Allure Chinese Medicine

Chapter 211 The Person in the 9th Bureau

Chapter 211 The Ninth Inning Man (2)
"Hey, why did you run away? I haven't had enough killing yet, these beasts..." Luo Ou was covered in blood, cursing as he watched the fleeing wolves.

After the threat was lifted, the Soviet army pulled out the sharp blade from the head wolf, inserted it back into the boots, and then walked up to Su Qing, looked at Kong Mingyang and Lin Xue who were following him, and asked in surprise: "What do you do?" Here? Shouldn't you be in school?"

Seeing blood gushing out from his shoulder, Su Qing frowned and said, "I'll talk about this later, I'll help you treat the wound first."

The wound on Su Jun's shoulder was caught by the wolf's claws. Su Qing sealed the acupuncture points around the wound with acupuncture, and then debrided and sutured the wound. He took out a bottle of water from his bag and poured it on the wound.

The water in this bottle is the spring water in Su Qing's space, which contains a lot of spiritual energy. After a while, Su Jun felt a warm feeling at the wound, and it permeated around the wound. It seemed that the wound was slowly growing. slow healing.

Needless to say, I was surprised in my heart, but Su Qing was always mysterious, and the things he took out could not be found outside, so it was not surprising.

After tidying up the battlefield, Duan Rui led a group of people in camouflage uniforms and high-top boots over, and took a look at the few people who suddenly appeared.

"Who are these?" Duan Rui looked at Su Jun and asked.

"This is my younger sister, Su Qing." Su Jun pointed at Su Qing, "The other two are her classmates."

"Su Jun, you are so lucky to have such a capable younger sister. Your younger sister is so handsome with a concealed weapon. Thanks to her, otherwise, we would all have fallen into the belly of wolves." Luo Ou patted boldly. Going to the Soviet army, he said in a rough voice.

Su Jun immediately gasped in pain, grinned his teeth and said, "Brother Luo, my sister just sewed up my wound, and you probably opened it again. Are you trying to punish me on purpose?"

When Luo Ou saw that Su Jun's wound was photographed, he rushed to make amends, "I'm sorry brother, my brother went to envy your sister and forgot about your wound, don't blame my brother." Pu Fan slapped his forehead hard several times.

"Su Qing? That's what I call you, right? Do you know medical skills? Two of our team members are injured, can you help us deal with them?" Duan Rui was worrying about these two severely injured team members. Jun's younger sister is actually good at medicine at a young age.

Su Qing didn't refuse, and readily agreed. The injuries of the two people looked scary and blood-stained, but they didn't hurt a fatal vital point. After Su Qing's treatment, the expressions of the two men immediately improved a lot.

Seeing that it was getting late and there were wounded in the team, Duan Rui decided to find a place to rest and eat something to replenish his energy.

"There are many dangers in this forest, why did you guys come here?" Duan Rui asked after settling down in a relatively flat place in the forest.

Duan Rui was tough and exuded hostility. Presumably, his hands were stained with a lot of blood. Before leaving, the Soviet army said that if he was going to perform a mission, he might have gone to the Wild Wolf Organization.

"I said, do you believe that we are here for fun?" Su Qing replied jokingly.

play?Playing in hell, it's too long to die, and ran to the devil's forest.

Duan Rui naturally couldn't believe it, but it's not easy to press him. After all, he helped them out of the siege and healed his team members. Anyway, they have the responsibility to protect them in this forest.

Su Qing killed more than ten wolves instantly with a hidden weapon, which is amazing, but I don't think she has peerless martial arts. After all, it is not uncommon for them to practice hidden weapons to this level.

Moreover, the pack of wolves escaped strangely, let alone linking them with Kong Mingyang, they just thought that the leader wolf was dead and the dragons had no leader.

The purpose of coming to the forest is unwilling to disclose, and Duan Rui doesn't mind. Besides, the purpose of their trip is also inconvenient to reveal to others. He believes that Su Jun did not tell others about their mission, because Su Jun saw her sister just now The surprise at the time could not be feigned.

"Handsome, do you want a drink?"

Shirley, the only female player in Duan Rui's team, walked up to Kong Mingyang with her sexy figure twisted, and handed over a can of beer.

If Shirley hadn't been wearing a camouflage uniform, you would never have imagined that she would be a woman carrying out special missions with weapons.

With fair skin, delicate features, elegant and sexy, and a proud and graceful figure, it can be said that she is the dream lover in a man's heart.

As soon as she approached Kong Mingyang, several team members whistled.

"This kid is really lucky. He actually aroused Shirley's interest."

"It's useless to be sour. Who told you that no one's parents are handsome."

"Handsome and handsome, with a pretty face, looks like a woman, only men like us are called."

"Hey, the guy who says grapes are sour when he can't eat grapes, I think that guy is quite masculine."

Kong Mingyang raised his head and saw a sexy beauty in uniform standing in front of him. He immediately glanced at Su Qing who was talking to Duan Rui guiltily, and found that she didn't pay attention to this side, and immediately refused, "No, thank you!" Like the plague, for fear of being stained with something unclean.

Xue Li was not angry when she saw this, she had a panoramic view of Kong Mingyang's actions, and followed his line of sight curiously. It was Su Qing who was talking to their boss, and immediately understood what was going on.

It turns out that this handsome guy has someone in his heart. This guy is good-looking, tall and mighty, just the type she likes, Shirley, but he has his own heart, and there are disappointments, but she also has a strong self-esteem.Naturally, I disdain to force it, but in the eerie forest, it is also a good idea to chat with this pleasing handsome guy.

At that moment, ignoring his refusal, Xue Li sat down next to Kong Mingyang, forced him a can of beer, opened another can, leaned her neck, and drank a little of it.

Except for Su Qing, Kong Mingyang has always turned a blind eye to women, but this woman ignored the air-conditioning he released and insisted on sitting next to him. Now this time is not the time to cause disputes, so he had to get up and move his seat.

"It seems that you like others very much, but do you know if they have you in their hearts?" When he got up, Xue Li suddenly said something startling.

Kong Mingyang was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then heard her continue: "After you sit down, you will know whether she likes you or not." After speaking, he took another sip of beer, and his gestures were bold but still elegant.

Kong Mingyang was stunned for a moment, then figured out what she meant, and immediately struggled in his heart, do you want to give it a try?If I followed her buttocks and chased after her for so long, even a man wouldn't believe it if he said that he was not in a hurry.

But although he didn't confess, his behavior was obvious enough, okay, but Su Qing never responded, and he didn't know what was going on in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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