Crown Princess, you have been dug up again

Chapter 286 Can You Pay On Credit First?

Chapter 286 Can You Pay On Credit First?
He hurriedly approached Suman, with a smirk on his face: "Little girl, let's have a discussion, can you pay on credit first?"

"No, what if you don't admit it?" Suman asked.

"You underestimate me too much. How can I say that I am also His Highness's subordinate. If I don't admit it, you can sue His Highness." Eleven guaranteed the ticket.

Su Man thought about it too: "Okay, if you dare not admit it, I'll let the young master deal with you." As he said, he handed over five slices of beef.

Eleven happily took it, and simply sat on the chair next to it and ate it, praising it while eating.

"Little girl, don't say that your beef jerky is really not built. You can open your own restaurant with this skill. The best beef shop in Kyoto can't compare to yours."

"I think so too, but I have to take care of my mother and sister, and I don't have time to go to too many places, so let's just play around." Suman replied.

"What I'm saying is that I run around every day. If we cooperate, you will be in charge of production and I will be in charge of contacting the merchants. We will share the money we earn equally." Eleven suggested.

"I'm worried about cooperating with you, I'm afraid that all the beef jerky will get into your stomach."

Eleven was shocked immediately: "Little girl, can you stop telling the truth like that?"

Although Eleven really thought so, and wanted to get more food through cooperation, but they haven't seen it through yet.

"People who cooperate with me must be extremely honest, so they must not have any crooked thoughts."

Seeing Suman's cold face, Eleven quickly explained: "That's what I thought, I definitely wouldn't do that, if I was so unprincipled, His Highness wouldn't let me protect you.

So girl, you have to trust me. I am the most eloquent and well-connected person in Twelve Shali. Although I have been eating, drinking and having fun all these years, I have made many friends. If I have something to say, many people will come to help . "

"It's better to sing than bragging. By the way, are there any fish around here?" Suman asked.

She can't help repair the embankment, but she can cook a delicious meal for the young master.

Thinking of the son's daily cabbage and chili, it is estimated that the meat is only put out when he comes. After all, it is good to eat what is available in the disaster area, let alone ask for it.

"Of course there is. Although the river in the back mountain is flooded, there are still fish in it. I'll take you there." Eleven quickly replied.

"Then let's go." Suman followed him out, and the two went straight to the river behind the mountain.

On the way, Suman frowned when he saw many people making porridge, and it was white rice porridge.

Porridge alone is not enough to eat, not to mention the soup is digested after a while, so it is not very useful.

"Do you usually drink porridge?" Suman asked.

"Yeah, it's good to have porridge. You don't know. A few days ago, our food and grass had problems. We couldn't drink the porridge. We could only drink water. Fortunately, you sent people to send those food and herbs. , so that everyone can drink water." Eleven explained.

Suman stopped talking and followed Eleven to catch fish.

Here, Ye Tianhan went to the dam, gathered everyone together, and talked about new strategies for building dams and disaster relief.

Everyone, who was still depressed, was extremely admirable and agreed with His Highness's opinion.

So everyone immediately adjusted the way of building the dam, changing from blocking to dredging, and everyone was very motivated to build the dam before the rainy season.

Ye Tianhan also did it himself and followed everyone else.

(End of this chapter)

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