I draw red envelopes in Wanjie

Chapter 1077 Chapter 2

Chapter 1077 Twenty Ways

Moreover, one bottle of Chaos Spiritual Liquid was not enough, he estimated that ten bottles might even be used up.

"It's not necessary to use up this precious psychic liquid for such a supernatural power that purely consumes resources. It's better to get more ordinary resources."

Chen Feng thought: "Although the people in the prison have been locked up for so long, they still have some resources.

In addition, the resources of the true gods and ancestors of the Three Realms have not been exhausted, and the resources of the gods and immortals are also useful and cannot be let go. "

He used up all the remaining resources, and consumed another bottle of Chaos Spiritual Liquid, only to increase the clone's strength to half that of the main body.

For the remaining half of the strength, either spend ten bottles of chaotic liquid, or find five times more resources to cultivate.

Chen Feng could only leave again.

He has more activities, and he has seen the true gods and ancestors of the three realms and the gods, so that he can draw regular training resources such as elixir and essence liquid.

Naturally, it was not the main body that acted, but his avatar. Tao Wu's eighteen gods and demons were already enough to make Dao Zu see through, and half of his strength was enough to deal with all kinds of troubles.

His main body began to cultivate the indestructible body, further strengthening the physical body, and at the same time upgrading his qi refining power and mental strength.

The remaining avatars are studying other exercises, especially the seven exercises obtained from the stone tablet.

Since Chen Feng had two clones, he named the new seventeen clones as the third to nineteen clones.

The third avatar studies the Nine Solutions to Insects and Beasts, taking out various poisonous insects in the drawn red envelopes and cultivating them.

The fourth avatar cultivated the Sinful Divine Weapon, took out some pure yang artifacts and innate spiritual treasures, and began to use this more advanced refining method to improve the natal divine weapon, and at the same time refine the natal divine weapon of the avatar.

Not only does he need his avatar to have the strength of his body, but he also needs his avatar to possess divine weapons. Anyway, he draws a lot of weapons, which can completely refine the natal divine weapons of each avatar.

This time he re-planned, except that the main body controls the various magic weapons, and the remaining avatars only control one kind of way and one kind of weapon.

The first clone is already the way of wind, there is no need to change it, the second clone controls the way of wood.

The other avatars are the Dao of Yin-Yang and Five Elements, the Dao of Thunder and Ice, and the Dao of Heaven in the three main worlds of Chaos, Life, and Destruction.

In addition, he also needs to practice the six ways of time, space, puppet, formation, insect refining, and talisman making.

Adding up, the nineteen avatars are exactly nineteen dao, so naturally all of them are mastered, and they are led by the way of swords to prepare for the future joint dao.

Therefore, the rest of the Langfu, Qiankun Reversal and One Heart Formation, etc. have clones to practice.

As for the body training method of the immortal body, the spirit training method such as the ghost scroll, naturally all clones must practice, otherwise how can they be at the same level as the main body.

With so many avatars, they can basically use all kinds of resources Chen Feng pumped.

However, this also means that the demand for resources in the future will be greater. He is stronger than his peers and needs more resources.

Now that he has to raise twenty bodies, the resource consumption is naturally increased by ten times. If there is no red envelope for him to draw, he really doesn't know where to get so many resources.

Just to cultivate multiple clones, Chen Feng's activities became more frequent, and he became a well-known familiar face in the Three Realms, so he was often seen.

Not only in the Three Realms, but also in the prisons of the world, Chen Feng would keep drawing red envelopes, and these red envelopes were of higher quality than those in the Three Realms.

There are red envelopes on both sides to draw resources, which can barely meet the cultivation needs of the major clones, so that the strength of the clones can continue to improve, and at the same time they can practice other skills and supernatural powers, such as the indestructible body.

Chen Feng still focuses on the main body, and the spare resources are used by the avatars. For him, breaking through to the world realm as soon as possible is more valuable than cultivating a bunch of avatars.

In the face of qualitative changes, quantitative changes are naturally not attractive enough. Naturally, he is now at a bottleneck, so he will do this.

Chen Feng, the first and second avatar, finally called it back, so there was no need to waste time in Daxia.

Without the first clone, Ji Ning in Great Xia gradually became the main character.

Secretly, Chen Feng gave Ji Ning a lot of supernatural powers and spells that he deserved, and with his guidance, Ji Ning's growth rate did not slow down, but accelerated a little.

After so many decades, under the contact of Chen Feng, Ji Ning still successfully became Bodhi's disciple, and practiced to the late stage of Void Return.

The conflict between the remnant forces in the Infinite Chaos World and the local forces in the Three Realms, to be exact, Nuwa's side, has become more and more obvious, and wars have ignited in all major worlds.

Chen Feng, who ran around, was treated as a thorn in his side.

In order to get in touch with the gods more, Chen Feng ran around the worlds of the Three Realms, which was very different from the Taoist ancestors who saw the gods and dragons but never saw the tail.

Because of his frequent appearances and fear of Chen Feng, he dared not carry out many actions, which greatly affected their plans.

Especially as their plan proceeds and the wars with the major worlds become more and more intense, the impact will be even greater.

Every time Chen Feng is a guest in a region, not only that world, but many nearby worlds are afraid to make a move, for fear that Chen Feng's move will cause a larger-scale fight.

In the end, they couldn't bear it anymore and sent people to look for Chen Feng on their own initiative.

On this day, Chen Feng left Chiming Realm, and was going to go to the realm of Emperor Zhuanxu, one of the Five Emperors. He visited the Three Emperors' territory more, while the Five Emperors' territory was relatively less. red envelopes.

He was on an innate Lingbao-class spaceship, which was given by Fuxi, one of the three emperors of the human race, when he chose to join the Nuwa camp of the Three Realms.

The boat is full of formations, and it has its own space inside. There are maids and servants transformed by puppets, and it is very comfortable to ride.

Just when he left the area of ​​Chiming Daozu, a boat stopped in the distance, just on the side of his way, and came over immediately after seeing him.

The other party was obviously looking for him.

Sure enough, a voice came soon: "Wuji Daozu, please stay."

The Qi Ling of the Xiantian Lingbao is a child, and he told Chen Feng: "Old Ancestor, someone is looking for it."

Chen Feng checked it out, and there was an ordinary fairy-level spaceship outside, with a fairy on it.

Unceremoniously, he drew a red envelope, but in the end he didn't win the elixir, it was just a celestial artifact. He said flatly, "You're looking for me?"

"Junior Baiji, waiting for Taoist ancestor here is just to convey the news. Our god king would like to invite Taoist ancestor to be a guest."

Baiji Celestial said respectfully, this is a new Celestial from the Three Realms, although he doesn't know the origin, but his strength is on the same level as their God King, so he has to be polite, otherwise he won't care too much if he is killed by the God King.

"The Infernal Door?"

Chen Feng was a little surprised: "What do you want me to do? You and I are also hostile to Infernal Sect."

At this moment, he still doesn't know that the forces on the opposite side are very dissatisfied by running around drawing red envelopes.

"Hey, even though they are hostile, our God King still admires you, Patriarch Wuji, and wants to get to know you."

Baiji Tianxian said in a little embarrassment.

"Then go, you lead the way."

Chen Feng was not afraid, he could draw red envelopes to obtain resources when he went there, and the Wujian Gate God King didn't dare to do anything, otherwise he would openly start a war, so he wouldn't be at a disadvantage.

(End of this chapter)

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