Wu Ni Huang Fei

Chapter 198 The Mausoleum of the Holy Ancestor [16]

Chapter 198 The Mausoleum of the Holy Ancestor [16]

Mo Fenghua simply stopped attacking, did not drop the Tang Dao in his hand, closed his eyes and quickly concentrated, continued all his mental strength, and planned to fight hard.

Soon the corpse worms flocked to her feet, but at the same time she also began to emit a white smoke-like breath.

As the murderous aura on her body suddenly subsided, those breaths became peaceful and quiet.

The white smoke gradually diffused, like the pervasive air, slowly covering the corpse insects.

The restless corpse worm seems to be starting to converge a little bit and slow down.

At least, they didn't bite her with their sharp teeth after climbing onto Mo Fenghua's feet.

Mo Fenghua tried his best to control Nian Li, trying to control them, but she had consumed too much physical strength and true energy in the previous fight, and she had consumed a lot of energy in breaking the illusion in the level of lust.

Now, no matter in all aspects, the conditions for her to exert her mind power are not in the best state, and she can only exert [-]% to [-]% of her previous strength even if she tries her best.

It won't work like this, if she can't control the corpse worm when it erupts, she will suffer backlash.

Mo Fenghua concentrated his energy and tried his best to make himself forget the environment he was in, forget everything he was going to release, empty his mind, and enter a state of absolute vacuum.

When she felt that she had accumulated to the limit and could no longer accumulate, she opened her eyes suddenly, like a balloon that suddenly exploded, with a bang, a wave of air spread out from her body.

Blow up all the corpse insects that were about to submerge her knees and swarming behind her.

But at the same time, the last fight also hollowed out her body. She was like a lamp that had burned out its oil, her body was shaking and yellow, and she could no longer support it.

Sweat remained on her forehead, and her face was as pale as snow. She barely fell down by supporting the ground with the Tang knife in her hand.

"Squeak..." A wave was repelled, and a new wave of corpse insects followed. They are endless and can never be killed.

Mo Fenghua looked at the black tide from far to near, a wry smile appeared on his pale face, could he really die here?
Mo Fenghua looked at the sapphire ring on her finger, is this her last retreat?

Behind him, Ming Ke, the lacquer carving, was still trying to decipher the Jiugongge, Mo Fenghua asked himself, could she really abandon her temporary alliance and escape by herself?

Obviously, she was selfish, but not that kind of person.

Mo Fenghua still chose to stay.

Her physical strength was exhausted, her true energy was exhausted, she was almost powerless now, what else could she fight with?
Mo Fenghua staggered and stood firm. She tried to bring up a trace of true energy, but there was nothing in her body, and there was no response.

Seeing that the corpse worm had arrived, Mo Fenghua raised the Tang Dao and rushed forward regardless of whether he was genuinely angry or not.

Mo Fenghua is now relying on his last breath and perseverance to support, his hands are like machines, waving non-stop.

She had been bitten on her hands and cried several times, and she became more awake from the pain.

More and more corpse insects rushed over from behind, and they could drown Mo Fenghua in an instant.

Perhaps it is the most dangerous time for herringbone to stimulate the potential that is not normally available. At the critical moment of crisis, Mo Fenghua felt that the true energy in his body seemed to break through the bottleneck and was breaking through and rising.

Both palms turned red, the flames in the palms ignited, and even the entire Tang knife ignited a raging fire...


(End of this chapter)

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