Chapter 544 Li Kanzhong Fu (recommended)

As soon as the news that Han Sui plotted against Ma Teng in Jincheng came out, Ma Chao immediately set up troops in Didao, set up a banner to attack Han Sui, and invited Xia Houlan, who had passed through the pass, to join Han Meng in attacking Han.

Xia Houlan had assembled her troops long ago, and as soon as she got the news, she crossed the Longshan Mountain along the Weishui River and rushed straight to Shanggu.

The gentry of Lueyang surrendered to Han Meng in panic, and the gentry of Chengji, Ayang, and L County sent people to contact the Lucheng Army to protect themselves.

Shangyu was guarded by Li Kan, an ally of Ma Teng. Li Kan was a native of Longxi, a descendant of Li Zhongxiang, the general who conquered the west of the Han Dynasty. His ancestral home was in Tao County, Longxi. After entrusting him with important tasks, Li Kan, the indirect person, became more powerful and became a warlord who was a vassal of Ma Teng.

Li Kan was once drawn by Yan Zhong to resist Han Sui and Ma Teng's anger. However, under Yan Zhong's force, he retreated to Hanyang.

However, when Yan Zhong died, he was jointly suppressed by Han Sui and Ma Teng, and Cheng Yi of Boluogu took advantage of the fire to rob him. His power was reduced to Jixian, Xixian, Shangyu and other counties in the southwest of Weishui River.

Li Kan's younger brother Li Sui guarded Shangyu, and Li Kan guarded Ji County to prevent Ma Teng's army from attacking.

The Xiliang army in the lower reaches of the Wei River has been busy in recent years, so it has the strength to attack Shangyu, which undoubtedly makes Li Sui feel slack. Be vigilant again.

When Xiahoulan's soldiers approached the city, Li Sui was sound asleep, and the spies of Shangyu's inland city army quietly opened the city gate. When Xiahoulan entered the city, he was pushed awake in a daze, and when he woke up, he was surrounded by his confidantes wearing armor It was only after arriving in Shangyu City that he realized that he had been attacked.

"How could this be? How could this be?"

Li Sui couldn't believe that he had become a bereaved dog until he was in Li Kan's army. Li Kan also scolded him angrily.

Originally, Li Kan had planned to take back the base of Lintao while Ma Teng was taking a nap, and then plotted against Didao or Wudu. When he heard that Ma Teng was ambushed by Han Sui, he was secretly delighted. Come back and forth.

Who would have thought that Li Sui lost Shangbi at the critical moment, even if he persisted for a while, he would be able to return to Lintao?hateful!

Li Kan really wanted to chop Li Sui up as a good-for-nothing, but his brothers and uncles all dissuaded him: "No, now is the time for employing people, how can you kill the general in front of the battle?"

In fact, Li Kan was also confused. If Li Sui had no skills, how could Li Kan let him guard such important places as Shangbi?

"Let's raise troops and go to Shangbi. Does a certain person believe that a random young general of the Lucheng Army can occupy a certain Shangbei?"

Li Kan wanted Lintao, but he wanted to go to Ying even more. If Lintao was captured, there would still be a place to stay, wouldn't he?It's better than being flanked back and forth by Lu Chengjun and Ma Chao.

Li Kan led eight thousand cavalrymen under his command to go straight to Shangyu. In this move, Li Kan gathered all the soldiers under his command who dared to fight, and vowed to take Shangyu down.

However, Xiahou Lan's army is only a thousand infantry, how can they resist it?
In Li Kan's imagination, Xia Houlan could only stick to it and wait for help, and after Han Meng gathered several counties in the northeast of the Weishui River, he would attack him, but Li Kan was not as good as the two of them?March into Shanggu with the fastest speed, and then turn around to intercept Han Meng, defeating the Lucheng army to increase his prestige.

"My lord, the Shehu Valley is ahead."

