Chapter 120

Chapter 120: The Sutra of Rebirth, Changes in the Underworld (Please recommend and reward)
On the other hand, no matter how powerful the Tsing Yi soul body is, he has never reached the realm of ghosts and immortals; while Sun Wukong and Ao Lie are only in the realm of Nascent Soul Dzogchen at this time, but they are real immortals. If you want to restrain a ghost, there are still some means.

After a while, Sun Wukong plucked out a hair from Tsing Yi's soul body, turned it into a strand of rope, and tied it up with Wuhuada.

Dark and evil spirit lingered, Tsing Yi's soul body had a ferocious expression, and his body struggled constantly, but he couldn't break free from the rope that Sun Wukong transformed into.


Tsing Yi's soul and body were restless, roaring like ghosts.

All the surrounding souls who had lowered their heads and shivered, raised their heads one by one after hearing the roar of the ghost in Tsing Yi, their expressions were full of madness, and attacked Tang Sen and Sun Wukong.

This time, the souls of the entire third floor area had gathered here, densely packed and erratic, Tang Sen and the others seemed to have entered the world of ghosts.

Seeing so many soul bodies being attacked by Tsing Yi's soul body, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in Sun Wukong's hand shone with golden light, and instantly turned into a thick stick. He wanted to fight back, but Tang Sen scolded him!
"Don't touch Wu Kong, come for the teacher!"

I saw Tang Sen coming to those densely packed soul bodies, sitting cross-legged on the ground, holding a Buddhist ritual in one hand, and pinching a rosary in the other.

An incomprehensible note came out of the mouth, and in an instant, the Buddha's voice lingered throughout the third-level space.

Every time Tang Sen uttered a note, a ray of golden Buddha light bloomed from his body and floated around.

Those soul bodies that were originally baring their teeth and claws froze for a moment when they heard the sound of the Buddha rolling in, and froze in mid-air without moving.

The manic mood seemed to calm down a little at the moment when the Buddha's voice sounded.

Seeing this, Su Yanran became nervous for a while, first glanced at the densely packed soul bodies, and then looked at the soul body in Tsing Yi bound by ropes, with a look of sadness and anticipation.

But the soul body in Tsing Yi, at the moment when Tang Sen chanted the Buddha's voice, although the manic state stagnated for a while, it became violent again in an instant, and the roar continued.

"What a superb Buddhist principle! When did this little monk learn such a profound way to save ghosts?" Sun Wukong's beautiful eyes showed a hint of shock.

When he heard the Buddha's voice, Ao Lie was also shocked!

As Tang Sen continued to promulgate the Sutra of Rebirth, the Buddha's voices formed "Swastika" symbols one by one, falling into the eyebrows of the souls, and entering their bodies.

As if this kind of symbol could appease their manic emotions, as the influx continued into the body, those soul bodies gradually quieted down, and even a few soul bodies changed from the initial erratic state to sitting cross-legged in the air, with a look of utter confusion. serene.

Although he was reciting the "Sutra of Rebirth", Tang Sen's consciousness had been secretly observing these souls.Seeing that the Sutra of Rebirth was effective, Tang Sen was overjoyed immediately, and the Sanskrit sound became more rapid in his mouth.

As time went by, Tang Sen had been sitting cross-legged for a stick of incense, and each of the souls had stronger or weaker Buddha light escaping from them, lingering around them, as if they were all bathed in the Buddha light.

Gradually, those soul bodies became transparent, and the coldness on their bodies gradually diminished.

Even the most powerful Yinhun in Tsing Yi in this third dimension, the black energy around him has become much thinner at this moment, and even the violent roar has weakened a lot, and the whole person has become much quieter.

When the time for the second incense stick passed, those soul bodies had completely become transparent, and even some soul bodies had begun to dissipate slowly, turning into streaks of golden light and flying towards the sky.

As Tang Sen spoke more and more anxiously and quickly, covered by the Buddha's voice and illuminated by the Buddha's light, a vortex channel seemed to appear directly above the sky.

