Chapter 199 The Daily Life of the Movie Emperor's Favorite Wife (62)

"Imperial Power" became popular, not only the audience loved it, but even those who were obsessed with the original had to admit that the characters in the book came alive.

"Imperial Power" became popular and received great acclaim, and the actors who played the roles in the play also became popular.

The hottest among them was Chu Fan.

Lu Bingyun also knew that Emperor Feng probably didn't run away.

The annual Fengshang Ceremony in the circle has begun, and voting posts have started on Weibo, Maodu, and various forums.

Lu Bingyun lay in Xiao Qi's arms, sliding her fingers on the phone.

The film king voted there, and her name hangs high at No.1.

"Open your mouth." Xiao Qi whispered in his ear.

Lu Bingyun opened his mouth obediently, and was stuffed with a peeled grape.

The sweet and sour taste spread in his mouth, and Lu Bingyun narrowed his eyes enjoying it.

It turns out that this is the feeling of having a tall, long-legged, good-tempered breeder. Lu Bingyun thinks that she just needs to open her mouth to eat every day.

This kind of life without thinking about progress is really.
So cool!
She wants to be like this for the rest of her life.

"Hey, you are also number one." Lu Bingyun muttered in disbelief.

"Huh?" Xiao Qi's questioning voice came from the top of his head, the voice was full of magnetism, and Lu Bingyun's ears were about to become pregnant.

Why didn't I find this man so alluring?
In a daze, the mobile phone in his hand was taken away.

"Let me see." Xiao Qi took the phone.

Now on the mobile phone page, there is the voting post for the best director. There, Xiao Qi's name hangs high on the first place, and it is the same as Lu Bingyun's voting post for the best actor and actor, throwing No.2 to the old one. Gone.

"So, trust your husband." Xiao Qi locked the phone screen and put it on the tea machine.

"Now, let's talk about the marriage proposal." Xiao Qi turned Lu Bingyun's head and started another round of marriage proposal battle.

In the past half a month, he has proposed countless times.

Flowers, rings, music, red wine, everything, but Lu Bingyun did not agree.

Xiao Qi felt a little uneasy.

"I don't want to talk about it." Lu Bingyun refused, and every time he talked about this topic, he would always be brought up on the bed by this man.

Lu Bingyun said she refused to talk.

"Aren't you..." Don't want to marry me?Xiao Qi still didn't ask the next words, he was afraid of getting a disappointing answer.

Lu Bingyun saw his thoughts at a glance, her eyes slanted.

She is really the stupid son of the landlord's family. If she doesn't want to marry him, how can she let him do whatever he wants?

However, she wanted to wait until she got the best actor trophy, and then promise him forever.

Yes, let him live forever.

This time, she is willing to stay and accompany Xiao Qi for the rest of her life.

However, for these things, she will have to wait for her to win the best actor trophy. At that time, she will retire and marry Xiao Qi.

Like the original plot.

"I will agree to your marriage proposal after the ceremony of enshrining Shang is over." Lu Bingyun did not intend to tell Xiao Qi that she was going to retire.

Just surprise him with a marriage proposal.


The Fengshang Grand Ceremony came as scheduled, and Lu Bingyun, without any surprise, became the best actor voted out online.

For the awards at the Fengshang Grand Ceremony, online voting only accounted for half, and the other half was judged by insiders.

It is equivalent to adding two points. However, Lu Bingyun has twice as many votes as No.2. That is to say, even without the votes of insiders, Lu Bingyun is definitely the first.

Of course, it's impossible for people in the industry to be so blind, so the number of votes for the Best Actor this time is unprecedentedly terrifying.

And the party who set an unprecedented number of votes was not seen at all 10 minutes before the start of the ceremony.

 How does the author feel, the last two chapters are so well written.

  Moreover, I felt a little regretful when I sent it out, and I was relieved that it was not blocked in the end.

  Please forgive me for the bad writing, after all, the author is single, and the inspiration comes from romance novels, 233333
  Also, ask for a recommendation ticket!

  ――PS is updated today, thanks for reading, see you tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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