Chapter 537

Anding County, Kaikai Mountain.

At the beginning, the mountain was backed by the Liupan Mountains, and Hou Xuan had stopped here since he was defeated by Han Meng. Later, Han Sui and Ma Teng fled back to Hanyang and Jincheng in a hurry after learning that Liu Bei's army had defeated Li Guo's [-] Xiliang cavalry.

Hou Xuan was afraid that he would be annexed by the two, so he stayed at Kaikou Mountain.

Han Meng and Yu Jin met in Linjing City. Due to the lack of troops in the Lucheng Army, they could only stick to the cities of Anding and Beidi.

After evading for a while, Hou Xuan raised his own banner, and the rout soldiers and scattered Qiang soldiers who wandered around came to vote one after another. After half a year, Hou Xuan reconnected with Ma Teng and Han Sui and obtained Han Sui's food and grass. However, Hou Xuan actually returned to support tens of thousands of soldiers.

When Han Sui knew that Hou Xuan had tens of thousands of soldiers, he stopped giving out a single ration, and Ma Teng also tacitly refused to give out rations. After hearing the news, Hou Xuan scolded the two of them every day in the cottage. People let themselves go down the mountain to plunder the baggage and city of the Lucheng Army.

Hou Xuan naturally didn't know that Han Sui got a large amount of gold and silver from Yuan Shao, and Han Sui used this batch of gold and silver to buy a large amount of weapons from the black market to equip his subordinates.

However, Han Sui accepted Yuan Shao's bribes in batches but did not do anything. This made Yuan Shao's envoys very angry.

Just when Hou Xuan was stomping his feet in a hurry, and wanted to attack Wushi near Kaikai Mountain, a ranger came to report: "A group of luggage is coming from the direction of Linjing."

Although Han Meng came from the direction of Lingzhou, the grain and grass in the direction of Lingzhou were transported from Shuofang, and most of the grain and grass in Shuofang were transported from Jinyang. Shangjun transported to Beidi, then transported from Beidi to Linjing, and then transported from Linjing to Gaoping, Chaona, and Wuzhi.

"Is the news reliable?"

The candidate asked excitedly when he got the news.

"Reliable, absolutely reliable."

The ranger said with a firm expression: "I saw it with my own eyes."

Hou Xuan asked sensitively: "How many escorts are there, how many vehicles are there, and whose banner is it playing?"

The ranger tried his best to recall: "There is probably a school of troops with nearly a hundred cars, playing under the banner of Taiyuan Hao, and the leader is a strange young general?"

Hou Xuan had known this ranger before, so he had no doubts about him. In addition, the Lucheng Army had indeed transported food and grass a few times, but they all missed it because of Hou Xuan's caution. Leading the team fiercely, this made the candidate no longer able to suppress the distracting thoughts in his heart.

"If you don't rob it, you will starve to death. If you rob it, it may not be a trap for the Lu Chengjun. Let's do it."

Hou Xuan made up his mind, and immediately summoned the leaders of the ministries under his command to discuss the robbing of the food and grass of the Lucheng Army. They were overjoyed to grab one.

Although Hou Xuan decided to rob, he had been in battle for a long time after all, and he was not as optimistic as the leaders of the ministries, so he decided to choose a place that no one could think of.

From Linjing to Chaona and Gaoping, there are plains along the Jingshui. This place is not suitable for setting up an ambush, and it is also suitable for a large number of cavalry. If it was the past, the candidate must have rushed to grab it, and then retreated after the capture.

But now although he has ten thousand people under his command, less than one in ten are good at riding and arching, and there are only two thousand horses, so Hou Xuan decided to set up an ambush at Fanting Mountain. Then he can easily take this batch of grain.

This Lucheng army marched cautiously since leaving Linjing, especially when passing the Jingshui road near Kaikai Mountain, but nothing happened until Wuzhi.

This Army Army stayed in Wuzhi for one night. On the second day, the convoy was reduced by one-third, and then headed there again.

The leading young general couldn't help saying to the black-faced man beside him: "Instructor, do you think the enemy will fall into the trap?"

"I don't know, but if the candidate doesn't come, his army will be defeated due to lack of food. Isn't it good to deal with tens of thousands of rebellious soldiers without using weapons?"

The instructor said with a dark face.

The young general said with a face of sudden realization: "Instructor, this is what the art of war says about attacking soldiers!"


The instructor stopped talking, and the young general felt bored and had to look around. Suddenly, he saw a refracted light thorn and was overjoyed. He pretended not to know and said to the big man beside him: "Instructor, there is an ambush, there is really an ambush, that Fengxiao Mister is amazing."

The instructor's eyes were fixed, and after careful observation, he found a lot of ambushes. He didn't care about the young general's yelling, and immediately ordered the young general: "Tell everyone to stop, drink some water and eat some dry food. We wait for the marquis to attack. "

Seeing that the Lucheng Army was about to enter the ambush circle but stopped, at first Hou Xuan thought that the Lucheng Army had discovered his ambush?It can be seen that Lu Chengjun stopped to eat and rest, and the young general drank water comfortably under the service of others, and began to fall asleep again after drinking the water.

"She's so naive, but let the old man watch these bastards eat, I really want to chop them up with a knife."

The leader next to the candidate said bluffing.

Hou Xuan ignored him, and waited for Lu Chengjun to finish eating and entered the ambush circle, but after waiting again and again, the young general seemed to be asleep, but Lu Chengjun was about to start cooking mutton soup, and the strong fragrance wafted into the mountain with the wind. The rebels on the mountain couldn't help twitching their index fingers after not seeing Hunxu for some time, and some of them couldn't help but rushed down but were held back by their companions.

Hou Xuan was also greedy for being hooked by the smell of mutton, and the leaders of all the ministries came to beg the candidate: "Lieutenant, if we don't rush down, I'm afraid the brothers will rush down privately. If the matter of the captain is ruined, don't blame the brothers for not going down." Something will happen."

Hou Xuan gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, tell the brothers to kill someone, the mutton soup cooked by Lu Chengjun is waiting for them?"


Hearing that they could be killed to eat mutton, tens of thousands of Qiang rebellious soldiers under Hou Xuan's command rushed to kill them. Despite the chaotic formation, their morale was high.

Tens of thousands of rebel soldiers suddenly rushed down from the mountain. Lu Chengjun, who was cooking, fled away in a panic. Qiang and Hu rebel soldiers rushed to the cauldron to share the mutton.

Those who ran to the front gnawed on the leg of lamb and ran to the side, while the chaotic soldiers behind were in a group of guns, and some even faced each other.

Before Hou Xuan had time to stop a sudden rain of arrows, nearly a hundred Qiang rebels died under the rain of arrows. Before the rebellious Qiang soldiers could react, the second wave of arrows came again.

"Hurry up, hurry up, the food is all in the car, how much do you need to eat to destroy these Lucheng troops?"

Hou Xuan shouted under the rain of arrows, and the Qiang soldiers finally calmed down after losing hundreds of people, and killed the Lucheng Army under Hou Xuan's shout.

The Lucheng army had already surrounded the convoy into a circle, and the Lucheng army had also entered the circle from outside the circle. The 1000 men were divided into three teams of archers to shoot. The continuous flow of arrows made the Qiang Huan soldiers pay a huge price for every step forward.

(End of this chapter)

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