Crown Princess, you have been dug up again

Chapter 755 They Are Actually Stealing

Chapter 755 They Are Actually Stealing

It seems that there are no such big crabs in the whole of Kyoto.

"These are raised by the river at my house. The land in the countryside is fertile, so the water is clear and nutritious. My mother caught these specially. There are only two of them. You should try them quickly." Suman said, putting the Ye Mingzhu on the Aside, handed over a crab.

"Okay, one for each of us." Ye Tianhan stretched out his hand to take it.

The two of them just sat in the tent like this, eating and drinking, chatting a few words from time to time, it was very warm.

The second graders in the room were still worried about whether His Highness and Madam had eaten, but they didn't dare to fall asleep for fear of His Highness's order, so they were always ready.

As a result, several people waited and waited until the middle of the night, they were so sleepy that they still hadn't heard from His Highness.

I drank a little too much soup at night on the second day of junior high school, so I got up and got off the kang: "I'm going to the latrine, and by the way, see if His Highness and the others are awake. What if I'm tired and haven't eaten all day?"

"Okay, let's go, die early and be reborn early, and we can go to bed after His Highness orders." The third day urged.

After he went out in the second day of junior high school, he was shocked to see that the tent was suddenly bright as day. He looked around in the darkness, only the tent was bright.

And there were two figures outside the tent, who seemed to be eating and talking and laughing.

"Han, eat more. This is delicious. It tastes very fresh. I didn't even give it to Brother Yesha. You are the first one." Suman's voice came.

"Okay, my woman naturally loves me." Ye Tianhan replied domineeringly.

The second grader, who was listening to the corner outside, was immediately shocked. Would you like to be so exciting, Your Highness?

A group of them were still worried that His Highness and Madam were afraid that they would not have enough to eat, and now the two of them were actually hiding in the tent, eating and drinking, and showing such affection, it really made them want to die.

In the second day of junior high school, I went to the toilet carefully without disturbing them, and went back after going.

"On the second day of junior high school, are the son and wife awake?" asked the third day of junior high school.

"How about we heat up the food first, in case they wake up to eat later?" Ye Sha asked.

This time, everyone was crowded on the kang, and there was only Ye Tianhan and Suman's tent in the yard. After all, everyone didn't want to be stuffed with dog food, so they all entered the house.

"No need, the young master and the madam are ready to eat, and you are the one who feeds me, and I feed you, everyone go to bed quickly." The second day of junior high school replied with curled lips.

When everyone heard this, they were immediately speechless.

"The young master is too heartless, have you considered our feelings? Everyone has been worried all night, and he actually cheated with his wife?" The third grader suddenly complained.

"That's right, the second brother really has a wife and forgot about his brother, he actually steals food behind my back, I'm going to ask him for it now." Ye Tianyu said and was about to get up.

After all, they all like Suman's delicacies.

"If you don't want to be shot to death by the young master, you can go." The second day of junior high school hummed lightly.

Ye Tianyu, who had already got up and was about to get off the kang, shivered subconsciously, retreated tactfully, and lay down again.

"I'd better sleep, I'm so sleepy."

The others also quickly fell asleep, after all, there are still many things to be busy tomorrow.

And inside the tent in the yard.

Suman and Ye Tianhan had enough food and wine, and after Ye Tianhan came out and threw away the leftovers, he went back to the tent, and the two of them lay comfortably in the tent, very comfortable.

"Han, after a day of observation, I have a countermeasure now, but I still need to test it tomorrow. If possible, I want to call the people from Tianfeng Pavilion, and then you are sending some people to me." Suman Open your mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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