The stunning husband has transformed

Chapter 104 The Blushing Bugs

Chapter 104 The Blushing Bugs (2)

The little laughing worm also jumped up very cooperatively, and then fell into Feng Beibei's palm.

Twisting her cute little body, she was very happy.

"Little laughing bug, to be honest, you are so small, I really don't know where to put you!" It was really a very distressing thing.

This little caterpillar is so small, it's not easy to let go!
She was afraid that she would put it in her sleeve, and she would throw it off with a flick of her hand later.

The little laughing worm told Feng Beibei that this problem was not a problem to be worried about. With a slight swing of its small body, it swung into the middle of Feng Beibei's waist, and then One drill, into the belt.

Well, this little guy is really smart.

Suddenly, I felt that on this otherworldly continent, there were really many things that I had never imagined or seen before.


When Han Zai saw Feng Beibei seemed to be very interested in these relatively new things, he thought of something and said with a smile: "Miss Feng, it just so happens that these days are the annual underground auction in Liedu. It's very lively, and there are many novelty things that will be put up for auction... Miss Feng may have something she likes..."

His wife, do you want anything, and you still need to go to a noisy place like an auction?

Nangong Qingyue smiled coldly.

Who knows that Feng Beibei's eyes turned, as if thinking of something, he smiled lightly: "This idea is good, but, I personally don't like places that are too noisy, presumably as the third prince, I should be able to find someone A VIP room?"

"Miss, are you really going?" Nangong Qingyue found that sometimes he still didn't know his wife well enough.

According to his understanding, the lady would not go to such a place, but who knew that the lady would agree without even thinking about it.

On the other hand, Han Zaiyi smiled with wide eyes, and nodded repeatedly: "It's natural. If Miss Feng wants to go, she must have the best VIP room!"

"Then there will be the third prince!" Feng Beibei pursed his lips and chuckled.

Although the gauze covered his face, the unearthly style was enough to make Han Zaiyi intoxicated.

In fact, the beauty trap has always been the most powerful strategy among the 36 strategies to deal with men.

"How can Miss Feng say such polite words? It's an honor to invite Miss Feng. It's an honor..." Han Zaiyi narrowed his eyes with a smile.

Nangong Qingyue turned angry and cold.

He didn't like North Korea and Han Jaeil getting too close.


"Don't you want to go?" Feng Beibei turned around and asked calmly.

In the corner of his eyes, there was a half-smile.

Nangong Qingyue's face was not happy, but she just doted on this lady, and she really didn't want to make her unhappy, so she could only say: "If the lady wants to go, she must accompany her as a husband."

"That's good." Feng Beibei melted into a smile.

In fact, she didn't want to see some rare things, she thought, no matter how rare things were, Seven Star Building could get them out, and she would go to the auction because she thought of one thing.

One thing she had to do.

And she felt that nine out of ten she could succeed.

As soon as they said they would leave, the three of them took a carriage and headed for the underground auction in Liedu.

The lively auction was held in the darkness.

In the spacious auction venue, except for the display stand on the stage, the other places are completely dark. Although it is not possible to stretch out your fingers, but if you don't look closely, you can't see the opponent's appearance clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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