Crown Princess, you have been dug up again

Chapter 269 Little thing, take me to the son

Chapter 269 Little thing, take me to the son
"Understood, Lord Sheriff, go and rest quickly." Niu Er replied.

The sheriff then staggered back to his tent, fell asleep after entering, he was really exhausted these few days.

When Niu Er saw the sheriff walking away, he looked at the others: "Everyone cheer up, don't be careless, these are our life-saving talismans, don't make any mistakes."


Everyone stared wide-eyed, two groups of people switched back and forth to patrol, and there were guards patrolling beside them, everything was normal.

After about an incense stick, Niu Er felt a little uncomfortable: "Brother, watch the meeting for me first, my stomach hurts, I need to go to the toilet."

"Okay, go and drive back." Zhou Heizi nodded in agreement.

Niu Er got up and left, heading towards the direction of the toilet on the east side, and disappeared after a while.

Here, Suman finally arrived in Fengliang County after driving most of the night.

"Xiaobai, where is the young master?" Suman asked.

"Master, with my sensitive nose, I can tell that the young master is in the direction ahead, within a mile." Xiao Bai replied.

Su Man doubted: "Are you a dog with a sensitive nose?"

Xiaobai suddenly became unhappy: "Master, he is a majestic dragon, okay? He also has a good sense of taste, okay?"

Suman ignored it, but looked at the parrot in his arms: "Little thing, take me to find the young master."

The parrot fluttered its wings: "No, the owner is bad, grab the dried meat."

Suman smiled helplessly, and took a piece of jerky over: "It's okay now, I will ask you clearly when I see you son, if he really took your jerky, I will help you get it back. "

The parrot got the guarantee and was immediately happy: "Okay, the new owner is good, the new owner is good."

"Then let's go, take the shortest road, I want to see you soon." Suman said.

"Okay, okay." The parrot flapped its wings and flew towards the nearby woods.

Suman quickly dismounted and chased after him.

"The new owner is careful, the road is not good, it's not easy to walk." The parrot continued.

"The little thing is quite considerate, I get it, you just need to fly slower."

Although the road led by the parrot is a small road, it is fairly flat, which shows that people usually walk this road.

Suman followed it carefully. Xiaobai was afraid that the parrot would fool her master, so she kept caring and reminded her of what was under her feet, lest Suman would fall.

In this way, Suman walked very quickly. Fortunately, these two little things were there, so Suman easily found the tent where the young master was.

From a distance, Suman saw the single tent. The night was very dark, and there was a row of tents not far away, and there were patrolling people beside them. It seemed that everyone was very vigilant.

"Sir, you really manage well. There are so many people patrolling back and forth in the middle of the night, but ah." Su Man praised.

Because Suman passed through the woods on the back mountain, there was still a long distance from the woods to Ye Tianhan's tent, and it was dark at night, and all the people's attention was on those tents. So no one noticed at all.

Su Man was just about to go out: "Master, wait a minute, there is a sneaky person over there, be careful, there is danger." Xiao Bai reminded.

Suman stopped quickly, and then squatted down, not letting himself make a sound, and hugged the parrot tightly in his arms: "Little things are not allowed to make a sound."

The parrot nodded vigorously, it could just concentrate on eating jerky.

(End of this chapter)

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