Chapter 13 Early Warning
"Chunlan, why is it you?" Shi Jingning's voice sounded, "What a coincidence, be careful under your feet!"

Li Chunlan staggered, but was caught by Shi Jingning's big hand and easily pulled up.

"Uncle Shi, you don't watch movies anymore?" Li Chunlan looked behind Shi Jingning, but there was no one, which meant that the movie was still showing.

"Well, I don't want to watch it, I'm in a panic!" Shi Jingning replied lightly, and the flashlight illuminated the two people's feet.

If Li Chunlan was still that naive and ignorant little girl, then she might have believed Shi Jingning's words, but in her previous life, she had been at the bottom of society for so many years, and she had long since ceased to believe in the word coincidence.

The night was dark, only the outline of Shi Jingning could be seen, his eyes were darker than the night.

Li Chunlan found that she couldn't see through Shi Jingning, so she didn't think about him at all, but recalled Shi Jingning's past life.

Shi Jingning is a cadre sent by the superiors to train. When he came, everyone knew that he came to rely on the mountains for gold plating. With the work experience in this difficult area, Shi Jingning will be reused when he returns.

However, Li Chunlan was tricked into the city in her previous life, and later she left Donghe several times, but she heard that Shi Jingning did not leave Guashantun, but lived there for many years. Why is this?

Thinking about this, Li Chunlan felt a chill on her face, she looked up in surprise, and saw many snowflakes fluttering and falling in the pitch black night sky.

"It's snowing," Shi Jingning sounded very happy, "The Chinese New Year is about to come, the crops will definitely grow well in the coming year after this snow! The day after tomorrow will be a small year, kill a few more sheep, and everyone will go home for the New Year. !"

Hearing the sheep, Li Chunlan suddenly remembered what was about to happen. Starting tonight, Kaoshantun will experience the biggest snowstorm in history. The heavy snowfall for three consecutive days and three nights will affect the entire population including Laowan Township. The township has caused harm and caused incalculable losses.

Shi Jingning did not leave Kaoshantun, probably because of the snowstorm, because the cattle, sheep and livestock were the property of the commune at that time, and there were only simple open-air cattle and sheep pens. During the winter, if you encounter such a big snow disaster, if you are caught off guard, you will be frozen to death!

As a cadre stationed in the village, Shi Jingning failed to protect the state property. This will undoubtedly affect his official career!

Li Chunlan's eyes lit up, "Uncle Shi, look at the wind shadow on the moon, this snow will definitely not be small, I wonder if our livestock will freeze to death?"

Shi Jingning is a smart person. Hearing what Li Chunlan said, he also looked towards the sky. The snowflakes became bigger and bigger, like feathers.

"Have any accidents happened to the cattle and sheep in the backyard in the past?" Shi Jingning frowned and began to ask about the situation over the years.

Li Chunlan blinked, and a snowflake just fell on her pretty long eyelashes, and then it melted into crystal dew, "Two years ago, several sheep were frozen to death, and a cow! That time it only fell for a day A night of snow!"

That's enough, the backing is a mountainous area, the temperature is already low, if the snow is too heavy, those old and weak livestock can't stand it!
Shi Jingning withdrew his gaze and tried not to think about the crystal dewdrop, "There is a row of land nests at the east end of the village. People from Nanyao Village used to live there. Now they built brick houses and left, and the land nests have been abandoned. For a few years, without doors and windows, it is impossible to live in,”

"Drove the cattle and sheep to the nest overnight, and built a fence with straw mats to keep out the wind and snow, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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