Chapter 612

Di Dao, Liu Bei supervised the generals, Liu Wuqiu was in Ji County, Zhao Qu was in Xiangwu, Zhang Ji and Yang Fu were by his side.

Li Gui led the Di Taoist clan to meet him, and Liu Bei made him the prefect of Longxi to show his meritorious service, and the rest of his followers were rewarded for their meritorious service.

Ma Teng lost to Daxia, and Han Sui hurriedly sent Cheng Gongying to meet him in person. The Xiliang Alliance that Han Sui was preparing for would not be possible without Ma Teng.

Ma Teng retreated to Daxia with less than [-] soldiers and horses, and even the soldiers who took over Daxia before were no more than [-]. Compared with Han Sui's tens of thousands of troops, according to Jincheng's posture, he is a bereaved dog, plus Han Sui before The method of annexing Xiliang Haoyou made Ma Teng afraid.

However, the best chance of surrendering to the Lucheng Army has obviously been lost. Before Ma Chao persuaded him, he refused to listen. A few days ago, Ma Dai persuaded him again, but he still refused. Now that he is homeless, what use does the Lucheng Army want him for?

Even the news of Ma Chao's killing did not make Ma Teng so decadent, so Cheng Gongying knew her mission was not that simple the moment she met Ma Teng.

The loss of Ma Teng's troops will have little effect on the war, but if Ma Teng votes for Liu, Liu Bei can completely turn him into a banner. Even if the Lucheng army does not come to attack, Xiliang will have to split into two major forces in a few years. Ten years in Xiliang is by no means empty.

"Duke Shoucheng, Duke Wenyue has been exhorting and asking someone to invite Shoucheng Gong to Jincheng."

Ma Teng cast a contemptuous glance at Cheng Gongying: "Nowadays, a certain dog is like a bereaved dog, does Wen Yuegong still have a crush on a certain one? Don't let a certain one go, it is to annex a certain one!"

Cheng Gongying sneered: "Shou Chenggong is joking! Now Li Jue, Guo Si, Lu Shui, Hu Zhiyuan, Yijian prostitutes, Wuwei Yanjun, Zhangye Zhangjin, He Luan, Shaodang Qiang King, Xiping Juyan, Jiang Shiju Well, they all came here after hearing the names of Lord Wenyue and Lord Shoucheng. If Lord Wenyue annexed Lord Shoucheng’s subordinates in full view, wouldn’t Li Jue and the others feel in danger? Who would dare to contribute to resisting the Lucheng army?”

Ma Teng nodded when he heard the words, Cheng Gongying's words were unreasonable, and he doubted: "I'm afraid that the day when Lu Cheng's army is defeated is the day when all the generals will die!"

It is Han Sui's usual method to use the hands of officials and soldiers to eliminate those who hinder him. Ma Teng and Han Sui have been in contact for several years, how could he not know the method?

Cheng Gongying said anxiously: "Shoucheng Gong, now that the enemy is at hand, if you doubt me and I doubt you, the big guy will set up some kind of alliance to beg Liu, so why not go back to each house, just sit and wait for death, Mr. Shoucheng is Lu Chengjun Pioneer, maybe you can save your life."


When Ma Chao was mentioned, Ma Teng was angry. If Ma Chao hadn't led the Lucheng Army into Hanyang, he would not be where he is today.

Cheng Gongying saw Ma Teng's expression changed, and said: "It feels like sitting on a dog. I think Shou Chenggong has not forgotten it."

When Ma Teng was young, he used to cut firewood for a living, and he joined the army because of the rebellion of Han Sui and others. He was promoted to the army Sima for his bravery and skill in fighting.

At the end of Emperor Ling, the army was in disarray, and the big clans in Kansai controlled the situation in Xiliang. Famous generals were all from the Huangfu, Yang, and Duan clans. If the children of the Han clan wanted to make their mark, they had to rely on them. Tian Yan rose up by relying on Duan Jiong, and Ma Although Teng claims to be a descendant of Ma Fubo, Ma Rong, the authentic descendant of Ma Yuan, does not admit it.

Ma Teng could gain a foothold in the army only by relying on Geng Bi and other talents. After Geng Bi was killed by Bie Jia, Ma Teng had no choice but to rebel.

