Chapter 397

Such an equation quickly took root in her mind, and it also strengthened Su Yantang's determination to avoid the camera.

This time, it was rare for Xinghe to be absent during the song selection, and Jiang Jing was the person who originally performed the cue process.

"This time, it is divided into 12 groups, and each group is still no more than seven people, free to form a team."

"But this time the selection of songs is to form a team first and then select songs, so everyone should be careful when forming a team."

Jiang Jing said with a smile, "Then next, please form a team freely and elect a captain."

"You have half an hour free time to form a team."

"Now, the timer begins."

As the words fell, everyone went towards their expected goals.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yuanyuan was not found. She won the first place in this performance and successfully entered Class A, but she was not found to form a team.

Su Yantang took the initiative to walk over, and the two of them formed a tacit understanding as a team with just one look.

"Strange." Su Yantang muttered to Zhao Yuanyuan, "How come no one came to ask you to form a team?"

Zhao Yuanyuan smiled, "Because they think I'm too outstanding and will suppress their performance."

"After the voting results were announced yesterday, you weren't there, but you didn't see a good show."

"That's how Bai Nianwei is." Zhao Yuanyuan glanced at Bai Nianwei, "She looks gentle and gentle, and every word she says is more irritating."

"Yesterday, she didn't even make the top five, and kept teasing me, saying that I would overwhelm other performances in the team, and the audience could only see me and no one else."

To put it bluntly, this show is first a draft, a knockout, and then teamwork.

She worked hard to perform, and didn't use any other means. The audience's popularity is already amazing. You can't make her work hard to fit in because she is too bright, right?
She, Zhao Yuanyuan, was never that kind of person.

Su Yantang listened to her words and nodded thoughtfully.

She glanced at Bai Nianwei, just in time to meet her eyes, which were full of jealousy and hatred, which made Su Yantang baffled.

She didn't seem to provoke Bai Nianwei.

How did Su Yantang know that Bai Nianwei hated her just because Xinghe praised her a few words.

Su Yantang withdrew her gaze, feeling baffled in her heart, and at the same time she became more determined to stay away from Bai Nianwei.

She doesn't want anything to do with her.

While she was talking to Zhao Yuanyuan, the teams had already been formed.

Jiang Jing glanced at the time, took the microphone and said: "Okay, the time is up, have you all formed a team yet?"

"Okay!" Everyone said in unison.

Jiang Jing smiled, and started the cue process again, first of all, to see everyone's team formation and captain students.

When she arrived at Su Yantang's place, a look of surprise flashed across Jiang Jing's face, "It's just the two of you?"

Zhao Yuanyuan nodded and stood up voluntarily, "There are only two of us, I am the captain, and Yanyan is the vice-captain."

"Pfft." Jiang Jing couldn't help laughing, "It might be a bit difficult for the two of you to perform."

It was rare for her to say more.

Su Yantang also stood up, "Teacher, we are fine."

Zhao Yuanyuan on the side echoed, "That's right, no problem."

After hearing this, Jiang Jing didn't say anything more, and continued with the next process.

"The next thing is to choose the song, let's listen to it first."

"Then I will announce the selection rules."


The rules of song selection are actually very simple, that is, relying on robbing, yes, it is as simple and rude as that.

(End of this chapter)

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