared their health-preserving items, let's listen to the judges' comments now! ".

After the four judges chatted in low voices, the health master sitting on the far right finally spoke, "Before I talk about the results of the judges, I would like to hear everyone explain why I sent this award. Something to keep healthy!".

Mr. Geng was the first one to speak, calmly nodded in the direction of the judges, and said in a loud voice, "Today I prepared a medicinal meal, which is also my old profession. Maybe everyone has eaten it before." Not many, but most people should have heard of it!".

"Speaking of cooking medicated food, this was the first study of my former junior brother. He is much more proficient than me in both cooking and medicated food. For example, today's medicated chicken dish is an ordinary lady's cooking dish. Qi and blood vegetables are simple and easy to learn, and you can make them at home. Just like the medicated meal I made today, there is no need to buy medicine for health preservation, but it can appear on the table for three meals a day, and you can eat it healthy! "

Mr. Geng paused at this point, and then his voice eased a lot, and he said with a smile, "I'm old enough to chatter, and that's all I want to say!".

"I have also had the honor to taste the medicated diet you made. The taste is still unforgettable. I agree with one thing you said today. Health preservation is like medicated diet. It is not far away from everyone, but everyone thinks it is in an old age. That’s why I shut out my health!” After Mr. Geng finished speaking, he was immediately approved by the judges, and after finishing his thoughts, he stretched out his hand to signal the person behind Mr. Geng to speak.

It didn't take long before Ji Wen took the round microphone. After nodding to the judges, Ji Wen said in a calm voice, "To be honest, at my age, I think health preservation is still far away from us." The most common thing we see is the teapot in Grandpa’s hand, and the most heard sentence is also, good tea!”.

"What I brought today is the tea under our Pantouyu brand. It doesn't have a nice and elegant name, and there is only one collective name for dozens of hundreds of varieties, which is wild tea! One of its most powerful effects is detoxification and beautification, and The taste is excellent, basically every tea customer is a repeat customer, and the health regimen I understand is to make me feel refreshed and full of energy every day!" After Ji Wen's introduction, he did not forget that Sao Bao made a gentleman's end present.

Unexpectedly, the second health master who hadn't spoken all this time looked at Ji Wen and asked a second question, "Since tea is your product, tell me your understanding of good tea and bad tea! ".

Ji Wen was taken aback by the sudden question, and after really thinking about it, he said carefully, "To tell you the truth, I don't particularly like drinking tea. Since you asked me that, let me tell you about myself. My humble opinion!".

"I don't think there is a distinction between good and bad tea. On the contrary, it is the tea master who decides whether the tea is good or bad. If she is a good tea master, even the worst tea, she can brew a special tea. Taste, if the tea artisan is not skilled, even the best tea will be wasted!" Ji Wen said carelessly what was in his heart, and looked ahead with clear eyes, not feeling that there was anything wrong with what he said.

Unexpectedly, the always eccentric old man agreed with Ji Wen's words, "Young man is good, we can talk about it after the game, your tea is good, I like it very much!".

With this guarantee, there was no suspense for Ji Wen to advance to the top three, and then the jury selected Geng Lao and a vegetarian contestant. Because there was still a competition later, the three of them did not give a ranking, but It is to directly participate in the next round of competition.

There is no doubt that after the fierce competition here, the four of Qiao Sui should also participate in the second round of selection. The host looked at the four sitting upright and said, "Now, please go and get your entries , after handing over to the judges for tasting and commenting, the top three winners will be selected!".

The host's words seemed to turn on a switch, and the four of them hurried down the high platform under the seats, walked back to the backstage, and delivered the items prepared by the family. What should I do next? Look at the host.

"Please open the lid, you four. Our judges don't have this service. Now, let's uncover your mystery and see what's inside?" The young lady didn't want to do anything, so she left suspense for what she said.

After a few people brought the thermal insulation cover in a panic, the exposed food inside made people gasp again. As expected of a special guest, the health-preserving items prepared are so self-willed.

The two young people on Qiao Sui's right were quite normal, and each prepared a health-preserving soup with no merit or demerit.

(End of this chapter)

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