Chapter 566
Shi Jingning agreed to take the paper and began to read it. Only then did everyone hear that the meaning on the paper was that Li Dongbao had caused a huge loss to Rende Pharmacy due to work mistakes, and he wanted to compensate Rende Pharmacy 1 yuan in cash. all.

It was a bolt from the blue!Grandpa Li was clutching his chest and felt uncomfortable. He is a farmer who has been farming all his life, and his daily work points are only a few cents. He can't imagine how terrible it is to owe a huge debt of 1 yuan.

After being shocked, Li Chunlan felt a little unbelievable. Li Dongbao is an out-and-out old farmer who has been farming all his life. Even if he wanted to really participate in the management, would Bai Jingqi let him do it?
Li Chunlan looked at Shi Jingning. The latter looked calm and didn't show much shock. Li Chunlan understood that there was probably something wrong with her father's huge debt, which should have been fabricated by him, so Shi Jingning was not in a hurry.

"Dongbao, what did you do? Why did you suddenly owe so much money?" Grandpa Li breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately asked Li Dongbao.

Li Dongbao patted the back of his head in distress, "Dad, look at your question. If I knew why, would I still owe money?"

Grandpa Li is no longer in the mood to eat, "1 yuan, what do you use to pay it back?"

Li Dongbao was even more annoying than Grandpa Li, "We used to be in Gushantun, how could we save any money? We spent a lot of money and searched, and saved five or sixty yuan, and we spent half of it when we got married a while ago!"

"I've only been working in a big pharmacy for a month, and I received a month's salary and paid Li Yue'e eight yuan. Look, my pocket is cleaner than a dog has licked it!"

Speaking of this, Li Dongbao whimpered from his throat, as if he was really worried about not paying the bill.

Grandpa Li looked at Li Dongbao and sighed, "I still have some pension money in my hand, not much, just a hundred and ten yuan, I'll pay you all of it!"

Li Chunlan shook her head silently. Grandpa is like an old scalper. He doesn't have too many demands on what he eats and uses. He just wholeheartedly hopes that his children's life will be ahead of others.

Li Dongbao also shook his head, "Dad, I know you have good intentions, but your little money is a drop in the bucket, and it is not enough to pay back the debt!"

Grandpa Li is getting older, and he has long lost the fiery temper he had when he was young, and he has no time to scold Li Dongbao, "Your father is so capable, and he can only help you so much. You can figure out what to do with the rest of the money!"

Li Dongbao said with a bitter face, "Boss Bai said that if I don't make enough money this month, he will go to the court to sue me. At that time, our house in the city will not be able to be kept, and Xiao Cao's shop will not be able to open." down!"

Grandpa Li is an old-fashioned person. When he heard that Li Dongbao would be homeless, he panicked and looked at Li Chunlan quickly.

"Chunlan, I know you are a married girl, this matter shouldn't bother you, but now your father is at the end of his rope, can you help him find a solution?"

Li Chunlan smiled slightly, "Of course I should be filial to my father, but this time my father owes too much money, even if he sells me, it won't be enough to make up the amount, right?"

Li Dongbao hurried over, "Boss Bai said that he just wants Dad's old house. If he gets the old house, the money I owe will be written off. Otherwise, how about you give him the old house?"

Li Chunlan took a look at Li Dongbao, "My grandfather's house is considered average in the village. If you sell it with a clear price tag, it will cost 35 yuan at most."

"Now Bai Jingqi wants to forgive your 1 yuan debt for such a house. How is this possible?"

Li Dongbao was a little anxious, "Bai Jingqi did it voluntarily? Anyway, the money is his, and he thinks it's worth it. The key problem is that you have to give him the house!"

Li Chunlan shook her head resolutely, "No, it's not that I don't help you, but I don't think you owe that much money at all!"

Speaking of this, Grandpa Li also got a taste, "You have said so much about Dongbao's feelings, and you co-authored it to lie to me, right?"

Li Dongbao shook his head quickly, "No, Dad, you are thinking too much, why should I lie to you?"

Li Dongbao fabricated this debt from the beginning with the intention of deceiving others, but the one he wanted to deceive was not Grandpa Li but Li Chunlan.

When Li Chunlan said that it was impossible for her to borrow money, Li Dongbao pulled his face down, and slapped the chopsticks on the table, "I really gave birth to you as a girl, look at you, your stepmother is pregnant and asked you to take care of her, If you don't come back, now I owe foreign debts, and you don't care about it!"

"Tell me, do you still have this family in your eyes? Li Chunlan, I'm going to put my words here today. Whether you like it or not, you have to take out the old house in the village to pay off the debt!"

Shi Jingning frowned, "Father-in-law, why are you bothering? Let me tell you, not only Chunlan saw that you didn't owe foreign debts, but I also saw it!"

After all, Li Dongbao had a guilty conscience. He hurriedly put away the IOU on the table and put it in his pocket, "That's your guesswork. Who has nothing to do, and invented a debt to lie to you?"

Li Chunlan was not in a hurry, "Okay, since you said that the IOU is true, I will go to Rende Pharmacy tomorrow and ask how they run their business to make you, the manager, owe a huge debt. Is there no element of illegal business in it?"

When Li Dongbao heard what Li Chunlan said, he was a little scared, and there was no other reason. As early as when he and Bai Jingqi were making plans, Bai Jingqi had repeatedly told Li Dongbao not to let Li Chunlan call the police.

Bai Jingqi has been running a pharmacy for many years, so he naturally knows what is illegal. Falsifying accounts and fabricating debts are the two things managers hate the most.

Therefore, even though Bai Jingqi helped Li Dongbao fabricate the debt, he knew that this thing could only be used in the Li family and must not go out of the Li family.

Li Dongbao remembered Bai Jingqi's advice, and quickly stopped Li Chunlan, "Boss Chunlan Bai is not that kind of person, don't worry he won't cheat me!"

Seeing Li Dongbao like this, Li Chunlan became more and more sure that there was something wrong with him, "There is something wrong with this Bai Jingqi. You only worked for him for a few days, and you owed 1 yuan in debt. He doesn't cheat you. Situation, if he cheats you, will you be betrayed by him?"

Li Dongbao was left speechless by what Li Chunlan said, and the carefully planned scam turned into a joke.

Grandpa Li also saw that this was his son's mischief, "Okay Dongbao, don't say these things are too unlucky for Chinese New Year, don't say that debts are not debts, if that surnamed Bai asks for debts, you Let him find me!"

(End of this chapter)

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