Chapter 661
Hearing what Liu Lihong said, Li Chunlan turned around and ran away. Liu Lihong waved her hand viciously, and ordered to the killers she hired, "Hurry up and catch up."

Sure enough, those people chased after them in a swarm. Li Chunlan was not running fast, and she was about to catch up. Suddenly, from the bushes behind the tree, many people with weapons appeared, all of them with serious expressions, "Don't move! You intend to Others committed personal injury, and you were arrested!"

Those gangsters were brought under control before they could react. Originally they were hunting, but now they became someone else's prey.

Liu Lihong stood a little far away. Seeing that the situation was wrong, she turned around and wanted to run, but she couldn't run better than well-trained investigators, so she was quickly caught.

"Liu Lihong, you are trying to order others to hurt Li Chunnan, we will arrest you for intentional injury!" A man in uniform walked over with Shi Jingning, who was the person in charge of this arrest.

Seeing Shi Jingning, Liu Lihong suddenly realized, "Jingning, this time you and Li Chunlan deliberately set up a trap, trying to frame me, right?"

Shi Jingning admitted generously, "It is true that I set the trap, but there is no problem of framing you. As long as a person like you doesn't harm others, it will be fine!"

Liu Lihong never expected that she had been trying to show her most beautiful side to Shi Jingning, but the other party saw her in this way, and couldn't help shouting out of embarrassment, "Shi Jingning, you are too much!"

Li Chunlan had already started laughing, walked to the side and gently pulled Shi Jingning to her side, "Jingning, you are indeed a bit too much, how can you send someone to jail while talking bad about him?"

Both the husband and wife openly admitted that today was a trap set by themselves, and Liu Lihong regretted it very much. Li Chunlan disappeared last night. If she had pulled away in time at that time, she would not have been caught on the spot today.

However, there is no regret drug sale in the world, and the on-site arrest went very smoothly. Liu Lihong and several of her subordinates were all arrested.

After some interrogation, everyone was recruited. It turned out that these killers were hired by Liu Lihong to kill Li Chunlan.

Li Chunlan had been attacked in Donghe before, this time the investigators deliberately led Liu Lihong in that direction, and it didn't take long before Liu Lihong also recruited, and she ordered others to hire the person who attacked Li Chunlan in Donghe.

Hiring a murderer is the same crime as committing a murder yourself. This time, Liu Lihong is bound to be put in prison. Bai Xiaoya soon got the news, and rushed to the provincial capital to clear up, hoping to release Liu Lihong.

Bai Xiaoya even went to find Li Chunlan, hoping that Li Chunlan could propose a settlement. Bai Xiaoya still knew some laws. She knew that as long as the victim Li Chunlan proposed a settlement, it would be equivalent to giving up her right to seek justice from Liu Lihong. Will also let Liu Lihong go as appropriate.

"Li Chunlan, please, just let Lihong go. I can pay you a little money on Lihong's behalf, so you don't have to work so hard. Isn't it good to stay at home and enjoy the blessings? Besides, Lihong was just confused for a while. She didn't really hurt you!" This time, Bai Xiaoya kept her posture very low, and never dared to say anything strange.

"Impossible. If I hadn't noticed it last time, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to stand here and talk to you now!" Li Chunlan flatly rejected Bai Xiaoya's ridiculous proposal.

Bai Xiaoya trembled her lips as if she wanted to say something to Li Chunlan, but seeing Li Chunlan's resolute expression, Bai Xiaoya finally swallowed all the words that came to her lips, and left crying.

Seeing that Liu Lihong was going to be sentenced severely, Bai Jingqi couldn't sit still in the capital, and finally went to the provincial capital.

Speaking of Bai Jingqi, this period of time was also very difficult. Originally, according to Bai Jingqi's thinking, Li Chunlan was Bai Xiaoya's biological daughter and her niece in all likelihood, but Bai Xiaoya said that she was anxious to know the result, and ended up running away in person. After a trip to Xiangjiang, he directly took out the inspection report.

After Bai Xiaoya got the result, she told Bai Jingqi directly that the report said that she and Li Chunlan were not related by blood, so it was good for her brother to treat Li Chunlan normally.

Bai Jingqi always felt that the result was wrong, but Bai Xiaoya was very sure, and Bai Jingqi couldn't think of any reason to make a biological mother lie, so he gave up the plan to win Li Chunlan back to the Bai family.

Since Li Chunlan is not a child of the Bai family, the existing crooked melons and jujubes of the Bai family have to continue to be cultivated, so Bai Jingqi relaxed his requirements for Liu Lihong, which led to Liu Lihong taking advantage of the opportunity and ran to the provincial capital to assassinate Li Chunlan.

It's all right now, plotting against others failed, and I was caught and revealed myself.

After Bai Jingqi arrived in the provincial capital, he immediately mobilized his connections and asked people to intercede.

But Liu Lihong's criminal history is clear, and all the arrestees at the scene can testify. No matter whether it is denial or clearing up, there is no way to exonerate Liu Lihong.

It didn't take long for Liu Lihong to be sentenced to life imprisonment.

The Bai brothers and sisters were helpless, so they could only go to the place where Liu Lihong was imprisoned together, bid him farewell, and told her to reform well, maybe there would be a chance to come out early.

Seeing that Liu Lihong would not be free in a short period of time, the Bai brothers and sisters left the provincial capital sadly. On the way back to Beijing, Bai Jingqi still had doubts in his mind. He asked his sister again what the inspection report from Xiangjiang said.

Bai Xiaoya still stuck to her statement, insisting that she had no blood relationship with Li Chunlan.

In fact, Bai Xiaoya had already weighed the pros and cons deep in her heart. As long as Li Chunlan didn't enter the Bai family's door, Bai Jingqi could only take care of Liu Lihong.

So she refused to admit that Li Chunlan was her own daughter.

Bai Jingqi never imagined that there would be such a stupid person in the world. Although he felt incredible in his heart, he could only accept the reality and returned to the capital depressed.

After so many things, the long summer vacation is finally over and a new semester begins.

By this time, Li Chunlan was three months pregnant, but she was so slender that she couldn't tell from her appearance.

Shi Jingning Qian urged Wan to tell his wife to be careful.Li Chunlan also smiled and nodded in agreement.

However, Li Chunlan did not expect that this semester's school would be very different from the previous one. She had just returned to school to report, and she encountered a big incident on the first day of preparation for class.

At this time, universities hardly charge tuition fees for students, but they only charge a symbolic registration fee of a few dollars.

The so-called registration is just to record the personal situation of the students.

Like all the students, Li Chunlan lined up casually. Suddenly, she heard a scream from the students in front, and then everyone fled around like they had encountered some kind of beast.

(End of this chapter)

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