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Chapter 156 He is a Black Heart Lotus

Chapter 156 He is a Black Lotus (11~12)

After leaping down, an afterimage appeared in the space, and Ling Bai landed steadily on the ground.

She scanned for a week with purpose, and then went in one direction expressionlessly.

The speed was too fast to see clearly, and I could only feel a gust of wind in a trance, but I didn't know the source of the wind.

Ling Bai looked at the guards in front of the palace, her eyes were calm, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, and a sneer bloomed from her face.

I still want to hold a dance party, but it's beautiful!
She swept away quickly, and the pale silver light wrapped around her, and then touched the guards little by little.

Before the guard could react, he fell to the ground again and again.

Ling Bai pushed open the door and walked in with a slightly loud voice.

Rochester thought it was the butler who was organizing the dance, and he responded indifferently with his back turned: "It's still very early before the dance, what are you doing here now?"

Ling Bai didn't speak, his steps were extremely light and slow, as if he was deliberately slowing down, and it seemed like a leisurely stroll.

Rochester frowned, and finally noticed something strange.

He turned his head quickly, with an extremely gloomy expression on his face, he was taken aback when he found out that the person who appeared in the palace was Ling Bai, and then smiled lightly.

"My most loyal knight, come to my palace at this time, do you want...?"

He didn't speak clearly, but was swallowed by him vaguely, and his eyes were quite evil, just looking at Ling Bai like that.

Ling Bai walked up to Rochester step by step with a blank expression on his face.

Still didn't say a word.

Rochester raised his eyebrows and waited for her to speak, Ling Bai didn't speak for a long time, then he frowned, "Anand? I'm asking you something."

His tone was a little impatient, and a layer of haze appeared in his eyes.

Ling Bai raised his eyes to look at him, obviously he was a bit shorter than Rochester, but his imposing manner was higher.

Rochester didn't like this feeling very much, he frowned and his face was gloomy, "Anand, you want to disobey..." Lord.

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ling Bai.

She finally spoke, her voice was cold, with a sense of ethereal and unreachable, "Are you asking me?"

Rochester stared at Ling Bai closely, seemed a little surprised by her difference at the moment, and his face was a little irritable, "Otherwise, what do you think? What idiot am I talking to?"

A cold sneer escaped from Ling Bai's lips, extremely disdainful.

She held her head up, her eyes were cold, "Are you qualified?"

Rochester's expression broke at that moment, he seemed to be very angry, and he was about to reprimand Ling Bai loudly.

However, it was too late!
Ling Bai punched Rochester on the right cheek.

It seemed to be very fast, and an afterimage was set off in the air, and afterward, Rochester was hit head to the side.

A smear of blood was left from the corner of his mouth, he stuck out his tongue and licked it, and a bloody smell filled his mouth.

Rochester's complexion changed, and he questioned Ling Bai, "Do you know what you are doing!"

Ling Bai looked down at him who was half bent over, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "What? What do you think?" She didn't give Rochester any time to answer.

Immediately, he was brutally murdered again, and a light-colored light appeared in the air, with a lingering aura, so fierce that it cannot be ignored!
Ling Bai asked and answered himself, "Of course I'm cleaning up the pervert."

She bowed left and right, and Rochester's head also kept deflecting in two directions under her movements, unable to stop at all.

While beating, he asked leisurely, "Does it hurt?"

The prince stared at Ling Bai in a daze, unable to vent his great anger.

Ling Bai sneered, "You still dare to stare at me? It seems that you won't be able to make it through if you vomit blood from the mouth!"

She picked up Rochester's collar with one hand and lifted him up, then half-bent her legs, and quickly moved towards his abdomen.

The moment the knee collided with the flesh was the sound of Rochester spitting out blood.

Blood splashed everywhere, like red flying flowers falling from the sky.

Ling Bai dodged away in disgust, and looked at Rochester's miserable state with cold eyes. He was thrown to the ground almost decadently by Ling Bai, and his face was clouded with blood.

However, he mechanically turned his head and looked at her with resentment on his face.

Ling Bai raised his eyebrows slightly, but did not speak.

Gentle footsteps appeared, Rochester watched Ling Bai walk in front of him, the closest to him was the pair of shiny black shoes.

He stretched out his hand to grab Ling Bai's leg, whimpering from time to time.

But at the next moment, Ling Bai kicked him away. With a fierce momentum, he flew to the wall. After a heavy impact, he fell to the ground, and another mouthful of blood was sprayed on the carpet.

The posture is also very indecent, as if he is kneeling down and begging for mercy.

Ling Bai didn't want to let him go, he approached slowly, and came in front of Rochester again.

He raised his head as if feeling something, the blood had blurred his face, his body trembled slightly, but his mouth still smelled bad: "Ah, Anand, you are a devil, you disobey the Lord, you will, you will..."

Ling Bai raised his eyebrows and looked at it for a while, and finally impatiently kicked his foot on his back, with increasing force.

Rochester's body trembled more obviously.

She said, "It's the most comfortable to deal with a pervert like you."

Rochester cried out in pain, but Ling Baiquan pretended not to hear him, and continued to walk.

Finally, as if tired and tired, she squatted down and lifted Rochester's chin with one finger.

Seeing the resentment and unwillingness in his eyes, she chuckled lightly, and then turned her eyes to Rochester.

A light silver light flashed past, as if bewitching, but also as if deliberately intoxicating.

Rochester's eyes gradually became gloomy, the previous emotions could no longer be seen, and the only thing left was blank eyes.

At the moment when he was about to regain consciousness, Ling Bai held his head down and slammed him hard into the ground!
Finally, he passed out.

Ling Bai was humming an unknown tune, and left relaxedly. It seemed that her singing voice still remained in the space, quite leisurely and comfortable.

The moment the ball arrived, the butler suddenly appeared.

The ball is not over, but the prince will not be present tonight.

Upon hearing such news, many noble girls in costumes were full of regret. They came here for the prince, but they never thought that he never wanted to come.

Ling Bai stood aside and stayed out of the matter, his face was expressionless, but his eyes were full of wickedness.

Appear, how to appear?His face was covered in blood, his nose was blue and his face was swollen.

The corner of her lips raised a slight arc, but her eyes were focused on the entrance of the place.

She changed the development of the story. Although the prince will not come, Cinderella will definitely come.

She is waiting, the heroine of this story.

Finally, a beautiful figure appeared in the distance, shadowy and charming, the gorgeous skirt added a bit of beauty to her, and the elegant etiquette made her look noble and proud.

 Three daily requests~~
(End of this chapter)

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