Forever Whitebeard Pirates

Chapter 14 Meeting the Redhead

Chapter 14 Meeting the Redhead
After Safeng arrived on the island, he didn't go to the place where Hongfa and the others were. He didn't want to go to see Hongfa right now, because he was exhausted from the past few days at sea and didn't eat well. , and must always be on guard against the weird weather in the new world. It is not suitable to meet the red-haired pirates in such a tired state. He needs to rest for one night to replenish his energy and true energy. Everyone of the Red Hair Pirates, in case something happens at that time, we will not be powerless to fight back

Then Safeng and West hunted a few rabbits in the woods far away from the red-haired pirates and had a delicious meal. Stoker is standing guard for Safeng nearby, preventing people or animals from disturbing Safeng

Nothing to say (and nothing to do) all night. . . . .

Early the next morning, when the first ray of sunlight hit the woods, Sa Feng also opened his eyes, which had been closed all night. The light in his eyes flickered, making people afraid to look directly at them. After taking a breath, they gradually disappeared. , and Sa Feng also took a long breath. At this time, both his spirit and true energy have recovered to the peak. Seeing West not far away who is still doing his best to protect him, Sa Feng's eyes flashed. After passing the moved look, he said to West, "Thank you, West, well, come here to rest, and I'll get some food." After speaking, he took West to the place where he practiced last night, Let it have a good rest and go hunting by itself. This time Sa Feng caught a half-sized calf, packed it up and put the calf on the fire to roast, then walked to West’s side and used a real Qi circulates in its body, one is to help it get rid of fatigue and the other is to help it nourish its body. After a while, Sa Feng stopped and began to quietly roast the calf, waiting for West to wake up

Strange to say, just as Sa Feng roasted the calf and was considering whether to wake West up, it woke up by itself. After waking up, it first "made out" with Sa Feng, and then its eyes went straight Staring straight at the cow on the fire, Safeng didn't know whether he woke up by himself or was "seduced" by the smell of barbecue. West's appetite, which was nearly three meters wide, almost caught up with Sa It's windy, one person and one eagle share the barbecue meat, leaving only bones, and the portion eaten by one person and one eagle is just right
After resting for a while, Safeng decided to go to the red-haired pirates. First, he wanted to meet the domineering man, the red-haired Shanks. Second, he also wanted to know from them how the Whitebeard Pirates were doing. Thinking of the Whitebeard Pirates, Safeng couldn't stop the miss in his heart, he missed Papa Whitebeard, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates, and the happy days when everyone was together. . . . . .As soon as he thought of it, Sa Feng immediately extinguished the fire and led West towards the location of the red-haired pirates.
In another forest, a group of people were resting, looking very lazy, and at this moment, among the group of people was a man with red hair, three scars on his left eye and a broken left arm, wearing a black suit The domineering man in the cloak suddenly opened his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth

"Hey, the kid who went to the island last night came towards us, can we continue like this? Hahahahaha" the domineering red-haired man laughed loudly at the resting crowd
"Hehe, it's just a kid on the left and right, it doesn't matter." A somewhat old-fashioned man also opened his eyes, and the man with light silver hair said faintly with the light of wisdom in his eyes
"Yes, yes, but since you are awake, captain, let the captain settle it hahahaha" said a fat man in green clothes with white stripes

"Yes, yes, leave it to the captain, let's continue to rest hahahaha"

"Captain, leave it to you"

"Yeah". . . . .

" bastards" Shanks was speechless

Everyone smiled and handed over this kind of thing to the captain, without any self-consciousness as a crew member, but it can be seen that this pirate group is also full of happiness
And Sa Feng, who was walking in this direction, didn't even notice that he had been discovered, and was assigned to be dealt with by their captain, the red-haired Shanks. Walking leisurely at the location of the Fa Pirates
Not far from Shanks and the others, Sa Feng was blocked by a pirate, looking at the man in animal skin in front of him, the pirate said, "Hey, boy, how did you come here? "Although the pirate's tone was not very good, it was not to the point of being disgusted by Sa Feng.
And Sa Feng stared at the pirate's eyes and said, "You don't have to worry about how I got here, now I want to see your captain, can you lead me the way?" This pirate is stunned
Just when the pirate didn't know what to do, Shanks shouted, "Hey,,, bring this kid here, it's okay."

When the pirate was struggling, he suddenly heard the voice of his own captain. He immediately gave way and led the way, leading Safeng to the front of his own captain, and Safeng went to Shanks. I also looked at the rest of the Red-haired Pirates, and found the cadres of the Red-haired Pirates who appeared after the top war in the previous life anime: Ben Beckman with light silver hair and a little old-fashioned ; a fat man wearing green and white stripes; similar to Usopp in the anime, with black hair but no Jesus cloth with a long nose; long hair tied, a scar on the left forehead, topless, black jacket, black trousers Man; wearing sunglasses, black hair, white shirt, a little old man with a red dragon tattoo on his right neck; no eyebrows on his eyes, scars on his left face, blue shirt, trousers, bald head with a monkey on his back Man; a cold-faced man wearing a hat with the Pirate Ship logo, long yellow hair, red shirt, white gloves, beige coat and gray trousers

While Sa Feng was sizing up the man, the members of the red-haired pirates were also sizing up the young man in the fur suit. It can be seen from the muscles on Sa Feng's exposed arms and the vigor of his walk. , Safeng’s is not simple, and at this time Safeng also stopped in front of Shanks, Safeng found that the red-haired Shanks in reality is more domineering than the character image in the anime
When he was seriously looking at Shanks’ Sa Feng in a daze, Shanks said to him, “Hey, hey, enough has been seen, kid, then you can talk about the purpose of your coming here, as far as I know you were yesterday Let’s go to the island tonight, kiddo”

Looking at Shanks's playful smile, Sa Feng felt very speechless. They had already discovered him last night when he just landed on the island, and he didn't know anything yet, so he breathed a sigh of relief. Because if Shanks tried to attack him last night, he would have died countless times

Sa Feng smiled wryly and said, "I don't have any purpose. I drifted to this island. When I arrived, I saw the boat of the red-haired Shanks, one of the "Four Emperors". I wanted to come to see him early this morning. I didn't have any purpose. , If you want to say yes, yes, but it is not considered as a purpose, it can only be regarded as two requests, I know that it would be a bit too much to make such a request at the first meeting, but please think about it."

After finishing speaking, Sa Feng looked at Shanks with burning eyes! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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