Chapter 977

This time Li Dongbaoer treats guests, the guests attending the opening ceremony are received free of charge upstairs, while individual guests are received on the first floor.

It is the individual tourists who are making a fuss at the moment.

The person who was looking for trouble was an uncle in his 50s, wearing an ordinary Chinese tunic suit, with his gray hair combed back. He ordered a bowl of fried noodles. hair.

"Your store is really unhygienic. The waiter didn't know how to wear a hat when serving the plate, and his hair fell into the noodles. How can I eat it?" The uncle looked very dissatisfied.

Aunt Cao pushed away the bewildered waitress, and greeted her with a smile, "The waiters here all wear hats, so it is generally impossible for this kind of hair loss to happen, but since you found the hair, we Would you like to make another bowl for you, do you think it will work?"

The middle-aged man snorted, "You think so beautifully that your hair grows out of it. You still want to make money from me?"

Aunt Cao immediately took out five yuan from her pocket, and handed it to the middle-aged man with a smile, "If you are not satisfied with our service, we can refund the money to you!"

Now a bowl of fried noodles costs only two yuan. Aunt Cao's action is equivalent to refunding the middle-aged man's meal money and giving him three yuan in compensation.

The middle-aged man snatched five yuan and put it in his pocket, and snorted, "It's cheap for you!"

Seeing that the middle-aged man left, the diners around continued to eat their meals without getting enough.

The guests at Li Chunlan's table also returned to their seats. As soon as they sat down, Reporter Cao said to everyone with a smile, "I was just thinking about writing something for this store, and this happened. It seems that the news material is available!"

"This matter must be written. The opening of the branch, the surprise for new and old customers, is the hair in the face, hahahahaha!"

Li Chunlan felt that she couldn't take it any longer, "Reporter Cao, Boss Li kindly invited you to the opening ceremony, and even gave you a red envelope. He didn't come here to ask you to find fault with him, even if he really did something wrong. Can't you let him go because of his sincere attitude towards you?"

Hearing Li Chunlan's words, Reporter Cao was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing, "Who are you? He is a small restaurant owner. Whether his restaurant is good or not is not a matter of my words. Invite me to dinner." Do you want to get rid of me just by giving me a red envelope? Let me tell you, I won’t change my mind just because of this little thing!”

Li Chunlan didn't expect that reporter Cao would be so shameless, taking advantage of Li Dongbao, and still trying to speak ill of him.

She looked up at reporter Cao, "Since you insist on doing this, then I can't do anything about it. I just have a message for you. People are doing their own work and the sky is watching. It's not that the time has not come. I hope you can remember it. In my heart!"

The meaning of this sentence couldn't be clearer. As long as Reporter Cao dares to cheat Li Dongbao, then he has done something wrong and is waiting for God's revenge.

Reporter Cao was so angry that his face turned pale, "It's really unreasonable, what I want to report is my freedom!"

Seeing Li Chunlan's expression, Shi Jingning knew that Reporter Cao had offended his wife. He smiled slightly and said to Reporter Cao, "I advise you to be careful!"

Reporter Cao, however, became anxious, "Why should I be cautious, I have done nothing wrong, I have freedom of speech!"

Seeing that Reporter Cao was so stubborn, the administrators who were at the same table with him also persuaded him, "Old Cao, if you are not satisfied with the red envelopes, you can directly tell Boss Li, once your report is written, his store will But it won’t work, you’d better be merciful!”

But no matter how much the big guy tried to persuade, Reporter Cao acted like he was being reasonable and unforgiving, and he wanted to report the hair in the dish no matter what.

When the big guys saw that Reporter Cao didn't know what to do, they all shook their heads and made excuses to leave early, which made the banquet break up unhappy.

Reporter Cao returned to the newspaper office angrily, planning to write a report immediately. He just sat down to start writing when he suddenly felt itchy all over his body, and the itchy place was his back.

Reporter Cao couldn't sit or stand, because there are many female colleagues in his office, and scratching their backs in front of everyone will definitely arouse the disgust of others.

He had no choice but to endure the itch and ran to the bathroom, ready to scratch for a while before coming back to write.

What Reporter Cao didn't expect was that the scratching on his back almost broke him, but the itching didn't stop. Scratch, I guess the skin is broken now.

Reporter Cao is a man of culture. He knows that this bag is not small, so it should not be an ordinary disease. It is best to go to the hospital to have a look.

Although he was still thinking about writing the report, his illness could not be delayed, so he greeted the leader and went to see a doctor.

On the way to the hospital, Reporter Cao still felt itchy on his back. When he saw a telephone pole on the road, he wanted to go up and rub it twice.

He came to the hospital so awkwardly, and was treated by an old doctor with gray hair and beard. He was very surprised after seeing the bag on Reporter Cao's back, "You are a pustule, and it can't grow so big in five or six days. You But you said it appeared suddenly, is your medical record accurate?"

Reporter Cao grimaced, "Of course it's accurate, I won't make fun of my body!"

The old doctor thought it was unbelievable, and after much deliberation, he prescribed the medicine to Reporter Cao according to the method of treating pustules.

However, this medicine has no effect after taking it.

Reporter Cao walked halfway and felt the itching worse, so he went back to find the old doctor.

The old doctor washed off the medicine on the wound and replaced it with anti-allergic medicine.

Reporter Cao was worried, and asked the old doctor, "Shouldn't it be itchy this time?"

The old doctor smiled and shook his head, "Probably not, don't worry, there are only a few types of skin diseases, I will give you a large dose of good medicine, and you should be fine soon!"

Reporter Cao just nodded, but what he was thinking was that if the old doctor changed his medicine and it didn't help, he would immediately complain to the old doctor.

After changing the medicine, Reporter Cao felt that the wound was cool, and it was really different, so he left the hospital contentedly. It's just that he was busy seeing a doctor this afternoon, so he didn't have time to write a report.

When we got home at night, Reporter Cao’s wife heard that he had a bag on his back, so she reprimanded him in a low voice, “It’s all because you don’t eat too much, in the future, you can’t eat and drink with other people, you’ll get sick easily! "

This sentence suddenly reminded reporter Cao, he suddenly thought of the long bag on his back, could it be caused by the opening banquet at noon?

Thinking of this, Reporter Cao picked up his pen and prepared to write a report immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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