Crown Princess, you have been dug up again

Chapter 145 Ye Tianhan Writes a Letter to Suman

Chapter 145 Ye Tianhan Writes a Letter to Suman
Hearing about Jingdu, Feng Tianche finally came to his senses: "Hurry up and bring it."

The boy handed over the letter: "Master, is the board free?"

"Get lost, don't let me see you again." Feng Tianche cursed.

"Okay, little one, just get out of here." The boy said, and he really rolled out of the door, and then disappeared in a flash.

Feng Tianche quickly opened the letter, and when he saw the contents inside, his hands trembled with fright, and the letter fell on the table.

It was the first time for Ah San to see the young master looking so frightened. She glanced at the letter, but there were not a few words.

"The next time you dare to do something casually, I will chop off your dog's paw and repaint the portrait."

Shorten a few words, the pen is vigorous and powerful, flamboyant, revealing a domineering, vigorous and free and easy.

"No, how did Ye Tianhan know that he had tampered with it." Feng Tianche was puzzled.

Suddenly remembering the big mole on the corner of the mouth on that portrait, Feng Tianche laughed so hard that his stomach hurts, and with Ye Tianhan's IQ, it would be strange if he couldn't guess it was him.

"What about this guy? Isn't it just that the young master added an extra point? It's really a big fuss. Hey, why is there a letter? Could it be a letter in the letter?" Feng Tianche complained, glanced at the letter on the table, and reached out to take it. It will be disassembled when it rises.

As a result, I saw that it said: Su Man personally.

There is also a line of small words next to it: If you dare to peek, you should know the consequences.

Feng Tianche clenched his fist tightly with his outstretched hand, his teeth itching with anger: "Why is the broken letter so secret and not let me see it? Ye Tianhan, a guy who values ​​sex and despises friends, will threaten people, damn it!" ,hateful."

Although Feng Tianche complained so much, he was so curious in his heart that he quickly asked Ah San to prepare a carriage to send to Suman.

Ah Sanyi was overjoyed when she heard that she was going to Suman's house, and quickly went to prepare the car.

Yang Cuiliu's house.

After teaching Fatty Cao and his father a lesson, Su Man was in a good mood, and continued to experiment with ramen, and it turned out to be a success.

"Great, it's not easy for me to make Su's ramen. I'll make ramen for everyone at noon today." Su Man said happily.

"Okay." Everyone looked forward to it.

Every time Suman made something they hadn't eaten before, and it was very delicious, so everyone was very happy.

"Mother, go buy some big bone sticks and let's make soup, Shan girl picks coriander, sister Qiuyue chops green onions, it will be faster to divide the labor." Su Man divided the labor for everyone.

"Okay." Everyone hurried to do the same.

Suman made the flour and ingredients according to the ratio. Fortunately, she wrote it down without experimenting once before, so it was easy to prepare the ratio, and then wake up the dough.

Suman rubbed hard, rubbing, and her shoulders were sore from exhaustion: "Is this ramen really a human job? It will be so tiring if you pull it like this for a day, it seems that she has to find a way.

After a while, Yang Cuiliu bought four big bone sticks and came back, boiled water, boiled the bones, and then took them out to control the water.

"Mother, let me come." Suman walked over.

Yang Cuiliu lit the fire, Suman chopped the onion, ginger and garlic and put them into the pot, then added several seasonings she picked on the mountain, star anise, cinnamon bark, bay leaves bought by the mayor, and finally put the big bone sticks in, Added a large pot of water.

"Mother, let's cook the fire like this. After the water boils, turn the fire to a low heat. It will take half an hour to simmer anyway." Suman urged.

"Okay, mother will do as you say." Yang Cuiliu always listened to her daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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