On the east and west sides of Shehu Valley, there are majestic mountains facing each other. The walls stand thousands of feet high, and the valley is lined with empty valleys. It looks like a natural portal.On the east side are Wangjialiang Mountain and Zhangjiaping, and on the west side is Xuanmao Liang.In the canyon, the Chouni River flows into the Xihan River from north to south, and there is only a small road in the narrow part of the canyon.In the middle there is a canyon about 50 meters wide and long.

The story of Shehu Valley closest to Li Kan is that Duan Ying gathered and wiped out the Qiang and Hu cavalry here decades ago, and this battle achieved Duan Ying's boundless prestige.

Li Kan said with a sneer: "This place is so dangerous, I'm afraid that Xiahou's children don't know the danger? If it is impossible to attack the city, or Han Meng comes too fast, someone can set up an ambush here, where is Li Sui?"

"Big brother."

Li Suiting stepped forward, Li Kan glanced at him, and said coldly: "A thousand soldiers with you will set up an ambush here, whether it is Han Meng who comes to attack or Xia Houlan who comes after him, I will intercept and kill him."

"Here! This time, I will definitely live up to my elder brother's entrustment."

Li Sui said proudly of this easy-to-get credit.

Li Kan said dissatisfied: "If you let Xia Houlan or Han Meng escape, I will kill you."


Li Kan used his men to quickly enter the Shehu Valley. He certainly did not expect that a generation of famous generals Zhang Yun would die here because he was forced by Sima Yi decades later.

In order to buy time and achieve a surprise effect, Li Kan even ordered the soldiers to put down valuables such as luggage and horses.

Little did they know that the Lucheng Army of Wangjia Liangshan and Zhangjiaping on the east side had already ambushed. Although Xiahoulan was not as fierce as Zhao Yun, Xiahoulan was more proficient in the art of war than Zhao Yun. Go to the lecture hall organized by the Lucheng Army.

From the initial Yujin new barracks, the Marquis-level lecture hall, the Sima-level lecture hall, and the general-level lecture hall, Xia Houlan completed it step by step. He can be said to be the first batch of direct-line generals of the Lucheng Army.

The first time he dispatched troops was under Zhao Yun as the deputy general. Because of his presence, Zhao Yun was able to show his might in the Barbarian Valley. When blocking Ju Yi, most of Zhao Yun was damaged and not defeated. Although Xia Houlan did not charge forward, it was exactly his deployment. Let Zhao Yunbu get the title of Yunhuiwei and become the second unit of the Lucheng Army to be named after the lord.

Since Xia Houlan sent troops to Shanggui and had the help of the intelligence organization, she naturally would not let go of the opportunity to ambush Li Kan in Shehu Valley. After all, there is no comparison between defending the city with thousands of people and defeating thousands of people.

Shehu Valley is also known as Mumendao, where there are dense trees. Duan Ying once built a wooden fence of [-] steps wide and [-] miles long in Xixian County to besiege Qianghu, and then became prosperous.

Naturally, Xia Houlan would not give up such a good ambush location. He first sent people to lie down on the top of Wangjialiang Mountain, and blocked the road with rocks after Li Kan's army passed. It will definitely take Li Kan's life.

"Sima, the one riding the white horse is Li Kan."

Joining the army beside Xia Houlan pointed to the general who was riding a tall horse and showing off his might.

Xia Houlan nodded: "Bring a certain bow."

Although Xia Houlan's martial prowess is not as good as Zhao Yun's, she is also comparable to a first-class general, and she has worked tirelessly day and night, especially in archery.

Xiahoulan picked up the iron tire bow, set the arrow and drew the bow skillfully aimed at Li Kan, and with a loud shout, the arrow in Xiahoulan's hand immediately left the string.

The general riding the white horse was shot off by an arrow, and countless arrows rained down in the jungle, and Li Kan's army immediately fell into chaos.

Everyone thought that Li Kan was dead. Under the enemy's arrows and clamor, some of Li Kan's army rushed forward, some retreated, some hid in the jungle, and some even lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead.

(End of this chapter)

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