His little cutie turned sweet

Chapter 533 Conceal that Gu Xuanyang was injured

Chapter 533 Conceal that Gu Xuanyang was injured

Nan Xi thought that Gao Jingze was going to hug her again, so she quickly took two steps back in fright, her dark eyes were full of resistance, "Yes."

Seeing her resistance like this, Gao Jingze's heart inevitably turned cold.

The corners of her lips twitched, she glanced at her bandaged hands and legs, put one hand in her pocket, and said, "Then go by yourself."

Then, just as he turned around and was about to leave, after taking two steps, Gao Jingze stopped again.

Turning his head, looking at Nancy, he said lightly, "Thank you."

Nancy, "Huh?"

Gao Jingze took a deep look at her, pursed his lips, turned around and left without saying a word.

Nancy, "..."

After he left, Nancy looked at Ren Qingqing, a little confused, "Why did I seem to hear him say thank you?"

Ren Qingqing supported Nancy, "I heard it too, he probably said thank you because you asked Gu Xuanyang to help him."

"Xixi, your hands are like this. Otherwise, take two days off and go home to raise them. Anyway, you won't be able to write in class."

Ren Qingqing looked at her hands and said worriedly.

Nancy didn't want to ask for leave, "I'm fine, just wrap a gauze, I just slow down."

Too bad I can't pick up a pen.

Now it's the second year of high school, a tense stage, and now I'm going to delay my studies.

Looking at her bandaged thick palms, Nancy sighed from the bottom of her heart.

I also thought that if my brother saw that he was injured, he would probably be worried again.

Otherwise, why didn't she tell him first?
Anyway, the doctor said that as long as the skin and flesh grow well, the wound will heal within a few days.

Then she won't see him for a few days.

See you when your hands are ready.

Don't want him to worry about her.

In the afternoon, the meeting room of the Gu Group.

Gao Jingze and Wang Lin were both there. As Gao Xing's family member, Wang Lin was not only his wife, but also a shareholder of the Gao Group.

In her heart, money, shares, nothing is important, as long as she gets out of prison safely with a high sentence.

The Gao Group is already in a mess.

At this time, the Gu Group is willing to help save Kuanglan and save Gao Xing, not to mention [-]% of the shares, even if it is all, Wang Lin is also willing to give it.

If they don't have money, at worst they will live in poverty, but if the high penalty is sentenced to death for [-] million, then Wang Lin will not see much sunshine in this life.

Only the heart-filled darkness remains.

At this time, lawyer Zhang Yi was asking them questions. Zhang Yi's questioning was very sharp, and he clarified the ins and outs of the high punishment case in a short while.

Gu Xuanyang sat next to him, dressed in formal black clothes, he was dignified and imposing, just like a boss, his light brown eyes were full of indifference.

At this time, slender fingers tapped on the table.

Zhang Yi continued to ask, "Ms. Wang Lin, you said that Gao Xing was cheated by his assistant before he signed the contract. It is sure that Gao Xing took out the jewelry from the company himself, but a contract Didn’t Gao Xing read the content before signing the contract, and didn’t let the lawyer read the contract?”

Wang Lin's eyes turned red, "No, at that time Gao Xing didn't even know that it said [-] million. I asked him before, and he said that he had never signed the contract, but the contract was indeed written in his handwriting."

"Later I heard from Gao Xing that there were a lot of contracts to be signed that day, and there were more than a dozen contracts in total. , very cautiously, logically speaking, you wouldn’t make such a big mistake, why did you sign that contract.”

As she spoke, the tears in Wang Lin's eyes couldn't be held back, and fell directly.

(End of this chapter)

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