It can be said that Ma Teng was picked up by Geng Bi, among which Ma Teng knew the suffering. He had been a prince all these years and did whatever he wanted. Although he treated the nobles preferentially, he didn't have any thoughts about the big man in his heart. He suddenly lived a life dominated by people. won't adapt.

Seeing Ma Teng's hesitation, Cheng Gongying suddenly knew that her task had been completed seven or eight times, and Cheng Gongying resigned to let Ma Teng think on his own.

Two days later, Ma Teng led several hundred troops to Jincheng.

golden city.

Ying Shaoyun in the Eastern Han Dynasty said: "In the early days, gold was obtained by building a city, so it was called Jincheng."Chen Zan of the Jin Dynasty thought: "It is called gold, whichever is firmer. Therefore, "Mozi" said: "Although the gold is the best."

It can be seen that the city walls of Jincheng are strong, and there are rivers to rely on. After Han Sui won Jincheng, he strengthened Jincheng many years. Since the end of Emperor Ling, Dong Zhuo led his army to Jincheng, and no one can threaten Jincheng.

From Dong Zhuo to Jincheng, it has never been destroyed. Since then, Jincheng has become the place that countless wealthy people in Liangzhou yearn for. It is said that Jincheng was built with accumulated funds, and some people say that Jincheng has accumulated millions of stones, which can be eaten by people for decades.

Anyway, there are different opinions, but today Jincheng has gathered many people who only listen to their names, such as Ma Teng, Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhi Yuanduo, and Ju Yan. These are all well-known people in Xiliang.

Han Sui led all the heroes outside the river, killed the white horse, and made an alliance with blood.

Since Emperor Gaozu, killing a white horse as an oath is the highest oath. For example, to ask for the Dong League is to kill a white horse as an oath. Maybe too many white horses were killed, so Hanzhangdi set up a white horse temple for Buddhist scripture translation.

All the heroes in Liangzhou jointly promoted Han Sui as the leader of the alliance. Han Sui was famous and powerful, so he naturally took the position of leader in Liangzhou, where strength is the hero.

Han Sui proposed Ma Teng to be the deputy leader. Ma Teng was originally determined to be the deputy leader. Besides, Ma Teng was the deputy leader not once or twice. He was the deputy leader last time he attacked Niyang.

Guo Bang said: "If we brothers had no objections before, but now Brother Shoucheng has no place to stay, and if he is the deputy leader, I'm afraid the brothers will not accept it!"

Ma Teng's expression changed upon hearing this.

Zhiyuan Duo also said: "That's right, this leader is not something anyone can do if he wants to, it depends on his strength."

Ma Teng said with a cold face: "Then who do you think is suitable?"

Zhiyuan didn't even look at Ma Teng, and said to the king of Shaodang Qiang: "Now the king of Shaodang Qiang has thirteen Qiang species, such as Shaohe and Dangjian, and he also has strong generals such as Li Jue and Guo Si under his command. The best candidate for the leader."


Li Jue also said.

The king of Shaodang Qiang had great trust in Li Jue and Guo Si. Among them, the unification of the thirteen Qiang species in Xiping was due to these two people.

But Ju Yan and Jiang Shi said: "If we only talk about the number of people and horses to form an alliance, why should we ask for Liu Bei, just let Liu Bei be the leader of the alliance?"

Ju Yan's support for Ma Teng is by no means because of Ma Teng's reputation, but because King Shaodang Qiang dominated the Qiang land, which was a huge threat to Xiping. Naturally, they would not sit back and watch King Shaodang Qiang instigate them in the name of deputy leader, and then annex them.

Han Sui saw that the two groups of people were more interested in arguing, so he gave Cheng Gongying a wink, and Cheng Gongying persuaded: "Everyone, don't quarrel, why don't you just listen to a certain word?"


Cheng Gongying is just a dog of Han Sui, and all the heroes are the heroes of the place, so they don't care about his words, in the end it was Han Sui who said: "Everyone, be quiet."

"I don't know what the leader said? Some people are all ears."

Han Suidao: "Now the Lucheng Army is coming from two routes, so a certain one decides to block the enemy in two ways, a certain one leads the way by himself, and the deputy leader leads the other way."

King Shaodang Qiang heard the words, and immediately said: "I am willing to use Shoucheng Gong as the deputy leader."

(End of this chapter)

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