Chapter 580
Li Chunlan froze for a moment, and started to chase after him. This is a snitch.

The thieves who dared to snatch the bag usually ran very fast, but Li Chunlan didn't run too slowly. After chasing and fleeing, the two quickly entered a small alley.

Seeing that there were no pedestrians left, the snitch stood still, turned around and pulled out a dagger and grinned at Li Chunlan, "You're pretty good at chasing after him, and you're going to die if you want money!"

If an ordinary girl encountered such a situation, she would run away crying.

But Li Chunlan wasn't afraid of him at all, "Of course it's killing me, but it's killing you!"

As Li Chunlan said this, she was about to go up and deal with this kid.

At this moment, a big man jumped up from the side, and kicked the Snitch on the waist with a flying kick. The kick was so strong that the Snitch fell on the ground and couldn't get up, and the knife in his hand fell out unconsciously. How far.

The big man kicked the Snitch down, patched him a few times, and then raised his head to greet Li Chunlan, "Comrade Li Chunlan, are you okay?"

Li Chunlan froze for a moment, seeing that this person seemed familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen her before, "I'm fine, may I ask who you are?"

The big man smiled, and covered the lower part of his face with his palm, "Yin Zhiqiang, let's do disaster relief together!"

It turned out that the big man was Yin Zhiqiang with a loud voice, but he shaved off the beard on his face.

Yin Zhiqiang, who has shaved his beard, looks handsome, but at the age of 24 or [-], he has a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a righteous face.

Li Chunlan recognized Yin Zhiqiang and couldn't help laughing, "So it's you, you look handsome after you shaved your beard!"

The snitch on the ground regained his strength, saw the two of them talking happily, and planned to get up and slip away.

Yin Zhiqiang saw it out of the corner of his eye, and he kicked the boy's ass again, and the kicked Snitch fell to his knees on the ground.

"Yes, the task over there is over, and I'm back in the provincial capital now," Yin Zhiqiang was very happy. He thought he would never have the chance to see Li Chunlan again, "Comrade Li Chunlan, what are you doing in the provincial capital?"

Li Chunlan just smiled, "I am going to college here!"

Yin Zhiqiang was even happier, and he dragged back the snitch who was about to escape, and knocked his head against the wall again, and the snitch squatted down with his head in his arms again.
"It's really great. I can see you often again. Which school did you go to?" Yin Zhiqiang was really happy.

Li Chunlan felt that there was nothing to hide, "It's the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine!"

"I know this school, and I'm going to the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine!" Yin Zhiqiang said, reaching out and pulling the snitch up.

The snitch hugged his head and begged for mercy, "My good brother, please forgive me!"

Li Chunlan picked up her handbag. After the snitch snatched the bag, she just ran for her life and didn't even unzip the bag.

Yin Zhiqiang scolded the snitch with a straight face, "You must not be forgiven lightly, I must bring you to justice!"

There was no class in the afternoon, so Li Chunlan followed Yin Zhiqiang to the police station to report the crime, and sent the snitch inside.

"Comrade Li Chunlan, I have something to do this afternoon and I can't go to the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Can you help me bring this thing to the students there?" After finishing the work, Yin Zhiqiang took out a lady's wallet from his side, which contained A student card.

Li Chunlan looked at the student ID card, Yan Duoduo's name was impressively written on it, "This girl is my classmate!"

"Really? That's really a coincidence!" Yin Zhiqiang smiled and talked about the origin of the wallet.

It turned out that Yin Zhiqiang happened to take a train with Yan Duoduo a few days ago, and the two of them still shared bunk beds, but Yin Zhiqiang was on the upper berth and Yan Duoduo was on the lower berth.

When Yan Duoduo got into the car, he carried a lot of luggage. After Yin Zhiqiang saw it, he took the initiative to help Yan Duoduo and put all the luggage on the shelf. It was this behavior that aroused Yan Duoduo's favor.

Both of them were young people, chatting on the train all the way, Yan Duoduo knew the general situation of Yin Zhiqiang, and became interested in him.

However, although Yin Zhiqiang is rough-looking, he has a delicate mind and high vision. He didn't like Yan Duoduo, so when the two were about to get off the train to say goodbye, Yan Duoduo proposed that they want to date. Yin Zhiqiang politely refused.

Of course Yan Duoduo would not give up so easily, she deliberately left her wallet on the bunk, and then left by herself.

After Yin Zhiqiang saw it, he really wanted to go to school and send the wallet back to Yan Duoduo.

After listening to Yin Zhiqiang's story, Li Chunlan looked at the wallet again. Except for a student ID card, there was no money in the wallet.

Li Chunlan guessed what Yan Duoduo was thinking. How can a normal person not have a penny in his wallet when he goes out?

This is obviously Yan Duoduo's guard against Yin Zhiqiang not picking up the wallet. If the wallet falls into someone else's hands, Yan Duoduo has nothing to lose, anyway, she took out all the money in it.

But thinking that giving a wallet is just a matter of convenience, Li Chunlan agreed, "Don't worry, Captain Yin, I will definitely give the things to Yan Duoduo!"

When they reached the intersection, seeing that the two were about to go their separate ways, Yin Zhiqiang suddenly took out a ticket from his pocket, and handed it to Li Chunlan with a blushing face.
"Comrade Li Chunlan, this is a ticket for a gala. There are many movie stars participating there. It's very lively. Can you go and see it?"

Li Chunlan didn't answer, so she looked at the ticket with Yin Zhiqiang's hand, and found that it was an invitation ticket, so she refused it with a smile, "I'm busy recently, I don't have time at all, thank you!"

Yin Zhiqiang was very disappointed, took back the ticket, bid farewell to Li Chunlan and left.

In fact, Li Chunlan is not busy, and may not have time to do other things. There is still time to go to a performance and attend a reception, but Li Chunlan does not want to have too much contact with Yin Zhiqiang.

There is no other reason, this Yin Zhiqiang is too kind to her, Li Chunlan feels that she is already married, so she shouldn't get too close to Yin Zhiqiang, lest the other party have other thoughts.

Meeting a thief out of nowhere, Li Chunlan rushed back to school at four or five o'clock in the afternoon.

University life is very comfortable. On days when there are no classes, the girls basically take a nap in the dormitory. When Li Chunlan returned to the dormitory, the girls had just woken up and were sitting in the room chatting.

Li Chunlan took out the wallet given by Yin Zhiqiang and put it on Yan Duoduo's bed, "Yan Duoduo, someone found your wallet on the train, please ask me to bring it to you!"

Yan Duoduo looked at the wallet, then at Li Chunlan, her face darkened, "Who gave it to you?"

Li Chunlan didn't think much about it, "Yin Zhiqiang, a friend I knew before, said he would take the same train with you, right?"

Yan Duoduo suddenly grabbed the wallet and threw it at Li Chunlan, "Since Yin Zhiqiang picked up the wallet, you can ask him to bring it back to me. What's the matter with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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