Wu Ni Huang Fei

Chapter 594 Falling into the Cliff [5]

Chapter 594 Falling into the Cliff [5]

Suddenly, the middle-aged Taoist stood up abruptly, "Who?"

He quickly looked around, expanding his spiritual consciousness to search around.

However, there was no movement in the surrounding five miles.

The monks next to him stood up, "What's wrong, brother? Is there no one?"

"Did I make a mistake?" The middle-aged Taoist was puzzled.

"Senior brother must be in a bad mood and too nervous. In this small town, who is our opponent, especially senior brother. Any disturbance in the town cannot escape your attention. Don't worry, we will not Something happened here."

"Exactly, senior brother, let's think about it carefully, how can we fool the master."

The middle-aged Taoist nodded, "Sit down, let's continue discussing."

However, after a while, the middle-aged Taoist felt a gloomy coolness on the back of his head, as if a pair of eyes were staring at him, making his heart twitch and trembling all over, and he stood up abruptly, " No, there is a real situation."

Several other people felt baffled, "Brother, no... No, we didn't feel it."

There was already a layer of cold sweat on the forehead of the Taoist priest in the middle, he said to himself like crazy, "No, no, there is a situation, there is a situation... there must be."

"Senior Brother, Senior Brother, what's wrong with you?"


A man closest to him reached out to touch the middle-aged Taoist priest, suddenly his body trembled, and the hand he put on his shoulder suddenly tightened.

The veins on the hands were raised, the facial features became a little hideous because of the tension, and the body began to twitch slightly.

The middle-aged Taoist sensed that something was wrong with him, "Junior Brother, Junior Brother, what's wrong with you?"

He reached out to touch him, but in the end, he remained motionless. The middle-aged Taoist became suspicious and increased his strength, but he still didn't move at all. But soon, he began to twitch violently, the veins on his forehead burst out, and the capillaries around his eye sockets criss-crossed, like It's a strip of spider silk, quickly spreading around.

After a while, the exposed skin of that person was already covered with blood nets, which looked particularly terrifying.

Several people in the room were too frightened to make a sound, and finally waited until the person convulsed more and more violently, and fell straight backward with a bang, then a person tremblingly asked: "Master... Senior brother... This, this What's going on, what's going on here?"

The middle-aged Taoist priest has been observing the surroundings, and the surroundings are abnormally quiet. Except for them, there is no one in Sanmu Town who is stronger than them.

He slowly turned his body and looked at Qiubi around, "I don't know."

After a while, there was no movement, and the fallen people did not know whether they were dead or alive.

Suddenly, someone exclaimed, "Senior brother, look at his left side."

The middle-aged Taoist immediately turned around and looked over.

But I saw the person who fell on the ground, the left half was connected, and the reality returned to normal skin color, but the right half of the face was still bloodshot, but after a while, it was clearly visible to the naked eye, and his left face began to sink slowly.

Especially in the orbital area, it is more obvious.

The flesh on the left half of his face seemed to be getting thinner, as if the water was gradually evaporating away.

The middle-aged Taoist didn't dare to move, he held his breath and watched.

Fight for another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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