Chapter 199 Shocked
"My friend remembered that when he went to see him, he found out that he had already been released from prison for two months. Fortunately, he had already left the country, and he had to apply for a one-year visa with his real identity, but it seems that the background would not be too small, otherwise It’s not like you can get a visa to go abroad right after you get out of prison.”

Xiao Yu felt guilty: "Cousin, I got you in trouble." She was really young at that time, and she didn't know how to look at people. She was a delicate girl who looked pitiful, and she never thought that she would become like this. She even put him to death for a pendant, but after all these years, she didn't sell the pendant,
His face gradually turned cold: "Cousin, don't worry, no matter how big her backstage is, I will not be merciful this time." I used to be a person, whether dead or alive, but lifeless, but now it's different Yes, he has someone to protect, thinking of Hongjing, his heart gradually warms up, she must be sleeping soundly at this time.

Chen Liangping sighed, everyone said that Liang'an can cause trouble, and Changying is not a fuel-efficient lamp, but seeing him worried, he couldn't bear to blame him. When he was young, he would inevitably do two stupid things. small?
"What do we brothers say about being involved or not? Don't worry too much. If we can't solve it, I will tell my father that although it is difficult, it can still be handled. As soon as she enters the country, someone will notify me." He said. He frowned, but he couldn't find out that it was a potential danger. Those who went out with their real identities, but those who came back may not be the real ones.

"Cousin, I'll pay for the expenses." Since I can't help, then I will pay for it. This matter is always caused by him.

"Money is a trivial matter. I just regret that cutting the weeds should be uprooted, at least so that she can't get out for the rest of her life." He said bitterly.

Xiao Yu's heart was extremely heavy,

"Such a person is vicious. We can't spend our whole lives with this kind of person. Just be careful."

Xiao Yu couldn't help feeling deeply regretful, and nodded: "Then cousin should also pay attention."

Relieved: "Don't worry too much, she dare not do anything with our background."

It’s true to say so, but when a person reaches the extreme, he can do anything.It is estimated that her life in the past two years will not be easy.

"By the way, this is not the main thing. As long as something happens to her, it will be easy to handle. There is one more thing. The fourth child is going to come to Huaxi to enclose the land. Are you interested? Get a third share?"

"Enclosure? It's amazing." The water in real estate is too deep, that's why these people dare to do it. "What can I do with this little money in my hand? You guys can do it. I still won't participate."

"Can I have more money than you? Let's find a way with the money."

"I'm not going to do it. I'll do this first. Let's talk, cousin. If you need money or a loan, tell me, and I'll help you with it. At least in Jiangbei, it's no problem to get a loan of 500 million yuan now. "

Chen Liangping nodded: "As long as you have 300 million, I will pay you back slowly."

"We won't pay back what we said. When will we use it?"

"As soon as possible, he will come to bid in these two days. If the funds on my side can be done by the two of us, I don't want too many people, so as not to have differences in the future. You have given me a lot of inspiration by doing express delivery this time. Funds can be invested in the shares, and those who express their opinions have to be in the hands of a few people. The boss is very careless, and he can do real guns, but he can’t control people’s hearts. We have 60% of the funds, I get 40% of the shares, and he gets [-]% , no management."

"What about the risk?" Jin-Woo frowned.Real estate can cost tens of millions, and the risk is also great.

Chen Liangping nodded slightly: "70%, I don't want my child to be tied to a wolf. I am going to fight with my back. If I fail, I will probably be in debt for the rest of my life."

If you earn money in business, you lose money. Who can guarantee the success of every business?

"Then I'll try to get as much out of it as possible."

"No, 300 million is enough. Your side is also a bottomless pit. I don't know when it will start to make a profit. My uncle can help me with 500 million. It's about the same if I add my own. This bidding, the reserve price is not high. My boss and I The sum of four is enough, next time I will do it myself."

He handed a cigarette to Jin-Woo, Jin-Woo pushed it, and he lit it himself.

"However, once the land is settled, Su Lei will have to keep an eye on the business here alone. Do you think he can do it?"

Xiao Yu nodded: "No problem, Su Lei is usually a fool, but when it comes to the matter, he is absolutely serious, besides, we are both pulled out of the stall now, it is just right to leave this piece to him alone."

Chen Liangping nodded: "That's fine, I'll hand over to him for a while, and just like you, I'll keep only dry shares."

"By the way, I am a good friend. If there is demolition in the early stage, let me know and let him do it more or less." This time when he returned to Hongjing's hometown, Heizi contributed a lot. Naturally, things like making money are indispensable. he.

Chen Liangping naturally agreed, he can do it for anyone, why not let his brothers earn money?

"Then I'll go back to Jiangbei in the next two days. It's no problem for me and Su Lei to share one million of the transfer in the technology market." Originally, he planned to send the money by express.

"Okay, don't worry about Chen Qian's matter, sooner or later I have to solve her."

Xiao Yu had a headache, what evil did he do in his previous life?

When Xiao Yu returned home, it was past eleven o'clock, the lights in the living room were turned off, leaving only the corner lamp at the door, glowing with warm colors.After a brief wash, he entered Hongjing's room, gently opened the door, and turned on the desk lamp.

He was sitting by the bed, she was lying on her side, hugging a corner of the quilt, sleeping soundly, he felt a little distressed, he must be exhausted.The thin bangs were laid on the smooth forehead, which made him very tempted to see.

He lifted the quilt, and when he moved, she woke up.

"Are you back? What time is it?" She yawned.

I had planned not to bother her.

He lay beside her, "It's been a while."

"What is Chen Liangping looking for with you?"

"He wants to buy a piece of land with his friends, and the funds are not enough now. When do you plan to return to Jiangbei, I will work with you to help him borrow some money."

Chen Liangping is really good, it doesn't matter who is in the real estate industry, not only has a good vision but also has a lot of guts. "How much did you loan him?"

He asked her to pillow her arm, "300 million."

Fortunately, Jiang Hongjing breathed a sigh of relief, "It's not too much." Speaking of buying land, she remembered: "Did you call Boss Li for me?"

Xiao Yu slapped his head: "Forget it, I'll go find him when I go back to Jiangbei, I'll call him tomorrow and return to Jiangbei the day after tomorrow." He still has some things to deal with tomorrow.

Jiang Hongjing yawned again, "Go to sleep, it's so late."

(End of this chapter)

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