Chapter 917 Common Sense
The result of this test drove the medical experts and drugmakers on the scene crazy.

You must know that the drug developed by Li Chunlan is not an ordinary hypoglycemic drug, but directly cures an organ. This is unique in the history of pharmaceuticals. The existing drugs can only delay the disease, but cannot completely cure it.

Li Chunlan was immediately surrounded by people.

Long before the test, Li Chunlan was prepared for this situation, and she quickly escaped from the surrounding circle with the help of Hapu.

The new drug has been successful, and she needs to find a reliable partner.

Harp recommended two big pharmaceutical companies to her, and the conditions offered by these two pharmaceutical companies were quite favorable, because drugs that can heal organs are also a miracle for the pharmaceutical industry.

Li Chunlan understood that the laboratory also recognized the two pharmaceutical companies.

Li Chunlan told Harp that her condition is also very simple, that is, she hopes that the pharmaceutical company can provide some free medicines every year to provide those patients who really need them but have no money to use them.

Generally speaking, there is no such link in the process of launching new drugs.

This is because the development of a new drug is time-consuming and labor-intensive. It is an unprecedented miracle that Li Chunlan has developed a drug to treat and repair the pancreas in less than a year.

Therefore, as soon as new drugs come out, they will be sold very expensively. This is a huge R&D fund to make up for the previous losses.

Li Chunlan did not object to pricing, but she proposed that there should be a free share.

Mr. Harp immediately agreed to help her communicate with the pharmaceutical company, "I don't think your request is too much, Dr. Li, and it will not affect the profit of the pharmaceutical company!"

"Because theoretically speaking, these people who are unable to use new drugs will not occupy the original sales share of the pharmaceutical company!"

Hap said so, but in the actual communication process, he found that the facts were not what he thought at all.

The persons in charge of the two pharmaceutical factories quickly replied to him, but the contents of the replies were surprisingly similar.

"Mr. Harp, I know that this request was made by your kind new drug developer. We can tell you clearly that your idea is very good, but it cannot be realized!"

"You must not know, right? We actually promoted free new drug donations on a small scale before, but these recipients were quickly targeted by real consumers. They found these recipients and were willing to buy from them. Lihua paid a high price for the new medicine given to them!"

"Do you know why these recipients are eligible to donate new medicines? Because they are poor! For these recipients, maybe curing diseases is not their first need, but survival is their first need!"

"So 100% of the recipients will choose to sell the free medicine at a high price in the end, and they themselves will do everything possible to go to the pharmaceutical factory to pretend to be pitiful, hoping to continue to get free donations!"

After hearing what the two major pharmaceutical companies said, Harp also felt that this matter was quite difficult, and he immediately reported the situation to Li Chunlan.

Li Chunlan was stunned at the time, and only then did she realize that her thoughts were still too naive. Hapu was right, in this world, poverty is more fatal than illness.

And she, Li Chunlan, is just an ordinary doctor, neither a savior nor an almighty God.

"Then cancel my request and just make a treaty according to traditional habits!" Anyway, her kindness was completely wasted, and Li Chunlan was a little bit discouraged.

By this time, the year is almost over again.

In a blink of an eye, Li Chunlan has been studying at Johns Hopkins University for almost two years.

The completion of the two-year period means the end of Li Chunlan's training, because she is not an ordinary undergraduate. Li Chunlan has already learned the basics of medicine in China, and this time going abroad is just a further improvement.

During this period of time, Dr. Zhou has made great progress in studying with Li Chunlan.

And Li Chunlan also felt that Dr. Zhou was very talented. She herself relied on the ability of nine needles in diagnosis, while Dr. Zhou didn't use it at all. Li Chunlan admired this alone.

Li Chunlan finally chose a large-scale pharmaceutical factory. Firstly, the quality of the medicines produced by this pharmaceutical factory is very good, and secondly, because the conditions offered to her by this pharmaceutical factory are extremely favorable.

After signing everything in the contract, it will be the annual Spring Festival again.

This year's Spring Festival, Li Chunlan plans to go back to China.

She missed her child, and she missed Shi Jingning even more.

Air tickets to return to China are very tight. With the further increase in the enthusiasm for going abroad in recent years, many people have gone abroad to develop. When the annual Spring Festival comes, those who have the conditions want to go back to China to visit relatives.

Li Chunlan's ticket was booked with the help of the Hopkins Laboratory. The seat is in the front row, which is very comfortable.

Li Chunlan arrived earlier, and with the help of the flight attendant, she packed her luggage and sat on the seat waiting for takeoff.

At this time, the passenger next to her also arrived.

This is a three-person seat, Li Chunlan's seat is close to the porthole, and the two passengers who boarded the plane later were a couple, and they were carrying a child.

Coincidentally, this couple is Li Chunlan's compatriots.

Li Chunlan smiled and nodded at them. The wife was dressed in Hopkin's most fashionable styles, and she looked good. Seeing Li Chunlan's plain clothes, she arrogantly ignored Li Chunlan and turned to her husband.
"Some people just don't realize it. Those who come here have already grabbed the window seat. What kind of quality is this?"

The husband was still clear-headed, "Don't talk nonsense, the seat number on the plane is fixed, it's not that you came early, you can sit wherever you want!"

Li Chunlan knew that this wife was difficult to deal with as soon as she heard it, so she gave up the idea of ​​talking to her more.

As soon as the wife heard what her husband said, she stretched out her hand and twisted her husband's arm, "Look at you, you're so stupid, you're talking to other people!"

The husband frowned and shook his arms, "I didn't, but you have been abroad for more than a year. Don't you have any common sense? Abroad is different from ours. There is no competition for seats. People get seats by ticket number!"

The husband and wife argued endlessly, did not enter the seat in time, blocked the passengers behind, and was reminded politely, the wife sat down resentfully.

Li Chunlan had already fastened her seat belt, found a book to read, and waited for the plane to take off.

At this time, the flight attendant came over and reminded everyone to fasten their seat belts.

The wife brought a three or four-year-old little girl with her. Like her mother, this little girl was obviously spoiled. She refused to sit on the seat obediently, but kept twisting and turning.

At this time, if it is an ordinary sensible family, the husband will change his wife to an outside seat, or make room for himself, so as not to let the children affect other passengers.

However, they didn't. Not only did they not do so, but they also squeezed towards Li Chunlan without restriction, seriously affecting Li Chunlan's riding experience.

(End of this chapter)

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