Chapter 873
Li Chunlan felt that the language class was very successful, and she also won an order of more than 100 US dollars, which made her very excited. After the language class, Li Chunlan went straight to the hypermarket and purchased the required ingredients according to the list.

Because she needs to make meals for more than a dozen people, she bought a lot of ingredients this time. At this time, Li Chunlan felt that it was necessary for her to buy a car.

When Li Chunlan returned to the door of the apartment, she was exhausted and out of breath. The landlady happened to be at the door, and she was very surprised to see Li Chunlan come back with so much food, "Honey, isn't your family restaurant only open on weekends?"

Li Chunlan quickly explained that when she was taking a language class, she got several unexpected orders.

The landlady just laughed, "My dear, you are so capable. If you need vegetables every day, I suggest you order from my farm. Not only is it cheaper, but they can also deliver them to your home." !"

When Li Chunlan heard that there was such a good thing, she suddenly regained her spirits. After asking the landlord's wife carefully, she found that the farm here has a self-service home delivery service. The prerequisite is that the customer needs a relatively large amount of vegetables. Now this method is used Those who order are usually restaurant owners or schools.

Considering vegetables, it would be no problem to store them for a few days, so Li Chunlan estimated the vegetables needed based on today's shipments, and placed an order with the landlady's wife. After calculating the price, it was actually half cheaper than the supermarket.

Li Chunlan has more confidence in her future life.In order to ensure that the food is fresh, Li Chunlan puts the cooking time on tomorrow morning, and she can continue to study in the following time.

The next day Li Chunlan got up an hour earlier. She made the buns first, steamed them in a pot, and then made rice and stir-fried vegetables.

While cooking, Li Chunlan discovered a problem. The pot at home was relatively small. She only received eight orders, which was barely enough. If there were more orders, she would have to change the pot.

In order to thank the landlady for her selfless help, Li Chunlan specially made an extra portion when making the boxed lunch, and then sent it to the landlady. She explained in advance that it was a gift.

The landlady readily accepted and said God bless you, boy.

Eight boxes of lunch, plus more than 60 steamed buns, this amount is not light, but it is still within Li Chunlan's tolerance, and the traffic in Hopkins is extremely developed, you can take a ride when you go out, so Li Chunlan smoothly brought the meals to Language classes.

Those students have been waiting with anticipation. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to taste oriental cuisine. Those who can come here to learn languages ​​are young people who have left their hometowns. Food can greatly relieve their homesickness.

Seeing Li Chunlan coming, these students cheered and surrounded him.

Because it was a small transaction, everyone prepared scattered US dollars in advance, and conducted cash transactions on the spot. Li Chunlan delivered all the ordered lunches smoothly.

These students gathered around the microwave oven again, preparing to heat up meals.

Some couldn't wait and ate it directly. It didn't take long for these meals to be made, but they were actually still warm.

"It's delicious, my God, the Orientals are good at enjoying it!"

"That's not the point. The point is that it's healthy. Didn't you find out that this food is vegan?"

"Yes, wait, I have to order food tomorrow!"

The students chatted while eating, and the delicious food narrowed the distance between them, and everyone had smiles on their faces.

Li Chunlan continued to register. This time, the number of steamed buns ordered decreased, but box lunches increased significantly. She received a total of [-] box lunch orders, and some people asked her to adjust the recipe.

Li Chunlan had thought about it a long time ago. She added Kung Pao Chicken and Yuxiang Shredded Pork to show those who want to modify the recipe whether they can accept the ingredients.

The saying that it is difficult for everyone to agree is common all over the world, not to mention that the language class is a standard international class.

After the on-site confirmation, those who can accept pork and chicken chose the new recipe, and some people expressed their desire to continue eating fried shredded pork with green peppers and scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

Li Chunlan recorded them one by one. What she earns now is the money of these students, so the satisfaction of the other party is very important.

The five-day study class is coming to an end soon.

Li Chunlan's oral English has improved rapidly, but she feels that this is not due to the language class, but the experience she quickly accumulated through selling boxed lunches.

The teacher in the language class asked Li Chunlan if she would like to renew the course. After receiving a negative answer, the teacher politely placed an order with Li Chunlan, hoping that Li Chunlan would deliver lunch for them next week.

You must know that the scale of this language class is not small, and there are dozens of teachers working in it. This is a big order!
Li Chunlan ignored the excitement, first agreed to the matter, then carefully registered, confirmed the recipe and the number of people on the spot, and charged the other party a hundred dollars as a deposit.

The tuition fee for Li Chunlan's five-day class here is exactly one hundred dollars. Now she has not only earned all the money back, but also received several large orders.

In addition to ordering food for the language class, some students also expressed their willingness to continue ordering food.

Calculated in this way, there will be two or three hundred dollars in meal expenses every day of the next week, which is a surprise.

Li Chunlan found it very interesting. When she was in China, she thought that being a doctor was very profitable and promising. Only now did she find out that the saying of 360 lines, the number one scholar in every line of work is not nonsense.

In the following time, Li Chunlan made lunch boxes and sold them to language classes from Monday to Friday, and continued to open family restaurants on Saturdays and Sundays.

Because of the high quality and low price and the guaranteed quality, Li Chunlan's business has grown bigger and bigger. In just one summer vacation, her number of customers has doubled several times.

To meet such a large shipment volume, Li Chunlan cannot do it alone. She moved her mind and wanted to hire someone as an assistant.

Because it is necessary to be familiar with oriental cooking methods, this person must be a native of the country.

Now it is the time when the country is going abroad, and the international students are crowded out to study. Li Chunlan found an international student who was eager to find a job without any effort.

The name of this foreign student was Fan Chunxu, he was a boy. He used to study fine arts in China. This major was extremely expensive, so he ran out of funds not long after he went abroad.

When Li Chunlan heard that Fan Chunxu was an artist, she murmured a little. She was reluctant to use him at first, but Fan Chunxu repeatedly said that she could do any job.

Li Chunlan decided to try it out, and the result of the trial surprised Li Chunlan very much. Fan Chunxu was agile in his hands and feet, and he was very organized in his work. He was a very qualified assistant.

(End of this chapter)

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