Chapter 40
Changhui Niang called Changhui to come over to greet Luo Baisu.Because this was not a formal admission of students, Luo Baisu just asked Fang to pour a cup of tea, and asked Changhui to take it and serve it to him, so he agreed to let Changhui study with him.

Changhui Niang was very happy, after entrusting little Changhui to Luo Baisu, she moved a small stool by herself, sat on the edge of the kang, and chatted with Fang while warming up the fire.

Just as he was talking happily, the sound of throwing pots and pans came from the main room, accompanied by Yao's loud and mean voice: "You stupid girl, you don't know how to do any work, just let you do the laundry. A bowl, you can break the bowl, tell me, how many times have you broken the bowl? I really don’t know what a girl like you wants you to do? No wonder the Qi family kicked you out. I It's really bad luck for eight lifetimes, so I kindly agreed to take you in."

"Old lady, it was so cold that I accidentally broke the bowl because my hands slipped from the cold."

"Still quibbling! I can't do anything well, get out of here early, so that I won't be upset when I see you." Yao interrupted her impatiently.

After a while, I saw a figure coming out of the stove house, it was Ying Er.

Changhui Niang pulled Fang's sleeve and asked her in a low voice, "What's all this going on about?"

Fang said without raising her head, "Who knows what's going on in that room."

After a while, Ying Er, who was kicked out by Yao Shi, was only wearing an old jacket, standing outside the door shivering with cold, looking at Fang Shi anxiously and saying, "Sister-in-law, are you at home?"

Luo Tiandu was teaching Luo Mingdu to do arithmetic problems, when he heard this sentence, he looked up at Ying Er, his brows furrowed.

When he first entered Yao's house, Yao Shi was very proud of having won a servant for no reason, and he was very kind to Yinger.After a few days, as soon as the excitement passed and he calmed down, Yao started to mutter again.One more person means one more person to eat, especially this extra servant, who can't do any work. Let her cook, either cook dry rice, or fill the stove with firewood, and the chimney The smoke from inside can be seen from ten miles away; ask her to sweep the floor, and she can swing the broom into the sky, making the room full of dust; ask her to wash a bowl, and she can accidentally break the bowl, and the broken one must be A few rare porcelain bowls at home.

Only then did Yao Shi gradually come to his senses, co-authoring this is to take in an ancestor who only eats and can't work, especially for such a girl who can't work, Luo Baihan even got into trouble with her several times , didn't even go to school, and stayed at home with her every day.Immediately Yao shi stopped doing it. She endured it for so many years. Luo Baihan was the only son. The baby was like an eyeball. The low-level things missed the future.As a result, this good mood disappeared, and Yao shi used all the energy he had spent in plotting against Luo Baisu's family back then, and began to torment this girl in different ways.

When Yinger entered Yao's house, although she didn't bring any valuables, she wore a gold hairpin on her head and a pair of South Sea pearl earrings on her small earlobes, not to mention the one she was wearing. Fox fur jackets are all good things.

Yao shi hated Yinger for being dishonest, and dared to provoke the mother-child relationship between her and Luo Baihan, wishing to step her into the mud, how could she be allowed to dress up brightly every day and seduce Luo Baihan like a goblin? Now that she was short of money, she took off all the clothes Yinger was wearing on her head, and gave her only an old jacket that Luo Baiqiu wore back then, and stared at her every day as she worked in the kitchen. work, don't let her approach Luo Baihan.

Yinger was disgusted by Mrs. Yao and had nowhere to go, so she came to the east room to look for Mrs. Fang, where there was a kang and a brazier, it was really warm.

In fact, Fang didn't like this delicate maid very much. A young girl, even a maid, would never tease a man after closing the door in broad daylight. The two daughters in her family are still young, and she is really afraid of being caught by this girl. The young and beautiful Yinger is spoiled.

Luo Tian squinted his eyes, and looked at Ying Er again, and saw that although she was wearing an old jacket, her hair was clean, and there was no hairpin, but the hair was clearly combed carefully, and she looked again. Look at her face, she has painted her eyebrows, and applied a thin layer of rouge. She is very clean and tidy. Although she is talking to Mrs. Fang, her watery fox eyes are looking towards the kang from time to time. Luo Baisu glanced at Luo Baisu who was reading a book.

Luo Tiandu felt unhappy right away.

What does this surname Qi mean?She didn't believe that such a maid who was not very honest at first glance was sent to their home and said that she was serving Luo Baihan to study.

She put down the charcoal pen, turned over and got off the kang, and said, "Mother, I want to wash my hands."

Fang put down her work, fetched hot water, made it warm, and washed her hands.

Luo Tian was wary of Ying Er in his heart, he didn't want her to stay at home and hang out in front of Luo Baisu, so he thought of a way to drive her out.

"Second uncle went to school today?" she asked.

Luo Baihan took several days off from the school because of Yao's embarrassment to Yinger, and stayed at home to guard her all day long, but was finally beaten by old man Luo. It took two days until he gradually resumed the habit of getting up early and going to town.

