Chapter 461 The Imperial Guard

"The Janissaries attack."

As the [-] Xiongnu cavalry fought against the [-] Xianbei cavalry, and the [-] Xiongnu cavalry still had the upper hand, Liu Bei ordered the guards led by Yu Jin to attack.

There are three elites in Lucheng: Baimai soldiers, scout soldiers, and special forces.In addition to these three elites, there is another one, and that is Yu Jin's personal guards, or military police who enforce military discipline.

Since the expansion of the Bailu army and the merger of the scouts and the special forces, Liu Bei has formed a new third elite based on Yu Jin's military police, and named it the Imperial Guard.

Yu Jin's name happened to have the word "Ji", and everyone thought that Liu Bei was commending Yu Jin for his silent military training over the years, even Yu Jin himself thought so, but only Liu Bei knew that it was just picked up from later generations.

But this misunderstanding greatly increased the fighting spirit of the generals of the Lucheng Army. If there is an army named after him, even if he dies, as long as the army is there, the number will not be lost, and his reputation will surely be passed on for a long time.

The number can promote the collective sense of honor of the soldiers, and now all the generals in Lucheng are holding their breath and preparing to make their troops a number after their own names.

It is the imperial guards, and the equipment is of course the highest priority. A piece of bright light armor, a wild lion helmet, a white wax iron spear in his hand, a sharp horse sword in his waist, an iron tire bow on his back, and two pots of wolf teeth and heavy arrows on his saddle. , and a jug of slender javelins.

In terms of actual combat experience, the Imperial Guards are almost inferior, but in terms of theory and training, no army has ever been comparable to the Imperial Guards. Unlike Gao Shun's heavy infantry, they were all trained by blacksmithing.

The imperial guards are all trained in the real world, so there are all eighteen martial arts. They may be called special forces. Each of them is the best seedling selected by Yu Jin from among the recruits. Compare.

Therefore, they are qualified to become the three elites of the Lucheng Army together with the Baizhan soldiers and the scout soldiers who have been killed.

As for Gao Shun's trapped camp, they are purely Gao Shun's private soldiers. They forge irons and train together. That kind of situation cannot be replicated at all, and it is even difficult to supplement.

Not only are the guards wearing armor, but even the horses are carefully selected. They are extremely capable of carrying heavy loads and have strong explosive power.

Fifteen hundred imperial guards were dispatched together, and the formation was like a thousand cavalry.

After Budugen saw it, he ordered Murongdeng to lead Wanqi to kill him without hesitation. The main reason was that all the young commanders under Budugen's command were frightened by the formation of iron-clad chain horses and did not want to die. outperform?
Bu Dugen asked Murong Deng to temporarily act as the chief Wanqi composed of many small tribes, and supervise this Wanqi who gave in to Dugen's headache.

In Budugen's mind, it wouldn't be a problem to use one thousand riders to resist the Lucheng army's fifteen hundred riders, right?

However, the fact is that the two armies only competed with arrows, and the Xianbei cavalry lost. Three thousand Xianbei cavalry fell under the precise rain of arrows and javelins of the imperial guards.

Murong Deng's heart tightened as he watched, desperately urging the Xianbei cavalry to rush forward, he and his confidant hundreds of cavalry quietly slowed down, and then watched a large group of Xianbei cavalry crash into the steel torrent of the imperial guards.

Nearly ten meters of white wax spear was directly hit on the Xianbei cavalry by the imperial guards, and the Xianbei cavalry was suddenly picked so that the Xianbei cavalry would not be dismounted. The Xianbei cavalry was picked and killed for several rounds before they got close.

Bu Dugen, who was on the high slope, stared at him with naked eyes. Before he could fight back, he was half killed by the Lucheng army. This battle, how can we fight this battle?
Budugen had plans to retire, anyway, he still had [-] Xianbei cavalry by his side, and these [-] Xianbei cavalry were his family property.

The white paper fan seemed to see Bu Dugen's retreat, and said: "My lord, this army must have been built in imitation of the trapped camp. It must be the elite of the Lucheng army. It can't be easily determined. If my lord doesn't take this opportunity to annihilate it, once It merged with the trapped camp and attacked the surrendered city, how can the adults stop it?"

