Chapter 714

back home.

The triplets were yelling and sleepy.

Ying Wanwan washed them up briefly, put them to sleep, and they fell asleep after reading the first chapter of the story book.Ying Wanwan was also tired, so she slept next to the boss.

When I opened my eyes again, the sky outside was already dark, the moon was rising, and the breeze was blowing.

The children around her were gone, and she was covered with three layers of small quilts, covering her body with sweat. She was woken up by the heat.

Want to be angry and want to laugh.

It's summer.

Are they still afraid that she will freeze?
Although the weather is a little cold in the morning and evening, it is not too cold, is it?

He lifted the small quilt on his body and spread it out evenly to diffuse the moisture.

Open the door and go out.

Childish reading sounds came from the study: Little mouse, go to the lampstand, steal oil to eat
It's a big night.

So conscious?
Looking downstairs, Aunt Hong and Yu Shuhui were cooking in the kitchen.

She goes into the study.

The triplets said in unison, "Mom is awake."

Ying Wanwan: "." Isn't this obvious?

With a gentle smile, "Don't memorize books at night. It's better to memorize in the morning. At that time, your memory will be better and effective. Mom will give you arithmetic problems to see if your progress is obvious."

Ying Wanwan gave the boss a math problem to do.

Old Daoist said, "Mom, I think addition and subtraction are easy, and I want to learn something else."

Ying Wanwan: "."

Suddenly I was afraid that one day I would not be able to teach him! "Tomorrow I will teach you to recite the multiplication formula. Go down and play. Go and pile up the blocks in the living room. Don't keep reading, be careful of myopia, glasses don't look good." Glasses, she felt that it would damage her appearance.

"Oh." The boss didn't like to play with building blocks, but Ying Wanwan let him go, and he didn't want to disobey, so he walked away with small steps.

Ying Wanwan started to take the second child test again, "Mom has five yuan in hand, you bought a cone for two yuan and five yuan, how much money do you have left?"

The second child thought about it seriously, "Not anymore."

Ying Wanwan: "."

How did he calculate it? "How can there be no more?" Asked another way, "What is two five dollars plus two five dollars?"

The second child moved his fingers, and after a while, spread out his five fingers, "Five yuan."

Ying Wanwan nodded in satisfaction when she heard it, she understood, and asked again, "Then mom has five dollars in her hand, and you bought a cone with it for two dollars and five dollars, how much is left? "


Ying Wanwan scratched her head, "Tell me, where did the change go?"

"After I finish eating a cone, I will buy another one for the remaining [-] yuan. There is no way there will be any remaining."

Ying Wanwan: "." Okay!
Nothing wrong with that.

In order to prevent the second child from being surprised, she directly wrote five simple calculations in the notebook.

The second child read one, began to twirl his fingers, and took a while to give the answer.Although it was slow, fortunately he answered all the questions correctly.

The youngest waited a little impatiently, "Second brother, can't you hurry up for such a simple question?"

The second child pouted, "Mom, is my sister saying I'm stupid? Am I really stupid?"

Ying Wanwan patted his head, "No, you're not stupid." She glared at the third child secretly, "Wait a little bit, brother?"

The third child folded his arms around his chest, snorted, turned his head, and raised his head high.

Ying Wanwan waited patiently for the second child to finish the rest of the questions, and gave him a thumbs up, "Okay! It's great, let's go out and play."

When the second child heard these words, he seemed to be liberated.Happily ran out the door.

There were only mother and son left in the study, Ying Wanwan kept her face stern, "Yuewan, from now on, I can't say or do anything that mirrors my second elder brother's stupidity, do you understand?"

"Second brother is not smart in the first place. Didn't you say that you have to be honest? I didn't say it clearly, but it's already very face-saving."

Ying Wanwan: "."

Children are so difficult to teach!
Seriously and earnestly teach, "But your words and deeds just now are inappropriate. You can't say that in the future, especially when you enter school. Even if other children's grades are not as good as yours, you can't speak in front of others."

The third child snorted, "If you don't say it, don't say it. Mom, you give me a question, I want to go down and watch TV."


Inside the living room.

Ying Hui is playing the video of Ying Wanwan's graduation ceremony.

Aunt Hong said, "I don't think it's so proud to watch it on the spot. Now watching it with music, it's like winning the number one prize in ancient times, riding a tall horse and being surrounded by ordinary people."

Ying Wanwan also felt this way, the video is still in black and white, and has a self-beautification function, "This video must be preserved well, when I get old and take it out, I will definitely feel that I am beautiful at this time."

Ying Hui almost spit out the tea in his mouth, "Can you be more modest, those girls in your class are not bad."

"I was just about to tell you, Catherine in our class, this is it." Ying Wanwan pointed to the blond girl in the line, "She asked me if you have a girlfriend, and she wants to be my second sister-in-law. She is Excellent graduate. How about introducing you to another day? This girl said that she has never had a boyfriend." Originally, she wanted to say that the other party was still good, but Yu Shuhui was here, so she couldn't say it directly.

"We don't like foreign girls. They look beautiful from a distance, but they look freckles up close."

Ying Wanwan said, "She has good skin and no makeup. She is a natural beauty. Many male students in our class are chasing her."

Ying Hui waved his hands again and again, "Then I don't want to know, how can I give my precious genes to foreigners casually?"

Ying Wanwan: "." So narcissistic!
"Then when do you plan to get married? Brother, I got married early, how do you plan?"

"I'm so busy all day long, how can I even think about getting married? I don't have time to accompany her when the girl is married. I'm so sorry for her. Besides, my mother has a weird temper. When my sister-in-law first entered the house, she was often excluded. I can't bear it." My daughter-in-law will suffer that." Ying Hui cast a meaningful glance at Yu Shuhui while speaking.

Yu Shuhui is careless, at this moment she thinks that Ying Hui is criticizing Sang Huai, expressing her dissatisfaction with Pan Xin.

In fact, he was insinuating that he was treating Wanwan harshly.

But she had no evidence, so she had to swallow her breath.

Ying Wanwan smiled and said, "When you think about the important things in your life, the girls your age have already been picked away. You can only choose the one who is seven or eight years younger than you. She has a different vision from yours. Opinions are not unified, and there will be disputes at that time, and we may have to fight."

Ying Hui said, "That's possible, that kind of barbaric woman, I'll divorce her sooner or later."

Ying Wanwan looked at him leisurely, "I'll wait and see when the time comes, if I really hit the mark, I'll see if you don't want to give up."


So the graduation ceremony passed.

Due to the pity that the wedding will be held at Castle Castle.Even though Ying Wanwan got her degree, she was not in a hurry to return to China.

Apart from being with the children at home, I spend more time planning the construction of the factory, and I live a fulfilling life every day.

Because of her safety, Yu Shuhui finally shifted her attention.

(End of this chapter)

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