Chapter 387 Treasure
However, since it is placed here, even if it is not a magic weapon, it is definitely a priceless antique.

What's more, Yan Shuiran also has some knowledge about antiques, this jade bowl is different at first glance, so she will not underestimate it.

Yan Shuiran put the jade bowl away again, and put the stone box into the backpack behind her.

Sheng Xue watched Yan Shuiran's actions reluctantly.

But at the next moment, seeing Yan Shuiran's gaze fell on the stone pillar mechanism in the center of the stone platform, Sheng Xue immediately remembered the business, and her face became more serious.

"Shui Ran, do you want to activate this mechanism?" Sheng Xue asked with a serious face.

Yan Shuiran's plan was already very clear.

She nodded and said: "Although the chain reaction caused by this mechanism is not small, if we want to go to the next place through this stone room, it is obviously impossible to do it without activating the mechanism here. However, fortunately, we have already moved the other The formation is sealed, and nothing bad will happen for the time being. Therefore, it is imperative to activate this last organ."

Sheng Xue actually thought of this too.

It's just that they have just arrived here after all, and they are not very familiar with the situation here, so it is difficult for Sheng Xue to make up her mind for a while.

Unexpectedly, Yan Shuiran, who was a few years younger than her, always had a scale in her heart.

Thinking of the importance of Yan Shuiran along the way, Sheng Xue felt relieved and nodded, "In that case, let's activate this new mechanism! But, don't we really need to take a break first?"

Yan Shuiran shook her head: "Everyone's mental state is fine, and it doesn't matter if you take a rest or not. Besides, if the matter is resolved early, we can also feel at ease earlier."

"Alright then." Sheng Xue shrugged and agreed.

As soon as Yan Shuiran removed the talisman on the stone platform, the stone pillar mechanism popped up immediately!

At the same time, both Sheng Xue and Yan Shuiran felt the stone slab under their feet shaking violently.

But no matter how these stone slabs shake, with the Heaven-Suppressing Talisman, they can't make waves.

Before Sheng Xue could rest assured, the stone wall next to her suddenly changed!

All the oil lamps were extinguished in an instant, and the stone wall on the side of the stone chamber unexpectedly made new noises!
The entire stone wall turned away suddenly, and it turned out that it was a gate!
Feng Weijing and the others who were sitting at the door of the stone room and resting immediately stood up, their eyes fixed on the door.

Sheng Xue's eyes also lit up.

If Yan Shuiran hadn't spoken yet, Sheng Xue must have been unable to resist running out of the slate formation, and went to the gate to take a closer look!

Although the stone wall gate was only opened to a small part, there was some light shining from inside, which made people have some vague guesses about the things inside.

Especially Feng Weijing.

Feng Weijing himself is in the antique business, and has a lot of dealings with jewelry.The radiance emanating from the stone gate is very similar to the radiance emanating from gemstones with historical deposits!
Behind this master gate, there shouldn't be a treasure hidden? !
Such a thought suddenly flashed in Feng Weijing's mind.

Yan Shuiran looked at the teacher and smiled, and said, "Sister Sheng, there are no hidden dangers in this stone array for now, let's go out!"

Sheng Xue came back to her senses, her surprise was hard to hide in her eyes, she hurriedly responded, and quickly retreated from the line that had entered the stone formation.

Yan Shuiran also retreated from the route she had taken before.

A group of people consciously followed behind Yan Shuiran, led by Yan Shuiran, and walked to the front of the teacher's gate.

"Brother Feng, where are our lights?" Yan Shuiran asked without turning her head.

Feng Weijing responded, turned on the light that had been prepared in his hand, and handed it to Yan Shuiran.

Yan Shuiran took over the light and let the light shine directly behind the stone gate.

A pile of dazzling gold and pearls immediately appeared in front of Yan Shuiran and the others!

Sheng Xue took a deep breath and almost exclaimed!
Yan Shuiran's expression remained the same, she raised her foot and walked in, reached out and groped on the stone door, and soon found something she expected, and then pressed it down!

Immediately behind the stone gate, it was bright as day.

