Chapter 79

Li Chunlan shook her head: "I don't remember, maybe it fell by itself?"

She thought for a while, and then added, "Aunt Ye, when you saw me, were you at the clinic or at my home?"

"It was in the health center." The only daughter was rescued by Li Chunlan. Mrs. Ye answered her every question, "Didn't your mother have a dystocia at that time? Dr. Sun performed a minor operation on her, so she lived in the health center." with, "

"When we go to see a doctor, we can see that there is an extra child. Women like us can't help hugging and teasing!"

Li Chunlan bit her lip: "How many pregnant women lived in the clinic at that time?"

"Not much. Dr. Sun is a male doctor. If it weren't for the fact that the child is too difficult to bear, no one would be willing to go to him. People in our village still like to give birth at home!"

"However, when your mother was hospitalized, there was another woman, a foreigner, who also gave birth to a girl,"

"The big guy is not familiar with her, and he thinks she is too powerful, so we don't know how her child is!" Mrs. Ye also felt a little taste, "Why, Chunlan, why do you keep thinking about it? Ask about these old sesame seeds and rotten millet?"

Li Chunlan quickly smiled: "I just asked casually, but I didn't expect that I was born in the health center!"

Mrs. Ye and her daughter looked at each other, remembering Li Chunlan's special situation, they both sighed, "Your mother, that's true!"

The three of them were gossiping, but no one asked how Li Chunlan knew her medical skills, but after thinking about it, she understood that in this day and age, barefoot doctors walk everywhere, and Dr. Jin is a model of a self-taught sheep-herding boy, and everyone doesn't think so much about inheritance It's heavy.

"Chunlan, my mother has a little problem. We came here today, so you can show her!" Ye Xiuxiu believed in Li Chunlan's medical skills and admired her very much. She took the old lady Ye's hand,
"Look, her knuckles are deformed, and it hurts every night!"

Li Chunlan was very happy in her heart, isn't this sending her a sick number?

"Okay, let me take a look for Aunt Ye," Li Chunlan said, reaching out to grasp the pulse of the old lady Ye, but she was shocked when she saw it.

The old lady Ye suffered from a lot of diseases, mainly related to cardiovascular diseases. Half of the blood vessels in her body were blocked by oil. As a result, the blood supply would be reduced, causing the old lady's heart and lungs to be ischemic.

As for what Ye Xiuxiu said, the problem with her fingers was just a little rheumatism.

Considering her own special situation, Li Chunlan didn't dare to say too much. She just discussed the matter as it stands, first solving Mrs. Ye's finger pain, and after gaining the trust of Ye's family, she will look for opportunities to treat Mrs. Ye's other problems.

"This problem is caused by rheumatism, and it's easy to treat. Just put coarse salt in a cloth bag, put it on the kang to heat it up, and apply it for a few days, and it will be fine!" Nine needles have given several treatments Method, Li Chunlan chose the simplest, zero-cost method.

Sure enough, Mrs. Ye was very satisfied with this treatment method, "Chunlan still has a solution. I have coarse salt for pickling pickles at home. It just fits in a small cloth bag. I will put it on the kang when I go back!"

Li Chunlan is also very happy. She has already treated four patients, namely Li Dongbao, Grandpa Li, and Ye Xiuxiu, the son of the aunt who sells wontons. If Mrs. Ye is added, there will be five patients. The required ten patients are still half.

(End of this chapter)

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