Chapter 855
Li Yue'e had been hiding in Li Dongbao's house all along, but this time Li Dongbao and Li Chunlan surprisingly reached an agreement that Li Laicai should not be allowed to catch Li Yue'e.

If Li Yue'e, a girl, has always been lazy and greedy, her change happened after she went to the provincial capital, and it was also forced by life.

Also because of Li Yue'e, Li Dongbao felt that the eldest brother's family should not be allowed to be so self-willed anymore. Since Li Yue'e could get rich through the labor of his hands, then Li Laicai's family should be able to do the same, especially Li Chunsheng, who is still very young.

This is the reason why Li Dongbao shielded Li Yuee. To put it bluntly, Li Dongbao himself is also a contradictory body.

Li Dongbao had also been lost in front of the city's feasting and feasting, and wanted to take shortcuts to make a fortune, but in the end, under the persuasion of Aunt Cao, he honestly changed his life with his own hands.

When Li Laicai's family finally boarded the train back home, Li Yue'e came to Li Chunlan's house, firstly to express her gratitude to her, secondly, through observation during this period, Li Yuee felt that she could continue to run her business in the capital. Old-fashioned roasted seeds and nuts shop.

Li Yue'e wanted to discuss this matter with Li Chunlan's family. After all, Li Chunlan and his wife were both engaged in big business, so their vision should be correct.

After hearing Li Yue'e's thoughts, Li Chunlan and his wife felt that they did not help the girl wrong this time.

As the saying goes, it’s not enough to help the poor. Sometimes poverty is not the most terrible thing. The most terrible thing is the bad root in the mind, the root of laziness. Good day.

So facing Li Yue'e's humbly asking for advice, Li Chunlan and his wife not only did not feel disgusted, but they enthusiastically pointed her to a good place, which was the small shop next to the Qianmen Cinema.

"This cinema shows more than 100 movies a day. If you open a roasted goods store there, you will definitely make a lot of money,"

Li Chunlan has already figured out the thoughts of these young people. Those who can go to the movies are mostly people with two dollars in their pockets. Watching movies and eating melon seeds is the pinnacle of life.

Li Yuee nodded happily, then shook her head again, "No way, Chunlan, I don't have that much money!"

"It doesn't matter, I can lend you the money to open the shop, and you can save your own capital to buy goods, how about it? You can go there tomorrow to have a look, and if you think it's OK, open the shop there!" Li Chunlan encouraged Li Yue'e .

Li Yue'e nodded, now she has no way out, she can only raise her head and muster up the courage to move forward, hoping to get better and better.

Li Yue'e didn't delay at all, and went to Qianmen to inspect the next day. It was really a good place near the movie theater. According to Li Yue'e's observation, no one who watched movies here went in empty-handed, either with a bag of melon seeds in their hands or With a bag of peanuts.

Li Yue'e saw the small shop at the door, and there were still vacant ones written for rent, so she ran to meet the boss seriously.

The rent in this place is not cheap, it costs six to seven hundred a month, which is more expensive than the big yard of Li Chunlan's family. This is because the shops in Qianmen'er have a lot of traffic, and as long as they can be opened, they can basically make money. .

Li Yue'e remembered what Li Chunlan said, she was cruel, and she gritted her teeth and signed the contract.

Li Chunlan really kept her promise, not only helped Li Yue'e prepare the shelf decoration in the store, but also helped her prepay the rent for one year, but the money was not given to Li Yue'e for free, but lent to Li Yue'e.

After several years of experience, Li Yue'e has long been reborn, and she no longer has the unruly and willful thoughts in the past. She thinks that Li Chunlan should help her if she has money. Li Yue'e feels very grateful for Li Chunlan's act of lending him money now.

Li Yue'e has lived in the city for several years, witnessing not only the prosperity of the city, but also the ruthlessness of the city.

In this city, the hustle and bustle is all for profit. For a person like her, Li Yue'e, who has no skills, no capital, and no connections, only Li Chunlan is willing to help her.

With a grateful heart, Li Yue'e began to actively stock up and prepare to manage this hard-won roasted seeds and nuts shop.

Melon seeds in roasted seeds and nuts shops are a must. Although there are a lot of dried fruits now, most people prefer fried melon seeds.

Li Yue'e is already very experienced in frying melon seeds. Not only must the ingredients be excellent, but the heat is also very important.

Moreover, Li Yue'e was extra careful when frying. She knew that Li Chunlan was an expert in medicine, so she specifically asked her if she could add some delicious and beneficial things to the stir-fried melon seeds.

Li Chunlan didn't expect that Li Yue'e would make such a move, so she happily told her a few recipes, such as licorice and gentian, which can be properly added to the recipe of fried melon seeds. These things have a unique taste, and they also have the effect of improving eyesight and reducing fire .

Li Yue'e fried two kinds of melon seeds according to the method Li Chunlan said. She found that the melon seeds fried with licorice had a sweet taste, while the melon seeds fried with gentian grass had a slightly bitter taste, and Li Chunlan's The therapeutic effect mentioned is also the pharmacology of these two drugs.

Li Yue'e kept these two recipes and launched these two varieties of fried melon seeds when she was about to open.

In addition to fried melon seeds, Li Yue'e also prepared other non-staple foods, fried peanuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, raisins, these are all must have, especially considering that she has a sweet tooth, she also prepared preserved apricots and candied haws.

Before the opening, Li Yue'e made all these things and gave some to Li Dongbao and Li Chunlan's family, mainly to ask them to taste the taste and give their opinions.

Li Chunlan highly praised these kinds of melon seeds, especially the burnt aroma of the fried pumpkin seeds.

Li Yue'e listened very carefully, and even took out a small notebook to record.

Three days later, Li Yue'e's roasted seeds and nuts shop officially opened. She originally wanted to ask for a literary and artistic name, but in the end Li Chunlan told her that roasted seeds and nuts are inherently rustic, so it's better to go the local route to the end.

So the name of the roasted seeds and nuts shop came up with Erya.Erya Roasted Goods Store makes people want to laugh for no reason. Young people who come to watch the movie will inevitably comment on it. After seeing the dazzling array of beautiful things at the door, they will be curious and want to have a look. Will come out empty handed.

Li Yue'e has really put a lot of effort into the taste. These young people tasted the melon seeds from the Erya Roasted Seed Shop once, and they thought it tasted good. After coming and going, Li Yue'e's small shop became popular, and young people would come here before watching movies. In a word, go to Erya Roasted Seeds Shop to buy a bag of melon seeds and see!
At the end of the year, Li Yuee lost weight all over, but her pockets bulged. He paid off the money Li Chunlan lent him in one lump sum before the Spring Festival. Li Yuee felt that this city was not that scary. My own hands can be regarded as standing still!

(End of this chapter)

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