It turns out that there is another mechanism behind the stone gate, which has its own lighting.Once the mechanism is activated, the space behind the stone gate will naturally light up.

Piles of gold and jewels appeared in front of everyone, and there were several large boxes inside, which obviously contained equally valuable things.

Everyone was dumbfounded, but no one stepped forward without authorization.

For physiognomists like Yan Shuiran and Sheng Xue, although finances are good, they are not what they are after.What's more, this time they came here only after receiving Li's order.

Physicians have the rules of physiognomists, whoever they take orders, then no matter what they encounter here, it obviously belongs to the person who hired them.

That being the case, they will not be tempted by things that have nothing to do with themselves.

And Feng Weijing has seen countless precious treasures, and even some treasures in his own private collection are even better than the things here, but they are not as good in quantity.In terms of money, Feng Weijing was not short, so there was nothing surprising about the things in front of him.At most, he is just interested in some precious antiques here, and that's just out of occupational disease.

As for Chu Lian and the others, as mercenaries, they have seen countless strange places and things. They also like things like gold and silver, but they also get them in a proper way. What thoughts come up.

Therefore, even though there are so many gold and silver treasures in front of you, and there are so many people present, no one is really interested in them. Instead, they are somewhat interested in the place where these things are stored.

Yan Shuiran didn't want to waste any more time, so she let go of her sky eyes, and scanned the situation in front of her sharply.

There are no exceptions.

In a place where so many precious items are stored, there is no mechanism at all, which is really surprising.

But Yan Shuiran vaguely understood.

So many checkpoints before, I'm afraid it's just a preparation for this.

It's as if they beat monsters all the way through the level, and at the end, what is left for them is the rewards for their way through the level.

And Yan Shuiran is also very sure that these places full of gold and silver are the last places of their trip.

It is simply impossible to go further into the cemetery.

Yan Shuiran guessed that the situation of the other splits was probably similar to theirs.Although there may not be any treasures in those places, it is impossible to go to the real burial place.

Only the main road where Master Fang is located should have a little hope.

In fact, there may be some magical artifacts in the things inside.However, as an invited guest, Yan Shuiran naturally wouldn't do something that would misunderstand Li Shi, so she didn't intend to take a closer look at what was inside.

"Captain Chu, do you have a way to contact the outside world?" Yan Shuiran asked suddenly.

Chu Lian was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly checked the communicator on his waist. His heart relaxed, and he stepped forward and said respectfully: "It's okay to communicate with the outside world. I don't know who Xiangshi Yan wants to contact?"

Yan Shuiran thought sideways, and said, "Just contact Li Yuwei, Young Master Li? Isn't he the person in charge on this island? We have some situations here, and it should be the most convenient to contact him."

Chu Lian nodded, and quickly dialed a few numbers on the communicator.

Not long after, the communicator was connected.

"Which one?" Li Yuwei's hoarse voice rang out from the communicator.

It can be heard that Li Yuwei obviously suffered a lot after not seeing him for a while.

"Master Li, I'm Yan Shuiran." Yan Shuiran said her name bluntly, and then explained to Li Yuwei the situation she encountered here, and asked Li Yuwei what's going on here deal with.

Li Yuwei was stunned when he heard that they had discovered a treasure here.

At this moment, Li Yuwei was following Master Fang's team and entered a tunnel, which was far from the real tomb passage!Unexpectedly, Yan Shuiran's side turned out to be the first team to achieve results!
"Master Yan, is there anyone who can go in along the route you went in?" Li Yuwei's head turned quickly, and he soon came up with this idea.

However, what he said stumped Yan Shuiran.

Although the formations and organs along the way have been broken or suppressed by her, but there are so many twists and turns in the tunnel, if there is no one to lead, others are very likely to get lost in it!

Even an experienced mercenary like Chu Lian couldn't cope with this situation.

"The route is fine, but it is only possible to get in smoothly with the guidance of a physicist." Yan Shuiran said bluntly, "If Young Master Li wants to send someone in now, it is best to find a physicist to lead the way. There is no problem."

