Chapter 139
She never believed in what she didn't see was true.

But her real purpose is not here.

After some dispensable questions and answers, she finally got to the point: "By the way, what kind of blood is that pool of blood outside the hole? Wouldn't it become smelly if left there like that? I feel so disgusted..."

"Hehe, the saint doesn't understand. The blood pool is very useful. It contains the blood of living creatures donated by monsters in the forest where the sun never sets. Every three days, monsters will donate living things so that we can maintain The pool of blood will not dry up, and the pool of blood is the most important thing in the ritual, it is the blood dedicated to the gods."

How verbose!
Feng Beibei secretly cursed in his heart.

She found that Punk was really long-winded sometimes, and the answers she wanted were not these, but after he talked for a long time, he just didn't get the point out.

She had to ask again: "Aren't they going to stink?"

"Of course not, there is divine water added in it! Divine water is the most miraculous water in the world. It is the spiritual water bestowed by the gods on us Wu people. Just add a drop of this blood water to keep it intact for a year. It will change, and it will always be bright!" Punk replied with a smile, not realizing that he was conveying these important messages to Feng Beibei.

"Oh, where is such a miraculous water? Show me?" She asked excitedly and curiously, with a pair of almond eyes, staring at Punk expectantly.

Perhaps, Feng Beibei doesn't know how fascinating it is when she looks at a man with innocent and expectant eyes like this.

Punk just stood there, his thoughts froze for a moment, just staring at her obsessively.

This woman is so beautiful that she is not like anything in the world, she is holy and noble, she is out of the dust and refined.

Every minute and every inch is a godsend beauty.

"Punk?! Punk!" Feng Beibei really wanted to frown and stare at him coldly. You know, it is very painful for a naturally cruel person to pretend to be innocent and romantic.

She feigned nausea.

The idiot's innocent smile made her face a little stiff.

Suddenly, I admire that kid Nangong Qingyue, how can he always pretend to be innocent and romantic in front of others?

how tired...

When I think about it, I can't help but feel a little nostalgic.

Nangong Qingyue and Dongfang Qingliu didn't know whether the situation was too bad or not. She thought that the eighth-level mephit would not easily let them go.

And the skills of the two...

Heart can bear worry.

It seems that she must get the Shenshui as soon as possible, and then go out of the land of the Wu Clan to find them.

"Saint...Saint..." Punk was called out by Feng Beibei, his face blushed quickly, and he lowered his head, not daring to take a second look at the beautiful woman in front of him.

He was actually dumbfounded.

"I'm asking you a question, why are you so distracted all of a sudden!" Feng Beibei pretended not to know that Punk was obsessed, and just asked with a smile.

Only then did Punk realize that he hadn't answered Feng Beibei's question, so he quickly answered with a smile to hide his embarrassment: "That... Shenshui is kept by the patriarch and the two elders personally, and I don't know where it is placed."

"Oh... let's go, and show me around." Feng Beibei smiled.

Since Punk doesn't know, she needs to find out by herself.Fortunately, there is only such a small place in the sacred place of the witch clan, so it is not difficult to find it if necessary.

In the hands of the patriarch and the two elders, the things they jointly keep should not belong to one of them, but should be a public place.

That sacrifice cave is the most likely place.

(End of this chapter)

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