"Reincarnation channel?!"

Sun Wukong raised his head and saw the vortex passage, he was shocked immediately and couldn't help but exclaim.

Sun Wukong was shocked that Tang Sen was able to open the reincarnation channel of nothingness just by reciting a few scriptures.

Although he was able to go down to the underworld and reach the underworld, he couldn't open the reincarnation channel.

Even if her cultivation was not suppressed, she would not be able to open the channel of reincarnation in the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm in its heyday. This time, Tang Sen's actions really surprised Sun Wukong.

"The master is the master, it's really amazing!" Ao Lie stared wide-eyed, staring at the reincarnation passage that suddenly appeared in the sky without blinking.

"Old Tathagata would be so kind to teach such a profound Buddhist method to this young monk?!" While the pretty face was shocked, Sun Wukong's beautiful eyes revealed a hint of doubt.

The soul bodies began to turn into light spots one by one, being sucked into the channel of reincarnation, the soul bodies on the third floor gradually decreased, and half a stick of incense passed, and there were very few left.

At this time, Tang Sen was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and his body gradually floated up. He was still meditating cross-legged, holding a Buddhist ceremony, and his treasure appearance was more solemn.

The originally dark skin seemed to be covered with a layer of golden luster at this moment, sacred and inviolable!
Not far away, Su Yanran, whose beautiful eyes were wide open in shock, suddenly let out a scream, and her whole body flew towards the reincarnation channel in the sky uncontrollably.

It seems that the vortex channel has such a strong suction that Su Yanran can't resist at all.

But at this moment, Tang Sen was completely immersed in this mysterious state, and he didn't even know what was going on outside.

Seeing that Su Yanran was about to be sucked in by the channel of reincarnation, a golden figure flickered out, grabbed Su Yanran's arm in an instant, and pulled Su Yanran back abruptly.

"This suction cannot be resisted by your current cultivation base. It will be helpful for your cultivation base to abandon distracting thoughts and gain insights!" Sun Wukong's cold voice reached Su Yanran's ears, which made Su Yanran feel grateful for a while, and hurriedly Close your beautiful eyes quickly, let your mind empty, and experience the mystery brought by this kind of Buddha's sound and Buddha's light.

But at this time, the underworld was almost in chaos, and the underworld soldiers responsible for guarding the passage of reincarnation rushed to report: "Report to the King of Hades, something is wrong. The passage of reincarnation in the underworld suddenly opened, and countless ghosts came from outside. Entered the underworld!"

"What's the point of being so flustered? Is there another national war in the mortal world? How many people were killed or injured, just a few more little ghosts, don't worry!" the King of Yama, who was sitting on the throne, waved his sleeves and said indifferently.

"It's not a brat, but...but..." The underworld soldier was so flustered that he could barely speak clearly.

"Hesitating, what use is this King of Hades wanting you to do? If you don't know what to say, this King of Hades will have you fired immediately and thrown into the animal realm for reincarnation!" King Yama's eyes widened with anger, looking fierce.

"Those are not little ghosts, they all have Buddha nature, and their merits and virtues are added to their body! They all need to be reincarnated in the immortal world of wealth and honor. Granny Meng can't be the master for a while, so let the humble staff report quickly!" Mingbing was so scared that he broke into a cold sweat.

"Huh?! There is such a thing!" Yan Wang was also surprised.

According to the Immortal Way of Wealth, this channel is rather special.Only those who have great merits and virtues during their lifetime will have the opportunity to be reincarnated in this way after death. After reincarnation, they may be honored as the dragon and phoenix, or rank among the immortals and become immortals.

But this channel is rarely opened even in a hundred years. Today, such a strange thing happened. Countless ghosts have merits and virtues, and they must enter the path of wealth and immortality.

Lord Yan also had something wrong with the governor, so he got up immediately, dressed fiercely: "Follow this Yama to the reincarnation passage, and find out what happened!"

(End of this chapter)

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