Those winding roads are naturally troublesome for ordinary people, but for physiognomy, it is not a problem at all.

Especially the physiognomy Mr. Li invited.

How could the physicist that Mrs. Li invited be an ordinary physicist?

Although all the physicists who went to the island this time have been assigned to take charge of passages in different directions in batches, Yan Shuiran believes that Li Shi definitely has another trustworthy physiognomist who has not entered any passages and has been on standby on the island all the time!
In fact, the situation on the island is indeed the same.

"I'll let the Xiangshi take people there!" Li Yuwei said decisively, "I don't know if Yan Xiangshi and the others are going to wait for the respondent to go there, or do they want to come out to rest first?"

Such a question is obviously a temptation.

If Yan Shuiran was really interested in the things here, she wouldn't have written to Li Yuwei so soon.

But it's normal for Li Yuwei to be worried.

At any rate, Li Yuweiye is quite reasonable, knowing that Yan Shuiran is not such a person, so this question may not be without some sincerity.

"Since I have been invited by Mrs. Li, except for professional issues, I will naturally follow Mrs. Li's orders." Yan Shuiran said heartily, "Young Master Li will arrange whatever is convenient for you!"

Li Yuwei felt a little guilty for no reason, and said cautiously: "Then, can Master Yan wait in there for a while? After all, you and Master Sheng are more familiar with the situation in the passage, and when the time comes, the newly arranged people will come to the place." Now, there will be someone to respond, so as not to make any mistakes.”

This is quite true.

Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about the big oil lamp formation outside and the stone slab formation outside. If Yan Shuiran and Sheng Xue were not watching, if those newcomers accidentally touched it, what consequences would it cause? Woolen cloth!

Knowing that there was nothing else to do later, Yan Shuiran felt relaxed.She readily agreed to Li Yuwei's request, and then sat down on the floor with someone else, and immediately took a rest.

A group of people waited for a long time, and Yan Shuiran even slept on Feng Weijing's shoulder before waiting for the newcomer.

There are more than a dozen newcomers.And the physicist they lead is a young physicist around 30 years old. He seems to be very friendly and can give people a good impression. His name is Xiao Zikun.

Xiao Zikun is one of Master Fang's personal disciples, and he is still relatively young.

This time, Master Fang was invited by Mrs. Li to explore the ancient tomb, and there are many things to do.And with so many things, it is impossible for him to cover everything, he must have many professional physiognomy to help him.

Of course, he should choose someone he is used to ordering around as his assistant.

Obviously, no one is more suitable than his apprentice.

So this time when he went to the island, Master Fang brought seven or eight apprentices directly.

Except for the few people who entered the main road of the ancient tomb with him, the other young people were left outside the ancient tomb, ready to respond to some emergencies.

What happened to Yan Shuiran and the others was naturally one of the emergencies.

After Xiao Zikun arrived at the place, he directly asked who the person in charge, Yan Shuiran, was.

Yan Shuiran didn't see the ancient tomb that he wanted to see, and only found a treasure in the end, so he doesn't want to deal with it now.But everything should be done from the beginning to the end. Since Xiao Zikun asked, Yan Shuiran could only stand up.

"I am Yan Shuiran." She stood in front of Xiao Zikun with a calm expression.

Xiao Zikun looked Yan Shuiran up and down, nodded, and was about to say something, but Yan Shuiran didn't give him a chance to continue asking questions.

"The situation here, I believe that with the level of Xiangshi Xiao, I have already seen it." Yan Shuiran pointed to the surrounding environment and said, "If Xiangshi Xiao wants to ask anything, you can ask Xiangshi Sheng, Sheng The physiognomist will try his best to answer it for you."

Saying that, Yan Shuiran pushed Sheng Xue out calmly.

Sheng Xue was a little taken aback.

Yan Shuiran winked at her.

Sheng Xue suddenly understood, and immediately responded: "That's right, Xiangshi Xiao, let's see if there is anything we need to do here, just to be honest. If there is nothing we need to help, then we can retire as well." , go out and rest first."

(End of this chapter)

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