Chapter 480 Nepotism
In any case, the trap of diabetics was carefully set by Gao Yunshu for Li Chunlan. Now that he saw Li Chunlan's transparent eyes, Gao Yunshu felt that the other party had already understood his plot.

She coughed in embarrassment, not daring to look at bed 47 anymore.

After the house inspection, to everyone's surprise, there was already someone in the office, and it was Vice President Huang who was in charge of administration.

When Vice President Huang saw all the doctors coming in, he stretched out his hand to signal everyone to sit down, "Our business unit mainly focuses on seeing doctors, and when it comes to personnel adjustments, I will try to make a long story short."

"Everyone knows that we have a new dean. The new dean proposed that each department should not only have a director, but also have a deputy director to assist the director to do a good job,"

"The same goes for your department. Think about it, everyone, who is more suitable to be the deputy director, and report the list to me before you get off work!"

Dean Huang seemed very busy, and left in a hurry after saying this, and there was another heated discussion in the office.

Regarding the candidate for the deputy director, everyone has a lot of ideas. The members of the internal medicine department are more complicated. There are veteran doctors with nearly 30 years of service, and new talents like Li Chunlan who have just arrived.

Only Dr. Wang's eyes rolled around, wondering what he was thinking.

Finally, under the auspices of Director Hu, everyone elected Dr. Yang, who has 30 years of service, as the candidate for the deputy director.

This candidate will be reported soon.

However, on the second day, Vice President Huang came over with a sullen face to inform everyone that the new deputy director of internal medicine was neither Dr. Yang nor Li Chunlan, but the newcomer Gao Yunshu!

Yesterday, some people were already wondering whether the new Director Gao had anything to do with Gao Yunshu?
Seeing such a result today, everyone can already be sure that Gao Yunshu and Dean Gao must have a relationship, and the relationship is not shallow, they should be very close nephews.

The people in the internal medicine department were a little bit less interested in such a result, and there was no applause when Vice President Huang announced that it was over.

Deputy Director Gao took office so lonely.

Li Chunlan's office and Gao Yunshu's office were facing each other. Gao Yunshu turned into Deputy Director Gao and immediately asked someone to change the number plate on her office.

Gao Yunshu was full of intentions to show off, but Li Chunlan seemed unmoved and continued to commute normally.

This indifferent attitude made Gao Yunshu very disappointed.

After get off work, Li Chunlan did not leave directly, but went to the old man in the hospital and found out where Dean Zhang lived. She felt that it was Dean Zhang who needed comfort the most at the moment.

Dean Zhang's home is in the county seat. When Li Chunlan arrived, she was surprised to find that many people had already arrived in Dean Zhang's small courtyard, including various service departments, and many clinicians and nurses.

Dean Zhang sat in the middle, his face didn't feel lonely at all, but he was very relieved.
"Thank you for coming to see me. There is nothing I can't figure out about this matter. I am not in good health. My daughter has long wanted to take me to the provincial capital to enjoy the blessings. I feel that I have never retired and I am still reluctant to leave. Now I am Help me make up my mind!"

Those who came to see Dean Zhang burst into laughter, "President Zhang is going to become a native of the provincial capital, don't forget about us in the future!"

Dean Zhang agreed, "You must not forget that you are also coming to the provincial capital, and I will treat you to dinner!"

Seeing such a situation, Li Chunlan was relieved. It seemed that Dean Zhang was not overwhelmed by this sudden change.

(End of this chapter)

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