Crown Princess, you have been dug up again

Chapter 513 Ten thousand 2, why doesn't he grab it

Chapter 513 10 taels, why doesn't he grab it

Leng Ziyan was even more surprised when he heard that, although that dead girl was a bit hateful, but he could tell that the girl was not from the capital, she just came here for a few days and offended her enemies?
"Take care of your young master, he wakes up and send someone to notify me." Leng Ziyan said, turned around and left.

After leaving Baili Mansion, Leng Ziyan got into the carriage: "Go to the east of the city!"

"Yes, son."


Wu Lanyan's condition still didn't get better, but got worse. Now she is delirious and can't recognize anyone.

Every day Wu Lanyan either smashed things, or yelled, and kept yelling that there was a ghost, and the whole Wufu was disturbed by her.

But Wu Jingxuan thought of all the ways she could think of. Concubine Wu Gui specially sent all the imperial physicians in the palace to help her diagnose and treat, but it didn't work at all.

The entire capital is the wizards of Qingtian Kingdom, the great gods, and the gods have been invited all over, but it is still useless.

Together with Wu Chao, he rushed to the genius doctor's school, but was told that the devil boy hadn't gone back for five years, and neither the door owner nor his whereabouts knew.

Now Wu Jingxuan doesn't want to give up and there is nothing he can do. After a long time, even if it is his own daughter, Wu Jingxuan is exhausted physically and mentally, and he is no longer as anxious and worried as before.

Anyway, it's no use worrying.

The guard at the gate came in and reported: "Master, an old Taoist came to the gate and said that he can cure Miss, but it will cost 10 taels of silver."

Wu Jingxuan became furious when he heard it: "What, 10 taels, why didn't he grab it and send someone to blow him away?"

The servant looked at Wu Chao in embarrassment: "This is the young master?"

Wu Chao was also worried about his sister: "Father, why don't you let him come in and take a look. If he really has the ability to heal my sister, even if he spends all of the Wu family's wealth, he can consider it."

"Stupid son, what do you know? This is the fourth door-to-door scammer. Your aunt invited the imperial doctor in the palace to no avail. How can an old man do it? Hurry away, let me see your sister's life That's all.

Don't let me down, the future of the entire Wu family depends on you. Your aunt originally planned to let Lan Yan marry the prince, but now it seems that there is no other way.

Now that you are old and young, it's time to start a family. Your aunt sent someone to send news that the peach blossom banquet in a few days will create an opportunity for you to get closer to the general's daughter. You must seize the opportunity. "Wu Jingxuan exhorted.

Wu Chao's face tensed slightly, he naturally knew that the general's daughter was Luo Shan, but he didn't have that kind of meaning towards Luo Shan at all.

Looking at his father's expectant eyes, Wu Chao didn't pour cold water on him either.

"Father, are you trying to trade elder brother's marriage? Even if it is to consolidate the Wu family's position, you don't have to sacrifice elder brother like this." Wu Zhan walked over, just in time to hear the conversation just now, and couldn't help complaining.

Wu Jingxuan glared at his son angrily: "What do you know, your elder brother shoulders the hope of the entire Wu family."

"I don't understand why, if the Wu family really wants power and wealth, they can fight for it by themselves, and it is not wise to achieve the goal by sacrificing the elder brother's marriage.

Just like Luo Shan, who looks like a big and three rough, like a man, who would like him, the eldest brother doesn't like him at all, have you considered the feelings of the eldest brother? "Wu Zhan is unfair."

Wu Jingxuan was so angry that his face turned black, and he slapped him hard: "You rebellious son, go back and think about your mistakes behind closed doors, you should not worry about your elder brother's affairs."

(End of this chapter)

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