Chapter 232 The Witch Fell Into Her Arms, The Monk Was Calm (30)

Lu Bingyun didn't feel any pain. Although it was cold, it wasn't hard. Obviously, it wasn't the ground.

"It deserves it!" Fuhua's voice sounded coldly.

Accompanied by the voice, Lu Bingyun was also slowly lifted up.

The tone is not good, but the movements are very gentle.

Lu Bingyun pursed her lips. In fact, Fu Hua was a nice person, but her mouth was too poisonous, which made Lu Bingyun afraid that her vitality was not strong enough, so she didn't want to flirt with him. Moreover, this male silver who had reached the pinnacle of flirtatiousness, still had a fist that was enough for him now. A master who is all over the world in seconds.

At this time, as Fuhua gradually stood up straight, Lu Bingyun's line of sight also gradually changed.

At this time, Lu Bingyun found out.

Oh!Juechen's outfit is simply...too provocative!
The cyan monk's robe is open, the strong chest and tight abdominal muscles, and the entire front and upper body are exposed to the sun...

The picture is so beautiful that I want to keep watching it!

The imagery is really strong!

Anyway, Lu Bingyun looked straight ahead, oh my god, the figure is too good!
However, in the next instant, Fuhua's palm suddenly fell down, like a thick wall, blocking Lu Bingyun's direction from looking at Juechen.

Fuck!Lu Bingyun really wanted to swear, but couldn't she have a good look at the beautiful man's, uh, figure?
"Don't look at it, it's so weak, and it doesn't look good." Fuhua's venomous voice sounded, and he scolded Juechen without any low key.

Lu Bingyun was simply unbelievable. If she remembered correctly, he was the one who tore up his clothes just now, right?
Now, he actually used a cock with ginseng fruit to others!
Simply, insane!
At this time, Juechen also reacted.

For the first time, he felt that he really misjudged their Master Fuhua.

A high-cold and ascetic male god who spreads decency――

a ghost.

As for the action of tearing clothes, why is he so familiar?

While pulling up the torn clothes, Juechen was already worried about Si Mei.

This decent treasure obviously has a style problem.

Hey, why are you so worried about Si Mei?

After fastening his clothes, Juechen stared at Fuhua.

He really couldn't beat Fu Hua, but if he didn't stare, he felt uneasy.

After all, Fuhua's style is really heroic.

But Fuhua ignored Juechen's worry at all, and with a leap of energy, she sat firmly on the bodhi tree.

Juechen stood under the tree, looking at Fuhua.

No, strictly speaking, it was looking at Si Mei in Fuhua's hand.

Fuhua casually put Lu Bingyun on his shoulder, with a cold expression, and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Lu Bingyun was dumbfounded. After doing something bad, could he sleep so calmly?
Really, increased knowledge!
"Well, pretty host brother, are you alright?" Lu Bingyun sat on Fuhua's shoulder, and could only ask from a distance because the tree was too tall.

Juechen shook his head slowly, his eyes were entangled in pity.

However, after looking at Lu Bingyun carefully, Juechen was a little relieved.

Si Mei is so young, Master Fu Hua wouldn't do anything serious to her, right?
Thinking of the enlarged Si Mei, then thinking of Fuhua, and then substituting Si Mei's actions that Fuhua had done to him just now, Juechen frowned, inexplicably feeling something hot in his heart that wanted to gush out.

Lu Bingyun is still looking at Juechen worriedly. If he knew what Juechen was thinking, he would definitely vomit to death.

Think about the hard work of the strategy, but finally got the favorability to 80.00%, and in the end, they set up a CP for you in a blink of an eye, can you not vomit to death?

However, Lu Bingyun didn't know anything.

 Four more.

  It's updated today.

  The three chapters that are due to be updated will be completed on weekends, if you don’t make up, you will kill me!

  Finally, ask for a recommendation ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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