Chapter 877 Rehabilitation
"Student Li Chunlan, why doesn't the needle hurt anymore? Did you apply anesthesia to the needle tip?" Using anesthesia was the only answer Thomas could think of.

Li Chunlan shook her head, "That's not the case. The reason why you don't feel pain is because the silver needles are stuck on your acupoints. Do you know what an acupoint is? It is an important position along the direction of the meridians!"

Thomas was in a daze, and he didn't understand what Li Chunlan said.

Li Chunlan smiled slightly, explained slowly, and performed the acupuncture. During the acupuncture, Thomas was surprised to find that his numb limb on the left side felt slightly warm and sore.

This is a situation he has never had since hemiplegia. Thomas has practiced medicine for many years and naturally knows that this is a precursor to recovery.

"Oh my god, Li Chunlan, I actually feel it!" Thomas felt incredible, waving his hands and shouting.

Li Chunlan took out the silver needle, "This is the effect of the first treatment, after the next treatment is finished, your movements should be more flexible!"

Thomas really felt the miraculous oriental medical skills, and he just felt incredible. He was looking forward to tomorrow as soon as possible, so that he could experience Li Chunlan's miraculous medical skills.

When Li Chunlan was treating Thomas, there was a classmate Tommy next to her.

Tommy became the first person to witness the miracle. After he returned to class, he made a big publicity about Li Chunlan's treatment, and the students thought it was incredible.

Most people believed Tommy and Thomas, because these two are reliable people.

There are also a few girls who are eccentric and say the opposite. They say that Li Chunlan is using the guise of medical skills, but she is actually using witchcraft, just to deceive Thomas.

"Li Chunlan, you are too scheming, but it's useless," a female classmate mocked Li Chunlan, "I know you want to deceive Professor Thomas to get benefits from him, let me tell you clearly, if Professor Thomas can't recover, He will never come to teach again, and of course he will not take care of you!"

Li Chunlan looked at the female classmate in surprise, "Do you call treatment deception?"

The students all laughed. Although they didn't quite believe that Li Chunlan could cure Professor Thomas, the behavior of this female student was too superficial, and the students didn't approve.

After being ridiculed by Li Chunlan, the female classmate blushed, "I know you won't admit your deceit, now just wait for the facts to speak!"

On the third day after the female classmate uttered strange words, in the pharmacology class where no one came to class for a long time, the students were reading other books when they heard footsteps coming from the door of the classroom. Everyone looked up, surprised It was discovered that the person who appeared on the podium was Professor Thomas who had not seen him for many days.

"Girls and boys, hello, I'm back," said Professor Thomas, who had lost a lot of weight, but looked in good spirits. The point was that his left hand and left leg were very flexible, and he seemed to have returned to normal.

"My God, Professor Thomas is really good!"

"Was it cured by Li Chunlan?"

"It can only be her. The doctors in the rehabilitation center were helpless from the beginning!"

After a brief discussion, the students finally accepted this reality and began to applaud.

Professor Thomas nodded generously to the students. When the applause of the students came to an end, he immediately stretched out his hand to signal Li Chunlan to come to the stage.
"Students, my recovery is inseparable from the help of Li Chunlan. She cured me with magical oriental acupuncture. I apologize for my prejudiced words before!"

Thomas spoke very sincerely. Li Chunlan didn't want to show off at first, but when she saw Thomas insisted on letting her go on stage, she stood up and nodded to her classmates, then sat down.

This matter spread very quickly, mainly because the rehabilitation after hemiplegia is a serious problem, and there is no good solution at present. Although many people have picked up a life from a cerebral infarction, they cannot escape the bad luck of being paralyzed.

After hearing that Li Chunlan's acupuncture can treat hemiplegia, many patients came to him.

Even if it is only Li Chunlan who may be able to cure this disease, they want to try it. After all, hemiplegia means losing the ability to work, and losing the ability to work in this country is really terrible. The next step will be bankruptcy, and soon you will be poor. Better to die.

Li Chunlan did not see patients at the beginning. She explained to everyone that she was a student, and the purpose of coming to Hopkins School of Medicine was only to study, not to see.

Too many patients had no choice but to come, and their attitude was very firm. Li Chunlan had no choice but to apply to the hospital, hoping to apply for a license to practice medicine in Hopkins.

Naturally, the hospital has no objection. They claim to be the best medical school in the world, and they naturally hope that their students will be more famous.

With the help of the hospital, the license to practice medicine in Hopkins was quickly issued.

After getting this thing, Li Chunlan hired another assistant to arrange the numbers for the patients who came to see the doctor.

Li Chunlan treats patients by the hour.

Li Chunlan charges very expensive, [-] US dollars an hour, but with Li Chunlan's method, [-] US dollars can help a patient with acupuncture once, and acupuncture three times in a row, even the most severe hemiplegic patients can be cured.

The first person to see Li Chunlan for treatment was a relatively young woman in her 40s who worked as a well-paid accountant.

Years of high-intensity and intense work caused her to suddenly develop a cerebral infarction. After being rescued, she was out of danger, but she was left with serious sequelae.

When this patient came to Li Chunlan for treatment, he could hardly move his hands and feet.

After Li Chunlan performed acupuncture for her for the first time, the stasis of the nerves in the limbs was opened, and the patient immediately felt a warm feeling in the cold body.

Li Chunlan suggested that the patient could take decoction to speed up the recovery of the limbs, and the patient readily accepted it. However, there are no Chinese medicinal materials in Hopkins.

There are only two ways to get Chinese herbal medicines. One is Li Chunlan contacting the country to mail the medicinal materials over, and the other is for the patients to contact a big city in country M and find a traditional Chinese medicine clinic to buy them.

The accountant was eager to recover, and immediately asked Li Chunlan to help her purchase Chinese herbal medicines from China, and she would pay all the related expenses.

Considering that most of the follow-up patients will need Chinese medicinal materials for adjuvant treatment, Li Chunlan increased the amount of medicinal materials when ordering.

By the time the Chinese medicinal materials arrived in Hopkins across thousands of rivers and mountains, the accountant had already done acupuncture three times, and she had already recovered part of her ability to move, but her body was not yet flexible, and her walking posture was staggering and slow.

Under Li Chunlan's suggestion, the accountant stopped acupuncture and began to take decoction.

(End of this chapter)

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