Chapter 859 Questions
Xie Zixiu's frown became tighter and tighter. Obviously, he also noticed this abnormal situation, which indicated that there was an inner ghost in their research team.

It was this inner ghost who leaked their commonly used medicines, otherwise it would not be such a coincidence that what the kidnappers prepared happened to be these 65 kinds of traditional Chinese medicines.

Now Xie Zixiu's research team has a total of five members left. These five members are all sullen. The kidnapper left such an obvious loophole, but they have nothing to fear. Even if these researchers know that there is a ghost among them, they are powerless to resist.

Under the arrangement of Xie Zixiu, the two researchers went to prepare the culture medium. This culture machine is a conventional culture machine, and there is nothing special about it.

Xie Zixiu looked at Li Chunlan and Fan Lingling. According to the work procedure, several kinds of medicinal materials for cultivating active medicines should be prepared now. This is also a secret in the formula.

Xie Zixiu naturally trusted Li Chunlan. After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand and called Li Chunlan, "Chunlan, go and prepare some raw materials for the active medicine!"

Li Chunlan finally let go of a big stone in her heart. She was afraid that Xie Zixiu would not be able to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, and would rashly reveal the secret of the active medicine.

Fan Lingling was a little anxious, "Professor Xie, what about me? What am I going to do?"

Xie Zixiu remained calm, "Researcher Fan, you work with me, and make preparations for the preparation first!"

Fan Lingling couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. You must know that these early preparations are all miscellaneous tasks, and only the work done by Li Chunlan is the key link of pharmaceuticals.

But if Xie Zixiu didn't trust Fan Lingling, and he asked Fan Lingling to work with him, it made people feel a little confused about Xie Zixiu's inner thoughts.

They worked all day long, but the short man in the middle didn't even serve them a meal. He only had refreshments once. The so-called refreshments were also very rough, just big bowls of tea and sesame cakes from small roadside restaurants.

Seeing these two foods, Li Chunlan's eyes flickered, and she couldn't help thinking.

After half a day of observation, Li Chunlan found that the location they were in should be an abandoned factory building, and the factory building was quite large. Looking out through the windows, only large and small workshops could be seen.

It is impossible for such a large factory to be guarded everywhere, so the person who kidnapped them was watching from outside their current studio.

Obviously, this place does not have the conditions for cooking, so the big bowl of tea and biscuits that are still steaming in front of us can only be bought from nearby.

Li Chunlan lowered her head and bit the pancake. This pancake was just an ordinary white pancake, but it tasted delicious. Li Chunlan lowered her head and looked at it, only to see grass-green powder on the surface of the pancake.

"Is this pancake moldy?" A researcher surnamed Zhang was also looking at the white pancake.

"It's not mildew, it's coriander bean foam." Li Chunlan knew about this grass-green powder, "Don't worry, this stuff is very fragrant!"

Researcher Zhang suddenly thought of his dead companion, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional. He was still alive and able to eat, so how could he be so picky? It can be seen that human beings have an insatiable nature.

Everyone ate a few mouthfuls of dry biscuits, and finally calmed down their hungry stomachs.

This day's work was all about preparations. During the period, Xie Zixiu said that several things were not complete, so he asked the short man to prepare.

Maybe it was because he wanted to get the anticancer drug earlier, but the short man didn't shirk it.

After such a busy day, the sky outside has already dimmed.

When the short man appeared at work again, he had an expression of unwillingness on his face, "Okay, great scientists, you have been busy all day, you are exhausted, and you can't continue working tomorrow, come over for dinner !"

To be honest, a busy day in the studio is actually no easier than doing physical work.

Li Chunlan had already prepared the active medicinal materials according to her own ideas, but when she wanted to research these medicinal materials according to her original method, she was stopped by the black-clothed guards standing beside her.

Li Chunlan could only slice these active medicinal materials and soak them in the culture medium prepared by two other researchers.

Putting these things together, after three days of fermentation, the most critical active substance in the anticancer drug Qiushuang No. [-] can be produced.

This active substance was privately named rabbit by the research team. They have found that as long as the rabbit enters the body of lung cancer patients, it can effectively block the growth of cancer cells. Therefore, only rabbits are the key to making anticancer drugs.

Xie Zixiu saw that Li Chunlan put the medicine into the culture medium without crushing it, and his eyes showed worry.

Now everyone is caught in a dilemma. If Li Chunlan uses the real formula, there is no doubt that the precious anticancer drug will be leaked.

If Li Chunlan used a fake formula, then after seven days, there must be something wrong with the anti-cancer drug produced. The short man is not a good man and a believer. After verification, if he finds out that it is tricky, I am afraid that none of the people present will be able to go back alive.

Li Chunlan herself had a peaceful expression, and walked calmly to the big rice bucket brought in by the guards. This time, the rice bucket contained noodles, the kind of plain noodles made of a mixture of vegetables and noodles.

The noodles were not delicious, but they smelled fresh, so Li Chunlan picked up a bowl and took the initiative to serve them up for everyone, "Let's eat first, only when you are full will you have the strength to work!"

In order to ease the atmosphere, Xie Zixiong picked up a bowl of noodles and ate them. He had been hungry for a day, but now he thought this food was delicious, so he went down half a bowl in a daze.

Even when they were eating, they were surrounded by heavily armed guards. Everyone knew that to say that running away was an egg hitting a rock, so they all started eating sullenly.

After the meal, the short man rearranged the place again, "You two girls live together!"

Li Chunlan looked at Fan Lingling, but also saw that Fan Lingling lowered her head and couldn't see her expression clearly.

According to the short man's theory, there were three men at the scene, so there should be two men in the same room, but the short man didn't speak anymore.

Fan Lingling followed Li Chunlan into a room, but this room was not where Li Chunlan was locked up at the beginning, but a slightly larger room, although it was also old, but there were two old iron beds in the room.

Li Chunlan kept silent, walked to a bed, spread out the quilt, and lay down on it.

Fan Lingling couldn't sit still, "Team Leader Li, why are you still asleep? Hurry up and think of a way!"

"Think of a way? Think of a way?" Li Chunlan didn't move, and continued to lie down peacefully.

Fan Lingling was a little anxious, "Team Leader Li, didn't you listen to that short man? If there is a problem with the medicine we made in seven days, he won't let us leave here alive!"

Li Chunlan just sat up and took a serious look at Fan Lingling, "Why is there something wrong with the medicine we made?"

(End of this chapter)

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