Ying'er is very good at observing words and expressions. Looking at Luo Tiandu's face, she knows that she doesn't like her. She also knows that Luo Baisu and Fang's love this young girl very much, so she deliberately flatters her and said: "Second Young Master went to school early in the morning. He also said he would bring sugar back."

Luo Tian didn't care much about this white caramel, he rolled his eyes twice, and said again: "Second Uncle is going out, why didn't he take you with him?" This person was recruited by Luo Baihan, it's best to let him take him out as well.

Fang doesn't like Yinger, and doesn't want Yinger to have too much contact with her own children, so when she heard this, she gave Luo Tiandu a look, and said: "As long as you take it easy, there is no room for you to intervene in adult affairs. .”

Luo Tian was not afraid of Fang's paper tiger, pretending to be puzzled and said: "Second uncle is studying outside, wouldn't it be nice to have someone grinding ink beside him to serve you? I saw that when Mr. Tang was writing, Aunt Qingmei Auntie is waiting on the side."

When Fang heard this, she couldn't help laughing: "How old is Mr. Tang? How old is your second uncle? He is such a big man, and he needs someone to wait on him when he writes a word?"

Yinger lowered her head, wondering what she was thinking about.

No matter how well Yinger listened to what Luo Tian said that day, but from then on, Yinger did not stay at home during the day, she followed Luo Baihan to the school, and she followed Luo Baihan when he came back at night. The old man was threatening with his fists, but he was very active, making Yao hop around at home in anger.

Seeing that Yinger finally stopped wandering around at home, Luo Tian was also relieved to come to Luo Baisu's side from time to time.Rather than having Ying Er, such an untimely bomb by his side, he would rather go to the ring with Yao Shi. Anyway, when old man Luo is at home, Yao Shi won't make too much trouble on the bright side.I don't know if it's because of this reason, old man Luo has been staying at home since winter, and occasionally he was really bored, so he came to the east room for a walk, and saw Luo Baisu studying hard, sitting next to him. Seeing Luo Tiandu and sister, plus a little Changhui, they went back very happily.

Because Changhui Niang let Xiao Changhui learn to read in Luo's house, she would come to visit from time to time. Every time she came, she would not come empty-handed, sometimes a few candies, sometimes a basket of home-grown side vegetables, her pickled wild The fruit was sent here one after another. Changhui was used to eating it and didn't eat much, but Luo Tian liked the sweet and sour taste very much, and most of it went into her stomach.

These days, Changhui Niang sent a lot of cabbage and radishes intermittently, and they piled up at home if they couldn't finish them, and they accumulated a lot, at least they wouldn't have to worry about not having cabbage to eat throughout the winter.I also picked up a lot of mountain goods when I was picking up autumn. Now the small cubicle where Luo Tiandu and Luo Mingdu live is almost full, and there is no place to set foot.

Luo Tiandu is now playing a guest role as a little teacher, teaching Changhui and Luo Mingdu a few words in the morning, and then teaching Luo Mingdu a few arithmetic problems, which is enough for the two of them to be busy for most of the day.She had nothing to do, so she dragged the big wooden basin, crushed those unpalatable wild pears and wild apples into juice, and the two of them marinated a small vat of pickles, whether it was mixed with porridge or rolled into corn tortillas, it was delicious. Very appetizing.

After entering the twelfth lunar month, the weather that had been cloudy and snowy suddenly cleared up.This was about the last few sunny days of the year before, and the villagers all came out of the houses where they had been nesting for more than half a month, and they were busy cleaning up the houses.

Fang also cleaned the house in the past two days. The things in the house should be washed, swept, and dried. After working hard for two days, she thought about going back to the town again. , Prepare the things to be used for the New Year.When I went back to buy new year's goods, I just bought some grains and white noodles. Seeing that the end of the year is approaching, I need to prepare more oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar, as well as incense candles for worshiping the Kitchen God on New Year's Day, etc. After all, there are actually a lot to buy.

Fang also thought that this season is the busiest time in the town, the two children are busy working at home every day, and they haven't gone shopping a few times throughout the year, so this time they offered to take them along.

The weather was cold, and Luo Tiandu really didn't have much interest in visiting Qiushui Town, but Luo Mingdu couldn't help but look very happy, and after thinking about it, he agreed to go with him.

As the new year is approaching, Qiushui Town is much busier than usual. Not only are there more new shops, but there are also a lot more peddlers carrying burdens on the street.

Fang first went to the grocery store and mixed a pot of soybean oil, added two catties of fine salt, made a pot of soy sauce and vinegar, and bought a pair of incense candles.After buying all these various necessities, Fang pushed the cart and took the two children for a stroll.

Most of the town is full of people like them who come to buy new year's goods, carrying loads and pushing carts, and there are also hawkers who buy snacks, carrying loads of goods, shouting twice from time to time, which is very lively.

It was rare for Fang to be generous and bought two bunches of candied haws, one for each of Luo Mingdu and Luo Tiandu.Luo Tiandu was too old to eat such small sweets, so he only took a symbolic bite of a hawthorn, and left the rest to Luo Mingdu.

(End of this chapter)

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