Chapter 276 Gan Guang
Shi Jingning wanted to take another bus back to Donghe in Ganguang. Li Chunlan didn't have time to explain this situation to Director Huang in detail, so she just nodded and said goodbye to him hastily.

Saying goodbye to Caiwang, Li Chunlan and Shi Jingning hurried to the station to buy tickets for the return journey.

Fortunately for the two of them, there were not many people buying tickets at the station, and they also successfully bought tickets for the return trip.Shi Jingning's ticket was for boarding at six o'clock in the evening, while Li Chunlan's ticket was three days later.

When the passengers saw Li Chunlan and Shi Jingning well-dressed but holding two lambs in their hands, they were very curious and chattered. A policeman even came to ask and reminded them that animals were not allowed in the station.

Shi Jingning took out his certificate, saying that this is a breeding sheep, which is urgently needed by the unit.

When the marshal saw Shi Jingning's ID, he was immediately in awe. Not only did he not pursue him for walking around with sheep, but he asked him if he needed help.

With the help of the marshal, Shi Jingning found an iron cage, put the two lambs in it properly, and loaded them into the luggage cart.

In this way, it is avoided to bring the two lambs into the sleeper car when returning to the city.That's pretty eye-catching, and the point is that the sheep aren't necessarily happy either.

Shi Jingning refused to let Li Chunlan send him off, but insisted on sending her out of the station, "It's still early, why don't I send you to the hotel!"

Li Chunlan kept shaking her head, saying that she didn't need to trouble Shi Jingning.

The two walked out of the station together, and saw someone holding a big sign at the exit, which said the reception desk of the classic Chinese medicine competition, and Shi Jingning was relieved when he saw someone picking him up at the station.

There were already a lot of people on the bus. These people were travel-stained and carried their luggage. They looked the same as Li Chunlan, and they made a special trip to participate in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Competition.

In a blink of an eye, this group of people was almost received, the driver greeted, and the car started and left the station.

Li Chunlan looked at Shi Jingning's tall and straight figure, and waved at him again and again, until Shi Jingning's figure became smaller and could no longer be seen clearly, then Li Chunlan turned her head, and then she will face the classic Chinese medicine competition alone.

The bus directly pulled everyone to the entrance of the hotel. After Li Chunlan got off the bus, she saw that the name of the hotel was Peace Hotel.

She suddenly thought of Director Huang. Didn't he also mention that he was going to stay at the Peace Hotel?
This world is really small, Li Chunlan muttered to herself, and walked in with everyone to sign in and go through the accommodation procedures.

The standards of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Classic Competition are very high, and the organizers are willing to spend money. The Peace Hotel they chose is one of the top hotels in Gan Guang.

Players like Li Chunlan who had been selected from all over the world not only lived and boarded at the Peace Hotel, but even the venue of the competition was set up in the conference room of the Peace Hotel.

"That means I will stay at the Peace Hotel for the next few days?" Li Chunlan asked the staff in charge of registration.

The official staff shook his head and explained to Li Chunlan with a smile, "Of course not. You can take a look at the schedule of the competition. In fact, you only spend two or three hours a day on the competition. You can arrange the rest of the time freely."

Only then did Li Chunlan understand that accommodation and meals are the benefits given to them by the contest organizers, but contestants can stay here if they have other arrangements. As long as they promise to participate in the contest on time every day, other time is free.

Li Chunlan saw that her room number was [-], took the house key, and read the entry notice as she walked.

(End of this chapter)

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