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Chapter 104 The Victimized Assailant

Chapter 104 The Victimized Assailant (5)

At this time, almost the whole class became surprised.

There was also a vague sense of uneasiness in it, as if he was afraid of being punished.

But Yu Zihuai's focus is not on this.

He stared at the black-haired boy.

"Little friend, what's your name?" He asked with a half-smile.

But the boy pursed his lips as if he had never heard such a question before.

The voice is a little gorgeous.

"Are you a police officer?"

Ling Bai raised his eyebrows slightly, before Yu Zihuai could reply, he spoke.

"He's not, I am."

Hearing such a negative sentence, Yu Zihuai subconsciously turned his head to look at Ling Bai, with doubts hidden in his eyes.

Ling Bai smiled lightly and did not look at Yu Zihuai.

The boy's gaze was also on Ling Bai.

A sneer escaped from his mouth, with some emotion that seemed to be there.

Ling Bai was not curious about what was hidden in the laughter.

She just repeated Yu Zihuai's words over and over again.

"What's your name?"

The young man's eyes entangled Ling Bai, and finally said two words, "Jiang Chen."

Ling Bai nodded clearly, "The strength is good."

The boy didn't say anything more, and continued to sleep with his head on his stomach.

As soon as the boy got down on the ground, the atmosphere in the class became more lively.

Ling Bai didn't care about him, and started talking word by word.

Her expression was slightly serious.

"Presumably you should already know that a very bad case happened recently."

"You know who the deceased is."

She paused suddenly, and quickly took everyone's expressions into her eyes.

After that, he continued.

"So, as Yan Yu's classmate, you all know her more or less. I don't want to know much. I just need to make it clear who Yan Yu usually hangs out with."

Perhaps it was the heavy identity of a police officer that brought a little deterrence.

A few students spoke in low voices.

"Yan Yu has no friends, she is very bad, she can only pretend to be powerful." A girl whispered.

Because of the sudden silence, her words were also very clear.

Ling Bai's expression didn't change, he nodded slightly to show his understanding.

Without blaming or asking, the students in the class became more courageous.

Another unknown classmate said: "Yan Yu follows a few boys in our school every day, like a follower."

Ling Bai frowned slightly, slightly surprised.

"Boys, how many?" She asked in a low voice, her red lips were slightly raised, and the arc of her uppercut was a little sexy.

The girls in the class blushed in an instant, and a little more courageously shouted: "Three...ah no, four."

Looking at the girl's blushing face, Ling Bai asked suspiciously, "Why...are you shy?"

The girl's face turned even redder, but she didn't answer.

Ling Bai glanced at Yu Zihuai lightly, seeing that he was still standing there in a daze.

Some helplessly reminded, "Fool, why don't you leave?"

Yu Zihuai oh oh twice, and quickly ran towards Ling Bai.

The two left the classroom together.

What remained was Ling Bai's chuckle of unknown meaning.

The black-haired boy raised his head slowly as they walked away.

His slightly squinted eyes were somewhat tired, and his black pupils were flickering with a faint light.

He stretched lazily, and then rested his chin on one hand.

Danhong's thin lips pursed slightly, then relaxed.

He murmured softly, "Bai Hua..."


After Ling Bai and Yu Zihuai left the classroom, they came to the previous corner again.

(End of this chapter)

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