Chapter 937 Sudden Pollution

After driving away Zhang Yang and Du Jiawei, all the tenants and the landlady praised Li Chunlan for doing the right thing.

Li Chunlan smiled and thanked the landlady. If the landlady hadn't told her about this in advance, Li Chunlan probably wouldn't have thought clearly, and might have been deceived.

At this time, a tenant in the retail industry smiled and said, "Actually, selling purified water is not impossible to make money!"

Li Chunlan became interested and politely asked him what he said.

The tenant said that there is a large food festival in Hopkins in March. At that time, many senior chefs from all over the country and even the world will gather in Hopkins to show off their cooking skills.

"These chefs are very particular about cooking. They don't know how to cook with tap water, because the tap water contains too many impurities, so they use pure water for cooking!" The retailer revealed a secret to everyone with a smile.

Everyone immediately nodded to express their understanding. At this time, they also remembered this grand event that is held every year.

The retailer said to Li Chunlan, "I think your two classmates may come to you again. If they come to you again, you can sell the purified water in their hands to the lowest wholesale price, and then buy it to stock up." , within a few days, it can be resold at a food festival for a good price!"

Li Chunlan nodded, keeping the retailer's words in mind.

Although Li Chunlan is already very rich now, the more money he has in his hand, the more the better.

After Zhang Yang and Du Jiawei left, the two of them ran around again, almost running all over Hopkins City, but to their disappointment, all the businesses had the same reaction as Li Chunlan.

For example, the retailer who introduced Li Chunlan to the food festival, although he knew that purified water would be sold at the food festival in a few days, but he didn't have any extra funds to stock up.

But he didn't tell Zhang Yang and Du Jiawei about the situation either, since he was not familiar with them anyway, so he wouldn't talk too much about it.

At this time, Zhang Yang and Du Jiawei's pure water plant was in a state of crisis, because the first phase of the products had not been sold as scheduled, and various rents, taxes and fees had brought Zhang Yang and Du Jiawei to the brink of bankruptcy.

Zhang Yang and Du Jiawei's previous loan has also reached the repayment period. Under various internal and external troubles, the two of them had no choice but to sell the factory at a low price and sell the goods to repay the debt, otherwise the two would go to jail.

The location of their factory building is not bad, except that the assembly line is not very suitable, and in the case of a low price sale, someone will take over the order soon.

But the 20 boxes of pure water are still in the hands of the two.

In desperation, Zhang Yang and Du Jiawei approached Li Chunlan again. This time, they did not put on the high-level attitude of discussing cooperation, but sincerely stated the current situation they were facing, and asked Li Chunlan to buy their goods at a low price. Even if it is to help them tide over the difficulties.

Li Chunlan gave a price, which was half lower than the usual wholesale price, because purified water was a slow-moving product that could not be sold.

Zhang Yang and Du Jiawei waited for the rice to be cooked, and they didn't care about pretending to be fools, so they immediately signed a contract with Li Chunlan.

The 20 boxes of pure water changed hands and became Li Chunlan's goods.

It didn't cost much to buy these waters. Li Chunlan thought that the food festival that the retailer said was coming soon, so she rented a short-term rental warehouse to store these pure waters, and planned to sell them off at once to make a little difference.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a major event happened in Hopkins City.

Hopkins gets its water from the Neitz River north of the city, which runs through the country from east to west.

According to national regulations, all factories located on both sides of the Nitz River are not allowed to discharge waste water into the Nitz River, otherwise they will face serious charges and jail time.

So over the years, all factories located on both sides of the Nitz River have paid attention to them, and they have all been equipped with wastewater treatment equipment.

No one thought that the pipes of a factory were suddenly damaged, and the waste water leaked directly from the ground into the Nitz River, causing pollution of the Nitz River, and a heavy metal in the river water exceeded the standard.

The first person to discover this phenomenon was a fisherman who found a large number of dead fish in the Nitz River while fishing.

The environmental protection department immediately intervened. After they intervened, they quickly found out that not only the water of the Ness River was polluted, but also the waterworks that used the water of the Ness River as their water source were also polluted.

For the sake of everyone's safety, the environmental protection department immediately notified the city's residents of the incident.

Heavy metals in water can be absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes, so from this moment residents can no longer drink tap water, let alone bathe in tap water.

This time the residents were frightened. After being frightened, everyone immediately realized that their own drinking water had also become a problem.

In this case, residents who responded quickly rushed to various convenience stores and retail stores to start buying purified water.

You can persist for two or three days without taking a bath, but it is impossible for big guys to drink pure soft drinks instead of pure water all day long.

Although the residents of Hopkins usually like to order a soft drink when they go out, if they only drink soft drinks from morning to night without a sip of water, I am afraid that none of them can survive two days.

Even with this speed, there are still many residents who have not even bought a bottle of pure water.

After Li Chunlan heard the news, she was really surprised and happy.

She immediately notified the managers of each store of Li's Bags to come to her for a meeting.

Li Chunlan informed that from now on, Li's Dabao will start selling purified water. The price of purified water will not increase, and the retail price will remain the same as before.

Now, the manager of each store of Li's Big Bag is very happy. You must know that purified water is in short supply now, and whichever store has purified water will attract a large number of customers.

The residents of Hopkins soon got the news, and there was a long queue at the door of Li's Dabao. Everyone would buy a steamed stuffed bun or a light meal at Li's Dabao, and then bring it with them. Five or six bottles of purified water.

To be honest, these five or six bottles of pure water are enough for the residents of Hopkins to drink for a day.

Seeing that Li's big bag business crushed his peers all of a sudden, those fast food restaurants were really angry and jealous, but there was nothing they could do about it. Who made their bosses have no vision and didn't hoard a large amount of purified water like Li Chunlan did? ?

Selling water this time not only increased the turnover of Li's Dabao, but also advertised their food.

Many residents originally bought a simple meal just to buy water, but after buying the light meal, even if they don’t want to eat it, they have to try some. After this trial, they realized that oriental food is delicious, nutritious and healthy , In fact, it is much better than the fast food they eat by themselves.

At this time, bad news came from the authorities. After a water source investigation, they found that the middle and lower reaches of the Nitz River were polluted, and every city was facing a shortage of drinking water. Under such circumstances, Hopkins City could not obtain other resources. The city's backing up.

The shortage of drinking water cannot be improved in the short term.

(End of this chapter)

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