Chapter 177 The Son Is Here
The two of them only knew each other for a day and a half, and they didn't really have much friendship, but she reserved a room for herself.

Ye Tianhan was very useful for this kindness.

"Of course I've kept it for you if you don't come. I know the young master is very busy. If you happen to pass by here one day, you can come to my house for a night. It's more comfortable than staying in a hotel, and the furniture in the house I designed them all myself, which is very good. Anyway, we don’t have many friends, and the room is enough.” Suman explained.

Ye Tianhan's originally angry and displeased anger disappeared immediately with Su Man's words.

Originally, he wanted to teach this girl a lesson with a stinking face, and he didn't know her safety when she was messing around, but now that she cared about him so much, Ye Tianhan was in a good mood.

The two of them just strolled on the street in the second half of the night. There was no one in the whole street, and it was extremely quiet. The moonlight stretched the shadows of the two of them.

Originally, Suman was still a little sleepy, but walking on the street with the young master, he suddenly became less sleepy.

Why did she suddenly feel that she and the young master are a bit like dating.

"Young master, why did you come in such a timely manner this time? Is there something to be done here?" Su Man spoke first.

"I received Feng Tianche's letter. I saw in his letter that you wanted to exorcise evil spirits, so I rushed here because I was afraid that something would happen to you." Ye Tianhan explained.

"So the young master came here because he was worried about me?" Suman asked again.

Ye Tianhan didn't answer this time, and walked straight ahead.

"Young Master is quite arrogant." Su Man whispered, but his face was full of smiles.

The two of them walked back and forth like this, and arrived at Suman's yard after a while.

"Young master is here, please come in." Suman said, took out the key and opened the door.

"Okay." Ye Tianhan walked in and took a look at the yard.

The sky was just a little bright, and I could see everything in the yard clearly. The yard was very simple, my wife was clean, and some fruits and vegetables were planted in the corner of the yard, which was very simple.

Suman entered the house and lit the kerosene lamp, and the dark room was lit up.

Ye Tianhan glanced at the room, the furniture was very strange, he had never seen it before, it was different from the grandeur and luxury of the rich family, and also different from the simple and messy of ordinary people, the furniture in this room was simple and grand but without losing the style, It highlights the taste of the owner.

"You made these yourself?" Ye Tianhan asked.

"Yeah, these are all European styles. The key to being simple and elegant is that they can hold a lot of things, not bad." Suman said proudly.

"Well, it's really good." Ye Tianhan agreed.

"Let me show you, my son." Suman walked into the house holding a kerosene lamp.

Ye Tianhan followed behind her, obviously he never cared about these things, but inexplicably followed Suman around.

Every room is furnished with different styles of furniture, but the style is the same, which opened Ye Tianhan's eyes.

Such a style, style, even the most famous furniture master in Kyoto would be difficult to draw.

This girl just grew up in the countryside, how could she draw these?
"Master." Ye Sha came in from the outside.


Suman looked at the person who came in, she remembered that he was with the young master.

"This is my subordinate, Ye Fu, you can ask him to do something." Ye Tianhan introduced.

"Okay, young master, thanks to you who arrived in time to save us this time, you must have had a hard time traveling this way, why don't you go to sleep now, I just bought a new quilt." Suman suggested.

(End of this chapter)

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