Chapter 671 Inside Story
Li Yue'e was happy, and while weighing things for the other party, she said a few random words about her relationship with Li Chunlan.

Some customers are like this, they bought your things and they also like to talk nonsense with you, Li Yue'e didn't take it to heart.

The next day Li Chunlan was in the outpatient clinic as usual, and Liu Chuanfeng was still waiting at the door of the consultation room early, but this time there was another person beside him, the handsome young man who had dinner with him yesterday.

Seeing Li Chunlan coming over, Liu Chuanfeng was very happy, greeted him from afar, and introduced the young man beside him, "This is my son!"

Because Liu Chuanfeng suffers from arthritis, it is normal for his family to accompany him to see a doctor, because this kind of person has some mobility problems.

Li Chunlan smiled and said, "Next time you don't have to accompany me, your leg should not hurt so much today!"

As soon as he lifted his legs, Liu Chuanfeng became even happier. He nodded repeatedly, "When it was almost dawn, my legs hurt so much that I couldn't sleep anymore, but today I fell asleep until more than six o'clock!"

The handsome young man seemed a little introverted and not good at speaking, but he didn't speak much, he just kept looking at Li Chunlan.

Li Chunlan knew that she was beautiful and was always stared at by young men, she was used to this, so she didn't take it to heart at all.

In the evening, Li Chunlan and Shi Jingning went out for a walk when they were full. They wanted to go to Master Sun's qigong hall for a moment. When they were walking through the alley, Li Chunlan felt someone following them again.

"Someone from Jingning is following us!" Li Chunlan whispered in Shi Jingning's ear.

Shi Jingning was very nervous when he heard that. Some time ago, Liu Lihong asked someone to assassinate Li Chunlan, but he was frightened, "Chunlan, you go first, I will block it for you!"

Li Chunlan whispered a few words in his ear, Shi Jingning frowned, and finally reluctantly nodded in agreement.

Just in front of the alley, there is a sharp turn. Only people like them who have passed by know this sharp turn, and outsiders don't know it.

Li Chunlan and Shi Jingning were lurking at the side of the alley, waiting for the stalker to catch up and catch them by surprise, because Li Chunlan had already heard that there were not many people following them, only two.

Shi Jingning was gearing up, and decided to use one against two to keep his wife from worrying.

It was too late and then quickly, only the sound of footsteps was heard, and the two pursuers turned around the corner with good feet one after the other.

Shi Jingning took out the professional moves he had learned in his previous training, and he restrained one of them as soon as he raised his hand. He fixed one hand on the opponent's shoulder, and the other hand tightly strangled the opponent's throat.

Just when Shi Jingning wanted to get rid of this guy and restrain the other, he was surprised to find that the other guy had already been stepped on by Li Chunlan.

Li Chunlan had already seen the face of the stalker, she was very surprised, "Liu Chuanfeng, why is it you? Why are you following me?"

Liu Chuanfeng is Li Chunlan's patient. He has been looking for Li Chunlan to do acupuncture for him for the past two days. What is it for?

As soon as Liu Chuanfeng turned around the alley, Li Chunlan fell to the ground with a slap and stepped on one of his feet. Shocked and frightened, he said out of breath, "Doctor Li, I didn't mean any harm." , can you let me get up and talk first?"

Li Chunlan thought for a while, and sure enough, she raised her foot to let Liu Chuanfeng get up.

When Shi Jingning saw that he was an acquaintance, he let go of his hand. The handsome young man rubbed his neck, stammered, with a bitter face, "Dad, I just said that it's wrong for you to just do this. Look at my sister and brother-in-law. Are you angry?"

When Li Chunlan and Shi Jingning heard these words, it was like being struck by lightning, and they asked in unison, "What did you say? Who is your sister?"

At this time, Liu Chuanfeng got up from the ground, and touched his glasses to put them on, "It's a long story about Chunlan, but we really don't have any malicious intentions, do you think we can find a place to talk first?"

At this time, Shi Jingning seemed to have thought of something, "Wait a minute, you said your surname is Liu, you are Liu Lihong's father, right?"

Liu Chuanfeng shook his head resolutely, "Liu Lihong is not my daughter, but Li Chunlan is!"

Hearing this, Li Chunlan's eyes widened in surprise, of course he knew about the relationship between Liu Lihong and Bai Xiaoya, "Jingning, let's find a place to sit, I want to hear what he has to say!"

Shi Jingning walked over and held his wife's hand tightly, then looked warily at Liu Chuanfeng and the handsome young man.

A few people finally went to a teahouse together. Everyone had something on their minds, ordered a pot of tea indiscriminately, and drove the waiter away.

After closing the door of the box, Li Chunlan looked at Liu Chuanfeng, "What's going on? Now you can talk!"

Liu Chuanfeng looked at Li Chunlan, then at Shi Jingming, and heaved a long sigh, "20 years ago, shortly after I entered Huaqing University, someone introduced me to a partner, Bai Xiaoya."

At that time, the old man of the Bai family was still there, Bai Xiaoya was the veritable eldest lady of Zaorentang, her family was well-off, and she was beautiful, while Liu Chuanfeng was just a poor boy who went to work in Beijing.

Knowing that Bai Xiaoya had found him, Liu Chuanfeng was really flattered and at a loss.

The two got married soon, and Liu Chuanfeng obeyed Bai Xiaoya's advice.

But with the birth of several children, Liu Chuanfeng discovered something strange about the Bai family.

"When our first few children were young, they were taken away by our uncle Bai Jingqi, who said he wanted to learn medical skills from him,"

"I didn't believe it at the time either. How can anyone start learning at such a young age? But Bai Jingqi and Bai Xiaoya insisted that this is the rule of their Bai family, and it is so early to learn!"

Liu Chuanfeng was still young at the time, so he believed the Bai family's words, but sent out three children in a row. All three children had problems at a young age, one died of weakness, and two had mental problems.

When the matter progressed to this level, Liu Chuanfeng also sensed that something was wrong. At this moment, Bai Xiaoya became pregnant again.

Liu Chuanfeng repeatedly asked his wife what was going on in the Bai family and what happened to their children?
At this time, Bai Xiaoya had been married to Liu Chuanfeng for several years.Having feelings for him, he told Liu Chuanfeng the real situation.

"Bai Xiaoya said that the miraculous medical skills of the Bai family come from a magic pen, which can help them make a correct diagnosis and treatment for patients who cannot be diagnosed and treated by ordinary doctors."

"It's just that this pen needs to be carried on the body and nourished with the essence of the human body, otherwise the pen will not be effective"

Li Chunlan was mentally prepared to hear this, but Shi Jingning was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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