Chapter 245 Death
Xin Junzhuo's mother was named Guan Mini, and there was a photo of Guan Mini in the paper with her name and birth date written on it.

This photo is a bit old, it can be seen that it has been a few years.However, the photos were well preserved and there was no damage.

In fact, this photo is also the only image of his mother left by Xin Junzhuo's side.

All other things had been eliminated by his father as early as when his parents divorced, and they could not be found at all.

Yan Shuiran was not in a hurry to help Guan Mini die, but first counted Guan Mini's birthday.

The main reason was that after listening to what Qi Jialiang said before, Yan Shuiran faintly felt that something was wrong, so she decided to do the math first before speaking.

Calculating birth date horoscopes is a means of pushing fate, but it is not all fate pushing.

Yan Shuiran silently pinched her fingers to make the calculation, but suddenly her expression changed.

Although Qi Jialiang and Xin Junzhuo didn't make a sound, they were actually paying attention to Yan Shuiran's every move.So when Yan Shuiran's expression changed, the two immediately noticed it.

"What's the matter Ran Ran, what have you figured out?" Qi Jialiang asked hastily.

Xin Junzhuo was more anxious than Qi Jialiang, but he was not familiar with Yan Shuiran, and he didn't trust Yan Shuiran very much before, so he just looked at Yan Shuiran anxiously, but didn't say anything.

Yan Shuiran raised his head, but stopped talking.

Both Qi Jialiang and Xin Junzhuo had a bad feeling in their hearts.

Xin Junzhuo forced a smile: "Miss Yan, if you have anything to say, just say it, I don't care."

It was the first time Yan Shuiran encountered such a thing, so she could only grit her teeth and say, "Mr. Xin, with all due respect, judging by Lingtang's birth date, she is probably no longer alive."

In other words, today's Guan Mini is actually a dead person.

Both Xin Junzhuo and Qi Jialiang understood Yan Shuiran's words, and their expressions changed.

Especially Xin Junzhuo, whose face was frighteningly pale.

Looking at Xin Junzhuo's face, Yan Shuiran was a little surprised, but also felt that it seemed reasonable.

When Qi Jialiang described the situation of Xin Junzhuo's parents to him before, Yan Shuiran felt something was wrong.Because the situation of Xin Junzhuo's parents doesn't sound like a normal divorce at all, on the contrary, it's a bit like a situation where they don't communicate with each other after falling out.

But what kind of hatred would make a couple who had a lovely son and were once in love turn against each other to such an extent?

If Guan Mini had passed away, these would make sense.

It is even very possible that Xin Junzhuo himself has vaguely noticed this.Otherwise, his reaction would not be so calm.

As for the next words, Yan Shuiran didn't know whether to tell Xin Junzhuo.

Qi Jialiang noticed Yan Shuiran's strangeness and gave Yan Shuiran a wink.

Yan Shuiran shook her head silently.

Qi Jialiang's eyes became a little strange.

He didn't know what Yan Shuiran had figured out, but being sensitive, he felt that it must be something terrible, and it was better not to let Yan Shuiran say it easily.

However it was too late.

Xin Junzhuo has already seen the small movements between them.

"Miss Yan, is there anything else you want to tell me?" Xin Junzhuo asked quietly, "If you really know anything about my mother, please tell me. No matter what the situation is , I can bear it. Finding news about my mother is the most important thing for me."

Yan Shuiran was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "If my calculation is correct, your mother should have died unexpectedly."

In other words, Guan Mini's death was either due to an accident, or someone did it on purpose.

But no matter what the situation is, it is not a normal birth, old age, sickness and death.

Xin Junzhuo's two fists were clenched suddenly, and the veins all over his body were bulging, even on his face, which looked very scary.

He remembered that when his parents divorced, he didn't even ask his opinion when he was still in school, and just informed him about it.And since then, he has never seen his mother again.

He also thought of all the things related to his mother that disappeared at home, as if his mother had never appeared in their house, all traces were wiped clean.

Although he didn't want to think about it like this, Xin Junzhuo couldn't help but guess, if his mother was really dead, would her death be related to his father?

Qi Jialiang didn't expect Yan Shuiran to say such a scary thing, and he, who is always talkative, kept a strange silence, for fear of touching Xin Junzhuo, who was obviously in a very wrong state at the moment.

Seeing Xin Junzhuo's condition, Yan Shuiran sighed silently in his heart.

She originally thought that the list this time would just be more troublesome in the process of finding someone, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be like this.

If Guan Mini was still alive, this job of finding someone would be very difficult for Yan Shuiran.But now by calculating Guan Mini's birth date, she is already dead. It is easier for Yan Shuiran, but it is also not easy.

After a long time, Xin Junzhuo who woke up gradually regained his composure, took a deep breath and said, "Miss Yan, if it is true as you said, then where is my mother's bones now?"

Well, this question is still in front of Yan Shuiran!

Yan Shuiran paused.

If he was looking for a living person, Yan Shuiran might be able to vaguely judge several directions by calculating some things that happened to Guan Mini, and then find her out with the help of Qi Jialiang and Xin Junzhuo's connections.But now, Guan Mini's horoscope shows that she has passed away, so the difficulty of calculation has increased several times.

What's more, Yan Shuiran was not good at pushing fate.

Perhaps, she could find the place where Guan Mini was buried by using the "false eye of the sky".

It's just that in this way, the damage to herself is quite serious, and she will have to rest for at least a few days before she can fully recover.

Seeing Yan Shuiran's embarrassed look, before Xin Junzhuo could react, Qi Jialiang had already understood something.

"Ran Ran, did this matter embarrass you?" Qi Jialiang asked in a low voice.

Xin Junzhuo was stunned.

Also, suddenly asking people if they know where a person they never knew is buried, anyone else would find it inexplicable.

But Yan Shuiran is a physicist and brought by a friend, so she must be quite capable.

Now Xin Junzhuo's only hope of finding his biological mother rests on Yan Shuiran, so even though he knows that this matter will definitely embarrass Yan Shuiran, he is unwilling to let go of this rare opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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