Budugen was shocked, yes!In his impression, the Han army seldom went out of the fortress, but after all, they did. Xia Yu, Zang Min, and Tian Yan killed the Xianbei cavalry for more than two thousand miles, and then Tan Shihuai Khan hired people to pile up the three elites to death. , once the Lucheng Army goes out of the fortress, and the armored cavalry joins the trapped camp, who can stop the Xianbei in the west?
"Second brother, you lead the iron cavalry of the headquarters to assist Murong Deng, and a certain one leads the [-] cavalry of the headquarters to assist Tuo Bajia. Once a certain defeats the Huns cavalry, he will return to help his brother. If he defeats the Lucheng army in this battle, I will help my brother ascend the throne of the Great Khan."

Budugen couldn't sit still watching Tuoba's [-] cavalry being beaten back by the Xiongnu cavalry. He followed the suggestion of the white paper fan and asked his brother to help Luo Han to help Murong Deng, and he led his troops to help Tuoba.

The Xianbei cavalry was mobilized, and Liu Bei naturally responded. He decided to lead his troops to a decisive battle with Budugen. One was to win the hearts of the Huns. Tens of thousands of iron cavalry besiege, no matter how elite the Lucheng army is, no matter how sophisticated the armor is, they will suffer heavy losses. Once the Lucheng army suffers heavy losses, it is difficult to guarantee that the Huns will not have other thoughts. Tens of thousands of refugees are already in crisis. If the Xiongnu rebelled, the Lucheng army would be swallowed up by millions of people in an instant. Even if Liu Bei quelled the war, there would be no basis for fighting for world hegemony?

The second is a decisive battle with Budugen, which can kill the Xianbei cavalry to the maximum extent, which will make Liu Bei's battle out of the fortress less difficult.

Yu Fuluo was hit by Budugen's [-] fine riders, and his damage immediately increased greatly. He turned his head and looked at Liu Bei's place. If Liu Bei didn't come to support, he really wanted to fight and retreat.

"The reinforcements are coming, and the sons and daughters are holding on. Liu Hou personally led the army to come to help."

Yu Fuluo's confidence increased greatly with just one glance. It seems that Liu Bei did not simply use the Huns cavalry as spearmen. As for being spearmen, who in the troubled times did not survive by being spearmen?

Do you see that after Yan Luo took refuge in Xianbei, he was not stabbed by the Xianbei cavalry as a spear?

It has to be said that Yan Luo has a high reputation. As soon as he appeared, several thousand cavalry commanders were ready to join him, but they were all beheaded by the Huns cavalry.

Because Jia Xu's policy is to give wealth to ordinary Huns and try his best to deprive the Huns of the nobles' privileges, so Jia Xu wins the hearts of ordinary Huns while staring at the name of the butcher.

The morale of the Xiongnu cavalry was greatly shaken when they heard that Liu Bei had come to help them in person, and their already tired strength increased a little, and they beheaded the Xianbei cavalry around them.

The White Soldier and the Royal Guard (the new name after the merger of the scout and the special) came together. Although they are not heavy cavalry like the imperial guards, the defense of the light armor on their bodies is still not low, and the equipment is mainly light equipment. There is no shortage of war horse swords and ash guns.

As soon as the two guards entered, the Xianbei cavalry retreated one after another, even the armored cavalry brought out by Bu Dugen were also killed and retreated.

As for Zhao Yun's cavalry archers on the outskirts, each of the cavalry archers wore leather armor, a horse sword, and a rhubarb bow. The rest were arrow pots and javelin pots.

Since Zhao Yun led the cavalry archers, he has humbly asked many people for advice, especially Liu Bei's theory of swimming but not fighting deeply inspired him.

Two thousand archers used bows and arrows to shoot and kill strands of unarmored Xianbei cavalry on the periphery. Once the Xianbei cavalry chased them, Zhao Yun led his troops to flee.

The horses of the cavalry archers are all explosive horses, but over time, the cavalry archers will naturally let the cavalry of Xianbei suffer enough from the rain of bows and arrows.

Unable to fight with bows and arrows, and unable to catch up after chasing, Zhao Yun's cavalry archers became elves on the battlefield for a while, and Bu Dugen was so angry that he shouted: "My lord strangled him, strangled him."

Once Budugen was furious, the white paper fan persuaded: "My lord, the overall situation is important."

(End of this chapter)

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