Chapter 638 Unreliable

Li Dongbao looked back and saw that it was Guangzi who was pushing a bicycle, and he grabbed Guangzi as if he had found a life-saving straw.
"Push your bicycle quickly, your aunt is about to give birth, I have to take her to the hospital!"

Photon is a businessman, so the reaction is naturally fast. Hearing what Li Dongbao said, he immediately understood the ins and outs of the matter.

Guangzi ran to the door of his house and left a message for his mother, asking her to tell Li Chunlan and his wife to go to the hospital as soon as they got back, and he and Li Dongbao sent Aunt Cao there first.

After finding Guangzi for help, Li Dongbao felt a little relieved, and the two ran home like lightning, only to see that Aunt Cao had already knelt on the ground and couldn't even stand up.

Photon shook his head when he saw it, "Uncle, Auntie can't ride a bicycle anymore, wait for me to find a stretcher!"

Li Dongbao was still wondering why Aunt Cao couldn't ride a bicycle, and saw that Guangzi had already run out.

Li Dongbao thought for a while, then ran to his wife and asked her, "Can you still ride a bicycle? Or if I ride a bicycle and you jump on it, can I take you to the hospital?"

Seeing Li Dongbao like this, Aunt Cao was so angry that she couldn't speak, and regretted marrying such a useless man even more.

Seeing that Aunt Cao was silent, Li Dongbao tried to help her up.

Aunt Cao was in so much pain that she couldn't speak, she couldn't stand up, and was dragged by Li Dongbao.

Seeing all this through the window, Li Yuee felt very relieved, and said she deserved it while nibbling melon seeds.

In the past year, Li Yue'e has been raising children at Li Dongbao's house, and her personality has become very distorted. She has also realized that she has no money or ability, and she is looked down upon by others, so she dare not play tricks openly in front of everyone, and can only secretly. Swear at people for doing bad things.

Fortunately, at this time, Guangzi rushed in with people carrying a stretcher. They carried Aunt Cao on the stretcher and ran away after carrying it.

Li Dongbao slapped his forehead, "Wait a minute, Guangzi, I haven't taken the money yet!"

I didn’t take the money I had prepared to give birth to a long time ago, I didn’t take the small clothes and quilts for the children, and I didn’t take any of the things that women need to use after giving birth.

Photon didn't listen to Li Dongbao, "Uncle Dongbao, we're sending my aunt to the affiliated hospital, you hurry over here with your things!"

Li Dongbao hurriedly agreed, and hurried into the house to get things, but these things were prepared by Aunt Cao, and he didn't know where to put them when he was in a hurry, so he searched for them in the bedroom. Get ready, the baby money is gone too!
Li Dongbao was sweating anxiously, "Isn't this adding to the chaos? Xiao Cao, you are so serious, you can't bear it, and you have to rush to have a baby at this time?"

Come on, at this time, Li Dongbao thought of complaining that his wife shouldn't have children!

Not to mention that Li Dongbao himself was too busy at home, Guangzi and others carried Aunt Cao all the way and ran out of the pharmaceutical factory's courtyard.

Just happened to run into Li Chunlan and the others head-on. It turned out that they had eaten and were walking back.

Seeing this situation, Li Chunlan immediately ran after Guangzi, "Aunt Cao, are you going to give birth?"

Aunt Cao's face was covered with beads of sweat, she could only grit her teeth and nod, unable to speak a word.

Li Chunlan took hold of her pulse, and was surprised to find that the cervix was not dilated, but the water had already broken. This situation is very dangerous, and surgery may be needed, because the cervix is ​​not dilated, and the baby cannot be born. The danger of hypoxia, so the fetus should be taken out as soon as possible.

Seeing that Grandpa Li couldn't keep up, Shi Jingning quickly asked Grandpa Li to stay behind and walk slowly, and chased after him again.

The affiliated hospital of the pharmaceutical factory is not far from the affiliated hospital, but Photon and the others carried a large living person, so the boys were out of breath after running down this section of the road.

While running, Li Chunlan gave Aunt Cao an injection at the Hegu point to help her stabilize the fetus and promote the opening of the cervix.

Seeing that Aunt Cao's breathing became a little smoother, Li Chunlan breathed a sigh of relief. She looked back, but she didn't see Li Dongbao. She couldn't help being very surprised, "Where's my dad?"

Photon smiled wryly, "Uncle Dongbao said he was going to prepare money and things at home, I don't know why he hasn't caught up yet?"

Li Chunlan couldn't speak ill of her father in front of outsiders, so she nodded, "You have worked hard, Guangzi. When my aunt gives birth, I will treat you to dinner!"

Photon yelled, "Did you hear that, big guy? My sister said to invite us to dinner!"

Those who helped carry the stretcher were all Guangzi's former buddies. Now Guangzi is doing business with Wu Tiecheng. His former brothers all said that he made a lot of money and envied him very much.

Seeing that they were just lifting a stretcher, someone invited them to eat. The boys were so happy that they ran more vigorously one by one.

In a blink of an eye, we arrived at the affiliated hospital. Li Chunlan stayed here for a while, and the head was fairly familiar. He directed everyone to go directly to the obstetrics and gynecology department. The doctor on duty saw that it was Li Chunlan, and admitted the patient without saying a word.

Li Chunlan was relieved when she saw that Aunt Cao was being checked by a specialized obstetrician.

A little nurse ran over, "Who is Cao Huixiang's family, hurry up and pay the money, the hospitalization fee hasn't been paid yet!"

Shi Jingning stood up, "I'll pay the money!"

Although Li Dongbao was not likable and he was confused in his actions, giving birth to a woman was like going through the gates of hell, so she shouldn't be careless at all. Shi Jingning was thinking about Aunt Cao's safety, so he ran over to pay the hospital bill without saying a word.

Li Chunlan was a little anxious, walking back and forth outside the ward. Aunt Cao's condition required surgery, even if she gave acupuncture.

Just when Li Chunlan was in a hurry, Dr. Xiao from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology came out, "Dr. Li, I have something to tell you. Your relative is too old, and the fetus is in breech position. Surgery is necessary!"

Li Chunlan was already mentally prepared, and nodded immediately when she heard the words, "I agree to the operation, everything depends on the judgment of your obstetrics and gynecology department, what do I need to do?"

Dr. Xiao looked at Li Chunlan and shook his head, "Dr. Li, your consent is not enough, the mother's relatives must agree to this!"

Of course Li Chunlan knew this rule, but Li Dongbao didn't know what to do, and the speed was extremely slow. In the case of Aunt Cao, time is life, and it is best to go to the surgery as soon as possible.

"Aunt Cao is my stepmother. If my father still doesn't come, can I sign for her?" Li Chunlan didn't avoid suspicion. She just wanted to try her best to save Aunt Cao and the unharmed child in her stomach. Anyway, she would be stabbed. It is necessary to strive for the health of the child.

Dr. Xiao thought about it, and she also knew that saving a life is like putting out a fire, "Okay, just sign here and agree to the caesarean section!"

When Li Chunlan picked up the pen, she heard an exasperated voice, "No signature!"

(End of this chapter)

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