Chapter 366 Return
Li Chunlan thought about it carefully, and felt that Director Qian took the initiative to provoke her several times, but it seemed that she didn't take advantage of it.
"Director Qian is indeed as you said, but she didn't succeed in trying to make things difficult for me!"

The husband and wife chattered homely, and soon arrived at the backing village.

This time again, the attitude of the villagers towards Li Chunlan was even more different. The shock Li Chunlan brought to everyone in a short period of time was really too great.

Originally, everyone was working together in the fields, but in a blink of an eye, Li Chunlan went to the health center to get out of labor, and within a few days, she had the opportunity to go directly to Donghe City and became an official doctor of Donghe Hospital.

This is simply a golden phoenix flying out of the mountain village!

After Li Chunlan got off the car, all the villagers she met came up to say hello.

A sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl carried a basket of grass and handed it to Li Chunlan, "This is the bitter vegetable I dug up the mountain during the day. There is no dew on it, and it is dry. It can be eaten by your lamb!"

This girl is Erhua, the youngest daughter of Aunt Fat, and she has the most honest and honest personality.

Li Chunlan rescued the shepherd on the train to Ganguang, who gave her two stud sheep, which were originally raised in Grandpa Li's flock.

Now that spring is coming, Grandpa Li is afraid that his local sheep will harm the breeding sheep and give birth to impure lambs, so he sent two breeding sheep back to Li Chunlan.

Shi Jingning put the two lambs in his small yard to raise them, and when he had time, he took the two lambs for a walk at the foot of the mountain.

The villagers all know that Li Chunlan and his wife like these two lambs. When they go up the mountain to mow grass, they often bring an extra one for the two lambs.

It's just that Erhua's basket is full of fresh alfalfa sprouts and bitter herbs, which are obviously dug for the two lambs, and this kind of favor is well deserved.

Li Chunlan took the basket with a smile, "Er Hua came to my house for dinner, and your Uncle Dong Bao came home, and the house is cooking delicious food!"

Erhua was shy and introverted, blushed and shook his head, "No, my mom has already prepared dinner, and she's just waiting for me to go back to eat!"

Looking at Erhua's back, Li Chunlan turned her head and asked Shi Jingning, "Did Erhua come to deliver grass during this time?"

Shi Jingning took the basket in his wife's hand, "Yes, this child comes every day, and he puts the grass under the edge of the wall without entering the door and leaves. I told him several times that I don't need to send it, but she didn't listen!"

Li Chunlan thought for a while, "I watched Erhua grow up. I know her temperament, and she is always hardworking. I have to ask Auntie Fat if she would like Erhua to come out to do things."

It turned out that before going home, Li Chunlan once heard from people in the department that there was a shortage of two nurses in the internal medicine department. During this time, anyone who knows everyone can introduce them to the hospital.

Compared with doctors, the threshold for nurses is even lower. With a scale like Donghe Hospital, very few nurses with professional backgrounds will be assigned. Most of them are temporarily recruited nurses who can go to work after simple training.

But for rural girls like Erhua, it is also an opportunity to take off the straw sandals and put on leather shoes.

Because as long as the work is done well and can be recognized by the department, these nurses have the opportunity to become regulars.

Shi Jingning understood what his wife meant, she had resources and wanted to repay the kind people around her.

"Chunlan, as long as you look good! But you should discuss it with Fat Auntie in advance to see what she thinks," Shi Jingning smiled and reminded his wife not to do bad things with good intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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